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Che Boke » 
of Saint 
Albans by 
Dame Juliana 
Berners: 1486 

Dake knoll Peer 

BY THE SCHOOLMASTER-PRINTER IN 1486. Reproduced in Facsimile. With 
an Introduction by William Blades. London: Elliot Stock, 1881, small 4to., full | 
parchment covered boards, top edge cut, others uncut. 32 pages followed by the 
lengthy facsimile. $125.00 
First printing of this facsimile with the introduction by Blades. (Blades Cat. no.27). 
Blades comments on the authorship, typography, bibliographical aspects and subject matter 
of the work, followed by a vocabulary of the chief words in which peculiarity of spelling 
or dialect are noticeable.’’ With the armorial bookplate of Woolrych and pencil notes referring 
to the text in which the Audley Arms are discussed. Some other pencil notes as well. Covers | 
soiled and chipped around edges. | 

BY THE SCHOOLMASTER-PRINTER IN 1486. Reproduced in Facsimile. With 
an Introduction by William Blades. London: Elliot Stock, n.d. (1901), small 4to. 
limp paper wrappers. 32 pages followed by the lengthy facsimile. $65.00 

Reprint of the first printing of this facsimile with the introduction by Blades originally 
done in 1881. (Blades Cat. no.27). Blades comments on the authorship, typography, 
bibliographical aspects and subject matter of the work, followed by a vocabulary of the chief 
words in which peculiarity of spelling or dialect are noticeable.’’ Covers soiled with a spot 
on the front cover. 



The Boke of Saint Albans 



Boke of Saint Albans 







With an Introduction by 




„Manhood J am, theretove J me delyght 
To hunt and Hawke, to nourish up and fede 
The grephounde to the course, the Hawke to th’ flight, 
And to bestryde a good and lusty stede.” 

From Str THOMAS Morr’s Poems. 


EVERAL independent printing preffes were eftablifhed 
in England before the cloſe of the fifteenth century; 
and from them iffued numerous books which are 

invaluable to all ftudents of antiquity from the light 

they throw upon the focial habits and literary 
progrefs of our nation. Of thefe it may fafely be faid that not one 
exceeds in intereft that work of an unknown typographer, which is 
here prefented in facfimile, and which, from the town in which it 
was compiled, as well as printed, is known to all bibliographers as 
“The Book of St. Albans.” This work has always been a favourite, 
partly becaufe our feelings are appealed to in favour of the writer 
who for centuries has taken rank as England’s earlieft poetefs, and 
is ftill, in all our Biographical Dictionaries, reckoned among noble 
authors;” and partly becaufe we love myfteries, and a myftery has 
always enfhrouded the namelefs printer. The ſubjects, too, fo 
curioufly alliterative Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry, have an 
enticing and antique flavour about them, being juft thofe with 
which, at that period, every man claiming to be “gentle” was 
expected to be familiar; while ignorance of their laws and language 
was to confefs himfelf a churl.“ 

6 [ntrodu€tion. 

As to the language and orthography of the book, it is a never- 
failing fource of intereft, being quite different from any other 
printed work of the fifteenth century, except the St. Albans’ 
Chronicle from the fame prefs. Among bibliographers it ranks as 
“variffimus,’ the known copies being fo few that they might pro- 
bably be counted on the fingers of one hand. 

Looking at the book, then, all round, it will be a convenient 
plan to confider thefe fubjects feparately, and to treat the volume 
in its four aſpects of Authorfhip, Typography and Bibliography, 
Subject matter, and Philology. 



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4 ISTORIANS and Biographers, together with Libra- 
rians and Bookfellers, have a natural antipathy to 
anonymous books; and, wherever they can, are willing 
to accept the smalleft amount of evidence as proof 
of paternity. It ſaves much trouble and avoids 
numerous errors in cataloguing, when a recognifed name can be 
affociated with an anonymous work. From this tendency a bad habit 
has arifen of attributing to particular writers books concerning which 
the evidence of authorfhip is doubtful, if not altogether untruftworthy. 
In this very book we have a ſtriking inftance of fuch erroneous 
attribution. The three treatifes, of which the book is made up, are 
quite diſtinct, and to a portion only of one of thefe is there any 
author’s name attached. Yet that name, Dam Julyans Barnes,” 
altered by degrees to Dame Juliana Berners, is now univerfally 
received as the name otf the authoreſs of the whole volume. With 
even lefs fhow of reafon fhe is credited with the authorfhip of 
a Treatiſe on Fifhing” for which there is not the fhadow of evidence, 
that treatife having been added ten years later by Wynken de Worde, 
who, when reprinting the Book of St. Albans, thought that the subject 
of Fifhing would complete the work as a Gentleman’s Vade Mecum. 
There are really four diſtinct tractates in the Book of St. Albans, 
although the two laft being on Heraldry are generally counted as one. 

8 Author hip. 

The firft is on Hawking; to this no name of the author is 
attached, but it has a prologue which no one acquainted with the 
other writings of the printer can doubt to be his. Of this we fhall 
have more to fay anon. 

The fecond tractate is on Hunting: it is fpecially affociated 
with the name of Dame Juliana Berners, and will require a more 
extended elucidation than the others. 

Here the evidence of authorfhip is as good as for moft pieces 
of fifteenth-century production a period at which literary rights 
did not exift, and when the ſcribe, if at all acquainted with the 
ſubject upon which the book he was copying treated, did not fcruple 
to interpolate his own ideas, and that without any egotiftical vanity, 
but merely from a feeling that all books being written for the good 
of men, and not from vanity in the author, it was a duty to 
improve them where poffible. But as improvement moftly meant 
the addition of fomething on the fame fubject taken from another 
manuſcript, we have the conftant occurrence of one MS. being a 
compilation of two or three others, and yet appearing under the 
name of the laft compiler. 

In this treatife on Hunting we have the exprefs ftatement at 
he end of the twenty-fourth page Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes.” 
This might certainly apply to the tranfcription only, but, when taken 
with Wynken de Worde’s verfion, the probability is, that the lady 
compiled as well as wrote it. In the reprint by Wynken de Worde, 
only ten years later than the original, he varies the colophon thus. 
“@ Explicit dame Julyans Bernes doctryne in her boke of huntynge,” 
the whole reprint ending Enprynted at weftmeftre by Wynkyn the 
Worde the yere of thyncarnacodn of our lorde. M.CCCC. Ixxxxvj.“ 
So that he, a contemporary, evidently believed her to be the authorefs. 
Later authorities attributed the whole book to her pen, but as 
they were in poffeffion of no more evidence than we now are, and 
probably not fo much, we fhould attach no weight to fuch ftate- 
ments, which were founded fimply on a vivid imagination. 


Authorship. 9 

But what is known of the lady who is admitted to have com- 
piled the twenty-four pages on Hunting? Who was Dame Julians 
Barnes? Here, unlefs a fentimental and inventive fympathy be 
employed to throw an artificial light upon the darknefs, we are in 
total ignorance. A biography of her has certainly been written, 
and all our Dictionaries and Encyclopedias devote a page or two 
to her hiftory, which, in 1810, under Haflewood’s nurture, attained 
its full development. Even fo far back as 1549, or nearly a 
century after her fuppofed death, the learned Bale, who wrote 
an account of all our Englifh celebrities, allows his gallantry to 
bedeck her memory with garments fine. “Foemina illuftris!” he 
exclaims, “corporis et animi dotibus abundans ac forma elegantia 
{pectabilis” (An illuftrious lady! abundantly gifted, both in body 
and mind, and charming in the elegance of her mien). Confidering 
that the name of the lady is the whole of the text upon which 
Bale had to build, this is by no means a bad fpecimen of imagina- 
tive biography, and became a good foundation for future commen- 
tators. The ftory, however, fared rather badly at firſt; for Holinfhed, 
in 1577, while echoing Bale very exactly, is made, by a curious 
error of the printer, who miftook the letters m for n, to call the 
authorefs Julyan Bemes; while Baker in his Chronicles, too carelefs 
even to refer to the original text, adds another blunder to the 
ftory, and, thinking that Julyan muft be a man’s name, dubs the 
authorefs “a gentleman of excellent gifts, who wrote certain treatifes 
of Hawking and Hunting.” 

Chauncy, in 1700 (Hiftory of Hertfordfhire), reftored her fex 
to the lady, and then fet to work upon making a family hiftory 
for her. His firft diſcovery was that, being a “Dame,” fhe was of 
noble blood. Finding alfo that the family name of Lord Berners 
was, in olden time, fpelt occafionally Barnes, he foon fupplied a 
father for our authorefs, in the perfon of Sir James Berners. And 
fo the game of making hiftory went on merrily up to the time of 
Jofeph Haflewood, who, in 1810, reprinted Wynken de Worde's 

10 Author/hip. 

edition of the Book of St. Albans, and fupplied a full-blown 
biography of the authorefs, giving particulars of her birth and 
education, the occupations of her youthful days, and a moft impofing 
pedigree. Let us quote Haflewood’s own words: “Julyans, or 
Juliana, Barnes, otherwife Berners, who has been generally defignated 
as the authorefs of the prefent volume, is fuppofed to have been 
born, towards the latter end of the fourteenth century, at Roding- 
Berners, in the county of Effex. The received report is that fhe 
was the daughter of Sir James Berners, whofe fon was created 
Baron Berners, temp. Henry IV., and that fhe once held the 
fituation of Priorefs of Sopwell Nunnery, in Hertfordſhire.“ He 
then attributes to her the authorfhip of all four works in the Book 
of St. Albans. The difficulty of accounting for a lady fo placed 
writing upon fuch fubjects, is cleverly, if not fatisfactorily ſettled 
by affuming that fhe paffed her teens at court, partaking of the 
amufements of the field, and writing for her own ufe a common- 
place book on various fubjects. Then retiring through difappoint- 
ment (doubtlefs a love affair) to a cloifter, her rank raifed her to 
the pofition of priorefs. There in her feclufion, writing amidft the 
folitude of liftlefs hours and vain regrets, fhe verfified the gene- 
ral rules of ſport from her own pleafant recollection, and from the 
diaries of her youthful happinefs, which fortunately fhe had preferved. 
If we remember the mania which feized all claffes for diary-keeping 
at the beginning of this century, when Haflewood wrote this, it will 
deepen our fenfe of humour to note that he attributes private diary- 
keeping to a young lady who lived ante 1450. 

But enough of ſuch fham biography; let us return to facts. 

The word “Dame” did not in the fifteenth century, as it does 
now, imply any connection with a titled family, it meant fimply 
Miftrefs or Mrs. Chaucer fpeaks of Dame Partlet in this fenfe; 
and had the Dame Julyans Barnes of the fifteenth century lived 
now, fhe would have been juft “ Mrs. Barnes.” 

Similarity of name in hiftory, like fimilarity of found in philology. 

Author {hip. 11 

is a will-o’-the-wifp which has led many a writer into a bog. 
Allowing that Lord Berners’ name was fometimes fpelt Barnes, 
is that fufficient reafon for making our authorefs a member of 
his family? I think not. 

That the greater portion of the book on Hunting was compiled 
by Miftrefs Barnes, is probably correct,“ and had fhe written 
much more, and produced even an original work on the ſubject, 
fhe would not have ftood alone, even at that early period, as an 
authorefs. Cryftine de Pifan, two of whofe works were printed 
by Caxton, was contemporary with Julians Barnes, and left not 
only numerous original writings behind her—one of which was 
upon the Art of War—but left her mark, and that no mean nor 
ignoble one, upon the political courfe and moral development of 
her countrymen. But Dame Julyans’ work upon Hunting is certainly 
not original, as indeed very few works upon any ſubject were at 
that period. This is evident from a glance at the text and the 
grouping of the fubjects. It begins with diftinguifhing the varieties 
of beafts and their ages; the proper names by which to defignate the 
beaſts, ſingly and together; on hunting and dreffing a Roe, a Boar, 
a Hare; of flaying; of the horns of a Roebuck; of the Hart; of the 
feasons; of the Hare. Then follows, from another fource, an inter- 
polation of a difcourfe between a Mafter of the Hunt and his man, 
going over portions of the fame ground again; and this ended, we 
get back again to the original MS. and the difmemberment of various 
beafts. All through, with the exception of the interpolated conver- 
fation, the text is addreffed to My deare childe.” Thus we read 
“Do fo, my child;” Think what I fay, my fon;” “My lief 
childer; Say, child, where you go? my dame taught you fo.” 
Evidently that portion was originally written for a mother to ufe 

* Taking Berners and Barnes to be the fame word, it is curious to note—in conneétion 
with the work attributed to Dame Juliana, viz., The Book of Hunting—that the mafters 
of that iport employed men called Berners, to be ready with relays of horfes and to feed 
the hounds.—See Halliwell’s “ Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words.“ 

i2 A uthor{irp. 

as a ſchool-book, by which her fon would learn to read, and, at 
the fame time, become familiar with the terms of venery. 

In the Bodleian Library is a fmall manufcript on the Terms 
of the Chafe, the beginning of which is :— 

Mi dere fones, where ye fare, be frith or by fell, 
Take good hede in his tyme how Triftram wol tell.” 

This manufcript was probably copied by fome youth as a fchool- 
exercife, which would account for the following odd colophon— 
“Explicit, expliceat, ludere ſcriptor eat.” 

Compare the above with the opening ftanza of the verfes we 
attribute to Miftrefs Barnes :— 

ͤWhereſoever ye fare, by frith or by fell,“ 
My dear child, take heed how Triftram doth you tell.“ t 
The reft of the Oxford MS. is in fimilar accord with the print, 
but nowhere in it is there a word about Miftrefs Barnes. 

The words “ Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes” have been confidered 
to prove that the lady was alive when the book was printed. If, 
however, Sir James Berners were her father, of which there is no 
evidence, fhe muft have been clofe upon a hundred years old 
in 1486, as he died in 1390. But this is importing a needlefs 
difficulty into the theory, which is not rendered more probable 
by making the authorefs and printer contemporary. 

It may here be as well to fay a few words about Sopwell 
Nunnery, over which, without a particle of evidence, our authorefs 
is fuppofed to have prefided. Sopwell Nunnery, Hertfordfhire, 
was founded about 1140, under the rule of St. Benedict, and 
fubje&t to the Abbot of St. Albans, from which it was not far 

* „By frith or by fell = by foreft or by plain; but fee Halliwell's Dictionary. 

+ Sir Triftram, the well-known knight of the Round Table, was a mighty hunter, and 
the great authority upon all ſubjects connected with the chafe. Popular belief attributed 
to him the origin of all the fpecial terms ufed in hunting, and his name was invoked to give 
authority to any ftatement upon this ſubject, juſt as in a later century the arithmetical rules 
of Cocker give rife to the popular phraſe According to Cocker. 

Author/hip. 13 

diftant. The rule of life among the inmates was very fevere, and 
at the firft the nuns were enclofed under locks and bolts, made 
additionally fure by the feal, on the door, of the Abbot for the 
time being (Chauncy’s Hiftory, p. 466). How long this lafted, 
and how the nuns liked it, hiftory faith not; but, in 1338, a 
re-organifation had become imperative, and the Abbot of St. 
Albans, among other inftructions, ordered that no nun fhould lodge 
out of the houfe, and no gueft within it (Newcome, p. 468). 
There does not feem much fcope left here for the Priorefs to 
take an active part in field fports, though a hundred and fifty years 
later, which was about the period of our Dame,” many relaxations 
of the ſtrict rules may have become common. But, then, we have 
apparently accurate lifts of all the Prioreffes of Sopwell in the 
fifteenth century, and the name of Juliana Barnes does not appear 
at all in them. The known dates are these :—In 1416, Matilda de 
Flamftede was Priorefs. Four years before her death, which was in 
1430, fhe was fucceeded by Letitia Wyttenham. The next whose 
name is known was Joan Chapell; the date of her appointment is 
not recorded, but as fhe was fet afide in 1480 on account of her 
age, fhe had probably occupied the pofition for many years. In 
1480, Elizabeth Webb fucceeded Joan Chapell. 

What is really known of the Dame is almoft nothing, and may 
be fummed up in the following few words. She probably lived at 
the beginning of the fifteenth century, and fhe poffibly compiled from 
exifting MSS. fome rhymes on Hunting. 

There is ftill the authorfhip of the other parts of the book to 
determine, and if fimilarity of wording and phrafeology may be taken 
as evidence, they were all from one pen. 

At the end of the book on Heraldry the printer has put the 
{ollowing—“ Here endeth the book of Blafing of Arms tranflated and 
compiled together at Seynt Albons.” Here we have the printer’s 
own ftatement as to the origin of his text, and doubtlefs this, as well 
as the treatife on Hawking, were made up or “compiled ” from more 

14 Author/hip. 

than one manufcript in French. Haflewood gives a lift of ſuch as are 
in the Britifh Mufeum, in feveral of which portions of the printed 
work are contained. Works on Hunting and Hawking were not 
uncommon in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and are ftill found 
in all large collections of manufcripts. There were feveral in the 
libraries of the Dukes of Burgundy in the fifteenth century, and many 
are ftill extant in the national collections of England and France. 

The other tractates in the volume have an origin very fimilar 
to that of the Book of Hunting. The Book of Hawking is an evident 
compilation from feveral manufcripts, which accounts perhaps for its 
deficiency in arrangement and want of continuity. The Book of Coat 
Armour alfo has two diſtinct fources in contemporary works, one of 
which was the De Officio Militari” of Nicholas Upton. From this 
the fchoolmafter copied Book IV. almoft word for word, fupple- 
menting it from The Book of the Lineage of Coat Armour,” as 
ftated already. The only other literary work which can be attributed 
to our printer is the extenfive compilation known as the St. Albans’ 
Chronicle or the Fructus Temporum. But neither in the Chronicle, 
where he fimply combined two hiftories into one, nor in the Book of 
St. Albans, which is alfo a compilation, does the fchoolmafter fhow 
any literary ability above the average of fcholars of his period. 

As fpecimens of the ſchoolmaſters powers of compofition we 
annex the following, the originals of which can be feen in the en- 
suing facfimile pages 

Prologue to the Book of Hawking. 

In fo much that gentlemen and honeft perſons have great delight 
in Hawking, and defire to have the manner to take hawks: and alfo 
how and in what wife they fhould guide them ordinately: and tc 
know the gentle terms in communing of their hawks: and to under 
ftand their fickneffes and infirmities, and to know medicines for them 
according, and the many notable terms that be uſed in hawking 

*. el 

Aulhionſtip. 15 

both of their hawks and of the fowls that their hawks ſhall flay. 
Therefore this book following in a due form fhows very knowledge 
of fuch pleafure to gentlemen and perfons difpofed to fee it.” 

Prologue to Mistress Barnes’ Compilation on bunting, 

„Likewiſe, as in the Book of Hawking aforeſaid are written and 
noted the terms of pleafure belonging to gentlemen having delight 
therein, in the fame manner this book following fhoweth to ſuch gentle 
perfons the manner of Hunting for all manner of beafts, whether they 
be beafts of Venery, or of Chace, or Rascal. And alfo it fhoweth all 
the terms convenient as well to the hounds as to the beafts aforefaid. 
And in certain there be many diverfe of them as it is declared in the 
book following.” 

Prologue to the Book of Coat Armour. 

“Here in this book following is determined the lineage of Coat 
Armours: and how gentlemen fhall be known from ungentle men, and 
how bondage began firft in angel and after fucceeded in man kind, 
as it is here fhowed in procefs, both in the childer of Adam and alfo 
of Noe, and how Noe divided the world in three parts to his three 
fons. Alfo there be fhowed the nine colours in Arms figured by the 
nine orders of Angels, and it is fhowed by the forefaid colours which 
be worthy and which be royal; and of regalities which be noble and 
which be excellent. And there be here the vertues of Chivalry, and 
many other notable and famous things, to the pleafure of noble perfons 
fhall be fhowed, as the works following witneffes, whofoever liketh to 
fee them and read them, which were too long now to rehearfe. And 
after thefe notable things aforefaid followeth the Blafing of all manner 
Arms in Latin, French, and Englifh.” 

So wrote the fchoolmafter. Let us now fee what kind of book 
this is typographically. 


Cppographp and Bibliographp, 

LD books muſt be loved, and their idiofyncrafies carefully 
‘| ftudied, before they will yield up a@// their treafures; 
that done, the obfervant lover will obtain poffeffion 
of both foul and body; he may revel in the intellectual 
feaft provided by the author, or he may ftudy the 
material and mechanical features of the books as reprefented by the 
peculiarities of paper and the habits and cuftoms of the various 
printers. Then, by grouping thefe as a botanift docs his flowers, 
according to their organifation into claffes, orders, genera, and ſpecies, 

he may extract from his volumes true replies to queftions which 
otherwife would remain hidden for ever. So true is the dictum, “ The 
Mind it is which fees, and not the Eye alone.” 

Many bibliophiles, however, of education and tafte have been 
pofitively blind when outfide the circle of their own particular ftudies. 
So it was with the Rev. Dr. M‘Neille, a well-known critic and book- 
collector of ſixty years ago. When addreſſing Dr. Dibdin he wrote thus 
of The Book of St. Albans”—‘ This book is itfelf ufelefs, and only 
a bon morceau for the quizzical collector.” With fuch feelings 
towards one of the moft curious works which this country produced 
during the infancy of the printing prefs, it was fimply impoffible that 
the intereft of its pages fhould be revealed to him; and however rich 
in divinity and edztiones principes of the claffics the library of the 

Typography and Bibliography. 17 

worthy doctor may have been, it is evident that our Book of St. 
Albans could never have been aught but an alien on /e book-fhelves. 

The works printed by William Caxton were almoft without 
exception in the Englifh tongue, while the contemporary preffes of 
Oxford, St. Albans, and Machlinia were nearly all in Latin. Of the 
eight books at prefent known to have been printed at St. Albans, the 
only two in Englifh were the “Fructus Temporum” and the work 
The “ Fructus” or St. Albans’ Chronicle is the fame 
as that printed two years previouily by Caxton, with the addition of 

under review. 

certain ecclefiaftical events and Papal chronology, dais added by 
the printer himfelf to pleafe the monks. 

The Book of St. Albans’ and the St. Albans’ Chronicle make a 
clafs of themfelves ; but as it is impoffible to underftand their poſition 
without a glance at the other works from the fame prefs, we will give 
a tabulated defcription of the whole eight. 



j Cand : Date off No. of Size of Se eented 8 Wood Lines 
Title of Book. S al 1 1 Type 5 pace! Initials. Ink. | Device. 9125 pe 
1) Auguftini Dacti ele- Latin 4to] n. d. 18 I S* 33 | none | none black none | none 36 
2 Laur: de Saona Rhe- | Latin ; 4to| 1480 | 81 |2-1] 52x34 |signed| none black none | none | 24 
torica nova 
3| Alberti queſt. de modo | Latin | 4to| 1480 | 46 3-1 52x34 signed none black none none | 32 
4| Joan: Canonici Queft. | Latin | fol.] 1481 | 174 | 3 8 * 5 signed none black none | none 44 
ſup. Phys. Ariſt. 
5 Exempla facre fcrip- | Latin | 4to| 1481 | 83 3 | 5&3 |signed| none | black] none | none 32 
6 Ant. Andrez fuper | Latin 4to 1482 | 335 | 3 | 5£x34 |signed| none black none | none | 32 
Logica Ariftotelis | 
7 Chronicles of Eng- Engl. fol. 1483? 295 | 2 | 8x5 ea | yes black with | yes | 32 
land signed & red 
8| The Book of St. | Engl. | fol. 1486 | 88 2-4 8x5 |signed| yes black] with | yes 32 
Albans & red 

But who was the printer? What was his name? Was he affociated 
with the great Abbey ? and is there any internal or external evidence in 
his works to connect him with any other printer or any other town? 

The only notice we have of the printer is an accidental one by 

Wynken de Worde, who, in reprinting the St. Albans’ Chronicle, fays 

18 Typography and Bibhography. 

in the colophon, Here endith this prefent Chronicle . . . compiled 
in a book and alfo enprinted by our fometime Schoolmafter of St. 
Alban.” He was a ſchoolmaſter, then, and this will account for the 
nature of his early works, all fcholaftic and all in Latin. Not till the 
end of his typographical career did he realife the fact that the print- 
ing-prefs, inftead of being the hobby of a few learned men, was the 
educator of the people, the whole nation ; and then he gave his country- 
men what they wanted—a hiftory of their own country and a book 
upon the whole (secular) duty of the gentleman, as then underftood. 

The name of the fchoolmafter-printer is quite unknown. No 
notice of him is found in the records of the Abbey, nor does he 
appear in any contemporary document. Yet here, as in Miſtreſs 
Barnes’s cafe, imagination has come to the refcue and a legendary 
name has been provided. 

Finding that the Prologue to the Book of Hawking began with 
the words, “Jn/omuch as gentle men and honeft perfons have great 
delight in Hawking;” finding alfo that the St. Alban’s Chronicle 
from the fame prefs began thus: “/nx/fomuch as it is neceſſary; 
and bearing in mind that certain old authors had veiled Heir names 
in the firft words of their works, Dr. Chauncy arrived at the fagacious 
conclufion that the St. Albans printer wifhed to veil 4zs name, which 
really was “Infomuch.” The joke, for it almoft feems like one, does 
not bear even the ſcrutiny which itfelf invites, for although the fchool- 
mafter ufes the words in two other places, in neither cafe are they 
at the beginning of a chapter.* It fhould be added that in this the 
worthy hiftorian of Hertfordfhire only followed the lead of both 
Bale and Pits. 

Was he connected with the Abbey? I think not. There is not 
a word to fuggeft fuch a connection, although we may take it for 
granted that the Abbot and his fraternity could not have frowned upon 

On sig. a j recto of “ Cote Armour is Infomuch as all gentleneſs comes of God; 
and upon sig. b iij verfo is“ Infomuch that in the fifth quadrat, &c. The ufe of the word 
in thefe cafes could have no veiled meaning, and it was probably only a peculiarity of 
diction which had become a habit with the ſchoolmaſter. 

Typography and Bibliography. 19 

the printer, or he would never have eftablifhed himfelf. His imprints 
all mention the town of St. Albans, but never the Abbey, and his pofi- 
tion was probably fimilar to that of Caxton, who was fimply a tenant 
of the Abbot of Weftminfter, but, fo far as is known, nothing more. 
Was he connected with Caxton and the Weftminfter prefs? With- 
out a fhadow of doubt I fay, No! Mr. E. Scott, of the MS. depart- 
ment in the Britifh Mufeum, has indeed ftrung together a number 
of furmifes to fhow that the Schoolmafter was employed by Caxton, 
and that all the books without date or place hitherto attributed to 
Weftminfter were really printed at St. Albans. But internal evidence 
is againft any fuch gratuitous affumption. There is nothing in common 
between the two printers in any of their habits or cuftoms except the 
poffeffion of Caxton’s No. 3 type. This is the only one of Caxton’s 
types ufed outfide his own office (for W. de Worde, his succeffor 
in houfe and bufinefs, muft not be regarded as a feparate printer). 
Caxton employed it from his arrival in England in 1477 till 1484, 
when it makes its laft appearance in the headings of Æſop, the 
“Order of Chivalry,” and The Golden Legend.” In 1485 Caxton 
obtained a new fount, fimilar in fhape and character, and from that 
time the old No. 3 difappears to make way for the new and ſmaller 
type No. 5. This being more fuited to the tafte of the day, we 
find the larger and worn fount paffing over to the country prefs of 
St. Albans, where the Schoolmafter firft ufes it in 1486, being the 
identical year in which its ſucceſſor appears in Caxton’s Royal 
Book.” We may here obferve that after the ftoppage of the St. 
Albans’ Prefs the fame fount finds its way back again and is feen 
in W. de Worde's reprint, in 1496-97, of the two Englifh St. Albans 
books. But the difcovery of a copy of Caxton’s Boethius in the 
old Grammar School at St. Albans, and the numerous fragments of 
old books extracted from its covers, are quoted as confirming the idea. 
Yet the book itfelf and all thefe fragments were from Weſtminſter, 
not a fingle one being from a known St. Albans book, and they 

included the Caxton Chronicles, 1480, the Dictes,” 1477, and the 

20 Typography and Bibliography. 

{till earlier Life of Jafon;” fo that we had better at once remove the 
whole Weftminfter prefs, dated and undated, to St. Albans, if fuch an 
argument is to have any force. Thefe fragments, indeed, can only 
point to the fact that the copy of Boethius was bound in the printing 
office, as was commonly the cafe with the books from Caxton’s prefs. 

Again, Mr. Scott draws attention to the fact that a page of the 
St. Albans’ Book, 1486, has been copied by a contemporary writer 
on to the blank leaves of one of Caxton’s earlieft books. ’Tis true; 
but this copying of part of one book into another, printed ten years 
before, has no typographical bearing whatever. Laftly, the name 
Caufton appears in an old St. Albans’ Regifter of the early part of the 
fifteenth century. But this, again, means pofitively nothing. Caxton’s 
name was not at all uncommon; there were Cauftons or Caxtons in 
nearly every Englifh county, and I have quite a long lift of them. 

It is highly probable that Caxton, while at Weftminfter, in the 
van of all the literature of his day, would have communications 
of fome fort with the important town of St. Albans; but that the 
two printers aſſiſted one another in the production of books, is, fo far 
as any evidence goes, a pure fiction. 

Let us now glance at the bibliographical afpe& of the book. 

The work itfelf has no title. It is difficult in our time, accuftomed 
as we are to “teeming millions” of books, each with its own title- 
page, to conceive a period when the prefs fent out works without 
even the fhadow of a title-page. Before the invention of printing, 
the author fimply headed his firft page with the name of the work, 
as “Here begins the Confeffio Amantis,” or “Hic incipit Parvus 
Catho,” and, without preface or more ado, the text commenced. 
Sometimes even this little notification was omitted, and, as in 
Caxton’s “Jafon,” “The Chefs Book,” ‘Tulle,’ and many other 
fifteenth-century books, the ſubject of the work had to be learned 
by reading the text. So it is with the book now under review; 
it comprifes four diftinét works, but to one only is there any 
heading, and that has the bare line “Incipit liber armorum.” 

Typography and Bibliography. 21 

The firft, “The Book of Hawking,” ftarts ftraight off —“ This is 
the manner to keep Hawks,” and occupies three fignatures, a, b, 
and c, of eight leaves each, and fig. d, which has but four leaves, 
on purpofe that this portion might be complete alone, if fo defired. 
The fame idea controlled the arrangement of “The Book of 
Hunting,” which, beginning on fig. e j, ends with Dame Juliana’s 
“Explicit” on the recto of fig. f iiij. This left the laft ſeven pages 
of the quaternion to be filled up. Now it was a common practice, 
both with the fcribes and with the early printers, when they got 
to the end of their text and found that a page or two of blank 
paper was left, to occupy the blank pages with fuch common 
houfehold aphorifms or popular rhymes as came eafily to the memory, 
or were at hand in fome other book. So here the fchoolmaster- 
printer fills up his vacant pages with a number of odd fentences and 
rhymes, moft of which occur over and over again in numerous manu- 
{cripts of early poetry. Among others we notice the well-known :— 

“¢ Arife erly, 
ferue God deuouteli, 
and the world beſily.“ 
&c. &c. 
Alſo the folks proverb. 
Too wyues in oon hous, 
Too cattys and oon mous, 
Too dogges and oon boon, 
Theis ſhall neti accorde oon.” 

Then the lift of proper terms to be ufed by gentlemen and thofe 

curious in their ſpeech is of very common occurrence. 

“An herde of Hertis 
An herde of all maf dere 
A pride of Lionys 
A fleuth of Beeris.“ 
&c. &c. 

This was evidently copied from ſome MS., and ends with “7 Ex- 
plicit,” and nothing more. On the next page we have the proper 
terms for carving or dismembering beafts, fowls, and fiſhes, followed 
on the laſt leaf by a liſt of biſhoprics and provinces. 

22 Typozrapny and Bibliography. 

Having thus filled up all his leaves, the printer begins his third 
ſubject on a frefh fignature, and introduces the “ Liber Armorum” 
with the Preface (already printed). A long work on the “ Blafing 
of Arms” follows, beginning on fig. ¢ j, and ending on fig. f 10. 

This is extremely interefting, both in matter and in the very 
rude woodcut reprefentations of armorial bearings with which the 
text is profufely illuftrated. Except in one or two cafes of uncommon 
tints, thefe are all colour-printed, as are the initials to paragraphs. 
In the Grenville copy, the preffman having forgotten to roll the 
“forme,” the initials all appear in that femi-tinted ſtate which 
would be the natural reſult of fuch an omiffion. We notice, too, 
that where the coats of arms require, say, three colours on one page, 
then the initials are alfo in three colours; but if only one colour 
is required for the arms, only one colour, and that the fame, is ufed 
for the initials. Occafionally, where a peculiar colour was neceffary, 
a brufh was ufed to infert that tint by hand. 

In workmanſhip the St. Albans printer, efpecially in the Englifh 
books, is much inferior to the contemporary iffue from the Weft- 
minfter prefs. The types are worfe, the arrangement worfe, the 
preffwork worfe, and the ink worfe. From this point of view alone, 
the theory that he would print for Caxton fo much better than he 
did for himfelf, is not worth ferious confideration. 

The Book of St. Albans went through many editions, particu- 
lars of which are difficult to obtain. 

1486. The Boke of St. Albans (Brit. Mus.). | 15—. By W. Copland. “In Lothebury” 

149-. By Wynken de Worde “at the fygne 4to. 
of the Sonne.“ 15—. By W. Copland. “In faynt Martyns 
1496. By Wynken de Worde (Brit. Mus.). parifh in the Vinetre upon the three 
15—. By W. Powell. ‘‘Imprinted at London crane wharfe.“ 
in Fleteftrete at the fygne of George | 1548? By W. Copland. Imprynted at 
next to faynt Dunfton’s Church by London in the Vyentre vppon the 
Wyllyam Powell. thre Craned Wharfe by Wyllyam 
15—. By W. Copland. ‘‘Imprinted at Copland.” 
London in Flete Street at the fygne | 1550. By W. Powell. “ Hawkynge Hun- 
of the Rofe Garlande by Wylliam tynge and Fifhynge.’’ 8vo. Lon- 
Copland for Richard Tottell”’ | don. 

(Brit. Mus.). 13517 By Abraham Vele. 

Typography and Bibhography. 23 

15—. By Henry Tab. Imprynted at G. M. (Gervafe Markham). Lon. 
London in Paul's chyrch yarde by don. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). 
me Héry Tab” (Brit. Mus.). 1596. By Wolffe. 

15—. By J. Waley. “Imprinted at Lon- | 1596. By Iflip. “ Hawking Hunting Fowl- 
don in Fofter laen by Johii Waley ” ing and Fiſhing, by Adam Iillip. 
4to. 4to. 

1561. By Copland. In this year Copland | 1596. By E. Alde. Hawking Hunting 
was fined for “a book of Hawkyng, Fowling and Fiſhing, by Edward 
Huntyng, and fysfhynge cõtrary to Alde. 
the orders of this howse—iiij d' | 1600. By Wolffe. 

(Herbert, p. 367). 1606. By Wolffe. 

1586. By E. Alde. 4to. (Bib. Dec.). 1614. By Helme. A Jewell for Gentrie 

1590. By John Wolfe “at the fygne of the by S. T.“ 4to. (Brit. Mus.). 
Gunne.” 1793. The Book of Cote Armour.“ Lon- 

1595. By H. Lownes. “The Gentleman’s don, 4to, reprinted by J. Dalla- 
Academie or the Booke of St. way, with an excellent introduétion 
Albans * * * Compiled by Juliana (Brit. Mus.). 

Barnes in the year from the incar- | 1810. The Boke of Hawking Hunting and 
nation of Chrift 1486. And now Cote Armour. Hazlewood's re- 
reduced into a better method by print. London. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). 

How did the fchoolmafter at St. Albans obtain his types? This 
is a puzzling queftion in the preſent ftate of palæotypography. Mr. 
Bradfhaw of Cambridge has, by unwearied ftudy of early printed 
books, thrown great light upon the connection and genealogy of 
numerous founts ufed by fifteenth-century printers, and fyftematic 
attention to the minute peculiarities of each printer is doubtlefs the 
only way in which thofe old books can be forced to yield up their 
fecrets ; but the tafk is immenfe, and beyond the powers of any one 
man to complete. Some day, however, when the palæotypography 
of this country, as well as of the Continental preffes, fhall have 
received that full technical and philofophical analyfis which time 
is fure to bring, the more fortunate bibliographer of the future 
will be able with certainty to track the footfteps and operations of 
the early typefounders, and will be enabled to ftate for certain to 
what extent Caxton and the St. Albans printer were their own 
typefounders, and to what extent and to whom they looked for 
outside help. As the cafe now ftands, we can only confefs our 
ignorance of where the St. Albans types came from. 

The Subjects Created. 
N the rude civilifation of the fifteenth century, a year’s 

experience of which would fend moft of us to our 
graves, the mental occupation as well as the bodily 

recreation of our anceftors was almoft confined to 

ze ; hunting and hawking. Fiſhing with an Angle” 
came in as a bad third, being too tame a purfuit for men who were 
no men if not men of war. Mimic war—war on the beaſts of the 
field and the fowls of the air—war which could be purfued in times 
of peace, and which yet required knowledge, patience, fortitude, and 
courage—this had great attractions, and we cannot wonder at the 
general popularity of thefe purfuits. 

The firft treatife in the following reprint is upon Hawking, a 
paftime effentially ariftocratic from the great expenfe it entailed in 
the purchafe, breeding, and maintenance of the birds. This, indeed, 
coupled with the diminution of game confequent on the progrefs of 
civilifation and the increafe of the population, led to the gradual 
decadence of the fport, and nearly to its extinction in the eighteenth 
century, although, in very rare cafes, falconry is even now practifed. 

As we have feen, one of the moft difficult objects in hawking 
was to obtain an eafy command of the proper vocabulary, and fo at 
firft ſtart our author inftructs us in The manner to fpeak of Hawks, 
from the egg.” We muft not fay a young hawk is hatched, but 

The Subjects Treated. 25 

diſcloſed; they do not breed but “eyer;” it was a want of culture 
in any falconer to fay that hawks were building their neft, they 
“timbered” it. When the young could firft leave the neft they were 
Boweſſes, and when they could fly they were Branchers,” and 
then was the time to catch and train them. 

When the young were caught, which was with nets, the firft thing 
was to “enfile” them, that is, to take a needle and thread and 
few up the eyelids,” fo that they ſee never a dele.” After a night 
and a day the threads were cut foftly for fear of breaking the “lyddis 
of the ighen,” then they were fed with well-wafhed flefh, but kept 
awake the next night and day, after which they were fuppofed to 
be tame, or “ reclaimed.” 

The various difeafes to which Hawks are liable are then explained, 
and medicines prefcribed for them. Some of thefe are very abfurd 
and fome contradictory. Then comes a variety of terms for every 
movement and habit, for every limb or part of the body, and for 
almoft every feather in the plumage. In this minute defcription the 
author begins at the feet of the bird and fo works upwards, as when 
“ Knyghttis been harneffide.” 

Next we are inſtructed how important it is to be careful of the 
manner of guiding the Hawk the firft time it is ready to “nomme ’ 
a partridge ; how to reward her by giving her the head and neck, after 
which on no account is fhe to fly again till fhe has “rejoiced,” z.e., 
fharpened her beak and fhaken her feathers. More medicines follow, 
among which is how to get rid of “lies” (lice). ‘Take a piece of 
rough blanket and hold it to the fire till it is quite hot; wrap the 
hawk therein, and without hurting hold her ‘foftely and ftylly’ in your 
hands, and all the vermin will creep into the cloth.“ A happy thought 
this ! 

The Geffe,” or ftrip of leather by which the Hawk is held when 
carrying her on the hand, is next defcribed, together with the creance 
or long line. More medicines ftill, and then how to treat Hawks when 
“in mew,” or moulting, a matter of great importance. To promote 

26 The Subjects Treated. 

“mewing give the flefh of a kid, a young fwan, and efpecially rats 
flesh; ftewed adders are alfo ſtrongly recommended, or chickens which 
have been fed upon wheat foaked in broth of vipers. 

Gout feems a common difease in various parts of the Hawk’s body, 
which may be known by {welling and ‘“ungladnefs ;” alfo rheum and 
fever and blains and agrum, which laft is cured by a red-hot filver 
needle thruft into the noftrils. Botches in the jaw fhould be “kutte 
with a knyfe.” More terms follow for various habits and actions, the 
laſt paragraph being upon the variety of Bells ufed for Hawks. There 
fhould be two, one a “‘femytoyn” (femitone) below the other. The 
Bells of Melen (Milan?) were the beft, but,” ſays the author, “there 
be now ufed Dutchland bells, of a town called durdright (Dordrecht), 
and they be paffing good, fonowre (ſonorous) of ringing in ſhrillneſs, 
and well laſting.“ 

The whole ends with a lift of various fpecies of Hawks and their 
appropriatenefs to the various ftations of life, among which are— 

An Eagle for an Emperor. A Merlyon for a Lady. 
A Gerfalcon for a King. A Gofhawk for a Yeoman. 
A Peregrine for an Earl. A Sparehawk for a Prieſt. 

A Mufkyte for ‘an holiwater clerke.” 

The fecond treatife is upon Hunting, and has a fhort preface, which 
probably came, like the firft, from the pen of the Schoolmaſter. 

The work is all in metre, and evidently intended for boys to learn 
by heart. It begins by telling ‘my dere chylde” the various kinds 
of beaft to be hunted; the changes of name they take as they grow 
older; the variety of horns ; how to fkin and diſmember; the various 
cries and noifes to be uſed; the feafons of hunting various beaſts. 

Then follow inſtructions how to hunt the Hare, and what to fay 
to the hounds, who muft always be addreffed in French, as arere!“ 
when he enters the kennel-door; “this is the firft word, my fon, of 
venery.” Sa fa cy auaunt,” “Sweff mon amy sweff,” and other fimilar 
cries are noted down. fome to be fhouted twice only and fome thrice, 

The Suljects Treated. 27 

the chief cry being So how.” The knowledge of when and how often 
thefe cries fhould be ufed was mott important, as their proper ufe would 
bring worſhip among all men.” Here, apparently, in the midſt of 
one effay, another is interpolated, and we are treated to a portion of 
fome old dialogue like The Mafter of the Hunt,“ in which the 
“Man” afks all forts of queftions and the Mafter” replies. It might 
indeed be dubbed The Hunter's Catechifm.” This occupies eight 
pages, and then we fall back upon the original rhyme again and the 
inftructions of the Dame to “my childe,” ending with the Explicit” 
of Dam Julyans Barnes. Some leaves remaining to be filled up, the 
moral and other fentences, as already defcribed at page 21, were added. 

Perhaps the third treatiſe upon Coat Armour and the Blafon of 
Arms is the moft interefting portion of the book. The quaintnefs of 
fome of the explanations is very amufing, and many people will 
find more points of fympathy, both hiftorical and technical, with this 
than with the others. 

The headline, Incipit Liber Armorum,” gives us at once the 
title of the manufcript from which the text was compiled. Heraldry 
Run Mad” might indeed have been an appropriate title for this, as 
well as all fimilar tractates; for the author, in his anxiety to honour 
the fcience, does not fcruple to take the reader back hiftorically not to 
Noah only, but to Adam, whofe ſpade, he tells us, was the firſt fhield 
in Heraldry, and who was the firft to bear Coat Armour. The argu- 
ment, if it may fo be called, is:—All “gentilnes” comes from God; 
there were originally in heaven ten Orders of Angels bearing Coat 
Armour, but now only nine, Lucifer with “mylionys of aungelis” 
having fallen out of heaven into hell and other places. As a bond- 
man might fay that all men come from Adam, fo might Lucifer fay he 
and his angels came from heaven. 

Cain, for his wickednefs, was the firft churl, and all his offfpring 
were churls alfo by the curfe of God. Seth, on the other hand, was 
a gentleman by his father’s bleſſing; Noah, too, was a gentleman by 
nature, but of his three fons, “Sem, Cham, and Jafeth, Cham, for 

28 The Subjects Treated. 

his unfilial conduct, was made ‘‘ungentle.” The addrefs of Noah to 
his three fons is curious, and is thus fupplemented :— 

Of the offfpring of the gentleman Japhet came Abraham, Mofes 
Aaron, and the prophets, and alfo the King of the right line of Mary, 
of whom that gentleman Jefus was born, very God and man, after his 
manhood King of the land of Judah and of Jews, a gentleman by his 
mother Mary, and Prince of Coat Armour.” 

Some fay that Coat Armour began at the fiege of Troy, but it 
was of far greater antiquity than that, and was founded upon the nine 
Orders of Angels, who were crowned each with a diadem of precious 
ftones—the Topaz (truth), Smaragdus (hardihood), Amethyſt (chivalry), 
Loys (powerful), Ruby (courageous), Sapphire (wifdom), Diamond, a 
black ftone (durable), Carbuncle (doughty and glorious). Theſe 
reprefent Gentleman, Squire, Knight, Baron, Lord, Earl, Marquis, 
Duke, and Prince. Here we probably have the origin of the fhape 
of various crowns and coronets. Everything is treated in nines, and 
the nine virtues and nine vices of gentlenefs follow, with nine rejoic- 
ings, nine articles that every knight fhould keep, and nine manner of 
gentlemen, in which we learn that the Evangelifts and Apoftles were 
all gentlemen of the right line of that worthy conqueror, Judas 
Machabeus, who in courfe of time had fallen to labour, and fo were 
not called gentlemen. The four doctors of the Church—St. Jerome 
Ambrofe, Auguftine, and Gregory—were alfo gentlemen of blood and 
of Coat Armour. There are nine differences of Coat Armour and nine 
quadrats, all of which are explained. The Blafyng of Arms” comes 
next, the preface to which is by the author, and not by the printer. 
It begins with the varieties of the Crofs as borne in arms, each being 
illuftrated by a rude woodcut printed in its proper colours, and the 
blafon, or technical defcription of each is given in Latin, French, 
and Englifh. All varieties of arms follow, with the myfteries of 
bends, engrail, borders, chequers, balls, cakes, rings, &c., offering 
but little which can be quoted, but forming an interefting and ufefu. 
book of reference. 



HERE is a ſtrongly marked individuality in the ſpelling 
| throughout all the treatiſes in this work. If the 
Hunting rhymes belong to Dam Julyans, their ortho- 
graphy, like the profe portions, is that of the School- 

mafter, who appears to have been a North-countryman, 
many words leading to that conclufion. The formation of the plural 
by adding the letters “is” or “ys” ftrikes the attention at once. Thus 
the plural of bells is bellis; egg, eggis; vetch, fetchis; fulmert, ful- 
mertis; hawk, hawkys; herd, herdys; person, personys, and so on. 
The change of a y at the end of a word to anz is common, as onli, 
fofteli, unthrefti ; and for if; algate ; awth for all the; bowke; chylder ; 
clepit ; clees; knaw ; ken; yowre; and many others are Northern. As 
might be expected, many Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman words now 
obfolete are found, fuch as benymme, blynne, byzete, canell, clepit, 
colver, dagon, gobbit, kawe, kydde, liggen, merde, nafethrils, nym,* 
raton, and many others. 

The following vocabulary will fhow the chief words in which 
peculiarity of ſpelling or dialect are noticeable :— 

abfe, half and, used for “if” arn, are 
algate, always appillis, apples affone, as ſoon 

* In the flang of thieves to /tea/ is to nim at this day. 


awntelere, antler 

awth, aught 

awth, all the 

barris, bars 

beeſtys, beaſts 

beke, beak 

bellis, bells 

bene, be 

benymme, take away 

blynne, to ceafe 

boon, bone 

bod, body 

bowellis, bowels 

bott, but 

bottre, butter 

bowke, crooked 

bridde, bird 

broght, brought 

byfprenged, ſprinkled 

byzete, gain 

calt, called 

calde, called 

cattis fle/h, cat's fleſn 

canell, cinnamon 

calliſſi, call (imper.) 

chycon, chick 

chykynnes, chickens 

chooce, choice 

chylder, children 

clepit, called 

cloos, close 

communelz, commonly 

commythe, cometh 

cowntenanfis, counte- 


coluer, a dove 

colode, cold 

cogh, cough 

contenyt, contained 

cowples, couples 

croampe, cramp 

currage, courage 

cum, cumme, come 

dais, days 

dagon, a piece 

dayfes, daiſies 

deeil, a portion 

defawte, default 

Mueris, divers 

dookes, ducks 

doon, do 

doys, does 

echeon, each one 

ech, each 

eg, egg 

eegts, eggs 

ellis, else 

elts, eels 

errabull, arable 

gell, eaſily 

euert, every 

euerofe, roſewater 

euyn, eeuen, even 

eyre, air 

evygh, eyghen, eye, eyes 

Sebulnefs, feeblenefs 

Jechens, ſtoats 

Jaukenerts, falconers 

feederis, fede res, 

fetchts, vetches 
ſeldis, fields 
Soherys, foreſters 
folowys, follows 
flee, flay 
forder, further 
JSorrgeet, forget 
Softewt, foſt 
fowrith, fourth 
fulmertis, polecats 
gedder, gather 
glayre, white of an egg 
gobbit, piece 
eres, greafe 
groyn, grown 
gyde, guide 
habull, able 
hawkys, hawks 
hawtyn, proud 
hakke, hack 
haare, hare 
heepts, heeps 
hedgis, hedges 
herdys, herds 
howndys, hounds 
hoole, whole 
hoold, holde, old 
hoom, home 
hudge, {mall 
Auntid, hunted 
hunterys, hunters 
hennys, hens 
Auacles oppon 
hanylon, wiles of a for 


2g, iglie, yen, eye, eyes 

zugraylyl, engrailled 

tnowgh, enough 

zltch, alike 

zren, iron 

24ë e, each 

juse, juice 

gabe, call 

gen, know 

knaw, knawe, know 

knottis, knots 

kneys, knees 

how, cow 

knyue, knife 

kydde, known 

kyndelt, natural 

gut, cut 

layferly, \eifurely 

lew warme 

leppys, leaps 

lei dear 

leuer, liver 

lies, lice 

linne, lynne, linen 

ittyZ, little 

liggyn, lie 

luke water 

lyddis of the ighen, 

lymayall, iron filings 

looff, \oaf 

maake, make 

mary, Marrow 

‘markeris, markers 

merde, dung 


medecyne, medefyn, 

medlide, mingled 

mecle, melts, meal, 

meaill, mingle 

moch, much 

mony, many 

mowothe, mouth 

moyfiour, moifture 

nyddes, midſt 

mynne, mine 

naſelhirtllis, noſtrils 

nares, noſtrils 

naamys, names 

nathele/s, nevertheless 

neppe, catmint 

nettis, nets 

notabull, notable 

no moo, NO more 

nombur, number 

not, a nut 

nyghtts, nights 


okys, oaks 

oli, only 

ony, honey 

ones, onys, once 

nomie, take, 

oouen, oven 

von, one 

oppyn, open 


owte, out 

parlous, perlous, peril- 


pennyd, feathered 
perfonys, perfons 
hellittis, pellets 
prke, pick 

procets, proceſs 
puttith, putteth 
praty, pretty 
properters, properties 
guarterit, quartered 
rad,? afraid 

vaton, a rat 
refith, reſteth 
rede, ready 
vebuket, rebuked 
voys, roes 

vrow/fe, rouſe 
Jaauue, fave 
JServen, few 
Jemytoyn, ſemitone 
Se, fee 

Jhewys, {hows 
lau, flow 

Jnakys, ſnakes 
Softelz, ſoftly 
Somwatt, ſomewhat 
JSoore, fore 

Jowre, ſoar 

Soper, ſupper 
Jowkyng, fucking 
Jonnys, fons 
JSpanyells, ſpaniels 
Jnakys, ſnakes 
taake, take 

takys, takes 

32 Philology. 

tempur, temper varrvi rede, very red wroght, wrought 
termys, termis, terms vert, very wode, wold, would 
tho, thet, they unthreftz, unthriſty wight, ſwift 
thridde, third vreyne, urine woddys, woods 
theyem, them warbellith, warbelleth wylzs, while 
threzs, thrice watt, what hate, each 
theys, thighs weere, where lies, eyes 
togeyder, together weere, weary yolow, yellow 
toon, two ware, were yowre, your 
tweys, twice wengys, wings yowris, yours 
tymelz, timely whaan, when 

thredts, threads whote nat, wot not 

We have now traced the various aſpects in which this curious work 
may be viewed. There is not one of them that would not repay 
much deeper ftudy, and the reader will, doubtlefs, fympathife with 
the writer in the wifh that more could be difcovered concerning the 
{choolmafter-printer. That his pioneer attempts to eftablifh a printing 
prefs met with many difcouragements was a matter of courfe; and, 
doubtlefs, he had many technical, bufinefs, and even focial difficulties 
to overcome; for a reading public had to be created and patronage 
was fcantily afforded. Neverthelefs he ftruggled on for at leaft feven | 
years, as we learn from the dates on his books, and whatever may have 
been his ſhortcomings, either as author or as printer, the fact of his having 
been one of the earlieft promoters in this country of the grandeft 
difcovery which the mind of man has yet made, will unite all of us 
in honouring the memory and reſpecting the name, fhadowy though it 
be, of the “Scole mayſter of St. Albon.” 


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A Oi a 
BAY il tity 

a 1 ie 
ha Py 

ete delite in haulꝛyng and deſire to haue the maner to take 
cukps: and alſo hob and m Maat Wyſe they ſhulde gyde theym 
grdpnateli: and to knalb the gentilt teꝛmys m communyng of 
theyꝛ basskeps sand bo nderſtonde theyꝛ ſeleeneſes and enflam; 
tees: and alſo eo kna we medicines for theym actor dyng. and 
monp notabult te: mys that ben woſed ĩ halbyng both of their au 
keys and of the folbles that theiꝛ hawleys ſhalt ſlen . Theꝛfore 
chys book folwlowyng in a delb forme ſhelwys wert knalblege of 
uche pleſure to gente men and pfonys diſpoſed to ſe itt 

. fo moch Chat qanctt nen and honeſt peꝛſones haue ove: 

i manes hawhys. bott oonli Gofhalbe ps: and Cez; 
cellis of Goſha ly. and fpare hulbhys. and) in Nate manez 
thay pha be taake 

he maner to (pee ok hawkis fro an reg to thei 
e habull to be takhene 

[ore is the manes to legynme & kepr halbleys: bot not 

teꝛ Barde they bene diftlofed a wexs.· aud communeli cof 
ps been diſeloſed. as fone asthe choughe and in ſome place 
more tymeli after he conter is of hebꝛ. and kymeli bredyng 

And Be fijalk fap that wis won Exer. and not brew. 
4 Sdodes. nd we phatk fap Hat hobaleys toon drald hen 
they bebe tymbe ring to cheia neſtes. and not they beld ne maz 
wether neſtes ¶ Ind in the tyme of thers loue dhep call. and not 
kauke . nd We chalk fap that they trove. 

And Khon they bene wnclofed and begynneth Lo fedeꝛ any 
ie of lenathe Nnoon be kynde thep elk death ſom datt out 
of the neſt: and dratb to boldis. and come agapn to ther naſt 

* I 

. to focke of a ys. ſiꝛſt hap een Zanes . and af⸗ 

snd dyer thap be clepit Moldef fie CI Ind after fapné Mars 
sal dap thap dvi k flie fro tree bo (tee. N vd then thay bene 
alee Beatondens Ind chen it is time for to take hm 
¶ rd. ij. mqhttis be fore faynt ¶Maꝛgaritis mp E W. 
nightis after is beſte tukyng of fpare haldkes . 

Row de ſhall demepn pow i tahong ol hawkis 
& With wat inſtrumẽtis n how pe Chall kide them 

bo ſo Vit tale hu ldlees be muſt haue nettis Wich ben kal 

led wrines and tho muſt be made of good ſmall threde 
and it hade nerd td be died other gween or bike for eſpung of thee 
oie . and he moſt talet Rich hym ner delt and three to enſile the 
halbes that ben talen. Nnd inthis maner hep muſt be enſiled. 
Taue che nee delt and chrede: and put it thorold the ouer ich lid 
and fo of that othes · and make hem faſt vndes che keke : thatt 
ſhe ſe neuet a delt and then fhe is enſiled as phe albthe co be. 
Sum wley to enſile hem with the nee det rah lidde a bone the keke 
on the hide almoſt: bot that is the thors ap {For of veeſon the 
ouet igh lidde clofith mode iuſtly then che nethet be mufe of fhe 
largeneſſe. When ſhe is enſiled then bere tht tatolee home on thi 
ſiſte and caſt hit on a peich and let hit ſtande thet a nght and 
a d and on that othet day to warde eruen. then toe and cut eſeli 
the thats and take hem a Pap fofteli for brekync of the lyddis 
of the ighm. Then ſofte and faire begynne fo fer her · and farz 
fare Mich her tit ſthe Bilk ſette Belt ven (he fife. Foꝛ it is dre 
for hürcgr gef hir Penggs. Ono theo cyffame night after en 

fedyng Bake bes afk npahtand che motold alt mp. Then phot 
Butt be peur Inold gh to be ceclamed .Qnd the fiꝛſt meete that 
the ſhalt erte a let it be hook. and peise he Inouqh ther of 

han powre hawke map be draw to reclaßme 
and the maner of hir dyette 

d if polbre halbke be haade pennyd: phe may be dad ne 

to be weclopmed {For aft the While chat ſhe is tender pen 
nyd: che is not tabull to be cet lamed ¶ And i phe he a Gof 
poke o Teꝛceſt that ſhalt be dec laymed eueꝛ fer bpm With Ba 
fhe meete at the drawyng. and at the dec laymyng bot lot e thut 
hit be tote and in this maner Fafhe it. Take the meel and go 
to the Hates and ſtrite it wp and dolbne in che Rater .and derm 
ge che Naa tes oldte. and fer hes ther Dith and phe be a brawn 
ches .Qind if it bene an Eyeſſe tholb moſt Bash the meete clen 
sez chen pe doo to the bralonchez. and Rith a linne cloth lip it 
and fer ia. Nnd eue more the thud mp peue heꝛ caſtyng Bien 
ſhe is fleyng if phe bea Goſhalbke oꝛ Teꝛcſt in this manes : 
Take ne blanket cloth and cut. O. pelettis theꝛof of an m 
che long. Nnd take the fle and aut. x. moꝛceiug: and iche 
a knyues pont make an bole in eueri moꝛceſt. and put theꝛm 
the pellettis of cloth . and take a faz diſh it Ratet and put 
hem theꝛ in. Th take the table and yeue fpz a moꝛcœſt of ſoote 
meete che molontenathne of halſe hiꝛ foop. Then take hit chat 
lech in che aa. and fer her for alt mpaht. 


whe (Yall fede Howre hawhe. and to knawe 
e inticmitei. a ther bene mond diueris ot them 

Waf ih meet and looke that hiꝛ mftyng be plumage than 
chat rt be cleyn (onder the porch and in the moro bo pe phat 
fynde the caſtyng onde the peach. and ther pe ſhalt kenolde Dobe 7 
ther the bo wke be clene or noo. {For fum qobbit Biſt be pololb 
and ſum gene. and ſum glapmous.andfum cleete nd if itt 
be polold fir enqgenderith ehe frounce . che Wych is ay euelt that 
Wit veſe in che moldothe oz in the cheke ¶ nd if it be gxene fle 
e gendedth the Rp. The enmdicion of this eueſt is this. 11 Wil 
auſe mn the pee and make the hide to welt. E the pen alt glap⸗ 
eus. and dytke · and bot it haue helpe: it Biſt alone in to the 
leqaes . and ma ake che legges ko rancle . and if it go fro 
tle lecgges in to the hede a gapne chi halbe is bot Looft . ud 
if it be glaymous and roping ſhe engenderith an euelt cal lid fhe 
Cp. that is Binn an babble map not muteyſe 

1 F polb ve ha wke be a ſpare balbke : eue: fede hiꝛ With wn 

CP ethe wele powre medicmes here folowpng 
CA medicine fo? the frounce i the mowth 

3 5 a ſilueꝛ ſpoone and put ap fmalk ende in Ge fyre tilt it 
e Tn lot hold the abe and oppyn bis bene and bꝛin 

the ſoore and anoynte it Seth the maꝛp of a goofe that bathe 
lyne longe. and ſhe (batt be Goole. nd if the freunce be Wex 
as greete as a note . T bony the: is a grubbe ther in. and thin 
hold moſt cutt it Sith a ¶MNa ſure in this maner. Jette hoolde thy 
balbke : and flitte ther the ſoote is. and thelb ſ halte Fyne ther 
as it Bare the malbe of a pgeon. T abe it olbte alt hoole. and 
kalꝛe a payte of ſheeris and cult the loole of the ſoore and ma: 
ke it as fate as pe map wich a lynne cloth. and Wipe clene 
che bloode a Bap . and anopnt che foore with balbme in j. dais 
arewe and afteꝛ wa de With pappl pen. tilt it behoole. 

Chow the krounce commpthe. 

Th frounce commpch Bian a man froth his jabke Miche 
SPorke ox cattiſfleſth iin days to qepere 

Chow the Kd cominʒᷣthe. 

FL or wefadbte of hoote meote this ſekrneſe che Rp commpth. 
¶ how the Crap commõthe 

h Cop cominpth of Bajh meete che Nich is Raft Biche 

Grote Datei in che defalste of rote mecte . Alſo it commmpthe 

9 9 220 
4 ty 

of Ghee dis the Bich ben in the Flefh chat the halbe is fedde With 
Mor chough hot pilze the fleſß neues fo clene. pit Hoth ſhalte 
fende thredes ther m. 

¶Cwhan chin hawke ſhall bathe him - 

d eueꝛ move ech chridde arp let chyn falbke bathe hym. all 
at it be mere Pech: and onps ma Keeke in Pynter 

f it be pee Bother . and not ellis. N nd Ray thow bathes chp 
dada: euer peuc biz a moꝛceſt of hoote mete ponwaſtj though 
(be tenea Gochaldke ° 

Now pe map tawſe yowre bawhe to flpe withe 
& cnrtage in the moꝛom. 

az pe Bik that yotbee pudke flye in Ae morolbfite . fer his 
nyght before Wich hoote mete . and Bart deffame mecte m 
compre and lbꝛyng olbt the Kates clene . and tint ſhalt make 
hi to baue lyſt and cuꝛrage to flie ĩ the morold in che beſt manes 

Now pe Chall gude pow it ↄᷣowre hawhe be full 
gooꝛged and pe wode foone haue a klyght - 

EL fF potore hu wbs be fuſt gooꝛ ged. and tne ye bold foone (op 

pon tuue a flighte ecke. ij. coꝛnes of Bile. and put hem in a 
moꝛceſt of fle. and peue theſſame moꝛcellie to the habe · and 
ſhe Kitt calt anoon alt that ſhe inch With mheꝛ. and anoch af 
tꝛi that fle hach café Looke pe aue a moꝛceſt of hoote meete 
fo peue his ¶ Und if pow uke oucsgoosded. peus her 
Ceffamp medeſpy. 

¶ A mederõne for the Kh 

dayſes leeuys. and ſtampe hem in a moꝛtes. and thay 
owt the Juſe . and Rich a penne put it in the hawlis nares 
Ones oz (pcs Bhar che take is ſmalle gooꝛged. and a non 
after let bir tyre. and ſhe ſhatt be hole as a fyfh v ellis 
take peacelli MNootis and ſeꝛue hs: Beth theyem in t ſſame ma: 
dies. and len ſhe tyrith holde col ĩ poldte honde Leth the (pune: 
and tot ſhatt mate bre Site . bot it is peꝛlous fo Of it often 
that che Yure fall nez ſpꝛyug m to biz pales . 

¶ QUlſo and pe pene pobbte halbe freftj butte: oa dy mawoſß 
of Gages chat is m the done of dhe butte of poske .tf ſhalt ma 
ue his &. a(t ates Nele atthe nates. and it Bill bore dena! 
ves oppn. bot it Bitk make hiꝛ alton and probe 

¶ A medecpne for the Crap x moo lo 
M abe and cha fe ith poldeꝛ hond ys che ſimdement of poboce 

tathtee With luke Vater a longe épme.and after hat inke the 
pov der of Gapifrage oꝛ ellis tle powder of Melde. and a quay; 
tite of map butter.and temper hit er ſt to geder tilt that ben 
eum medlide. cha n putte. ik m a littylt bop and ſtoppe it faſte . ¢ 
as oſ tyn as pol ſe de polbre balbke an hoole merle anoynt hize 
mee te a littyſt ther Dith and that ſhall make hit fo loue meet 
the betttt for loue of the opnlement. and it ſhalt ſacue his fro 
the Crap and fron monp oder ſekeneſes : Hat gendet of fe m 
an habbke. 

C Ulſo take the hpote kort of a ftbpne ox of a pigge and 
feede ez. . mapa thez dit. and (te ſ halt be hole 

¶ ( lſo take poꝛke and) Nerte it im Grote mylhe of a co 8 
fer the hawke thezlbith. and that chall make biz mu lyſe att 
the beſt. 

C_ Ql fo porke Wich te ma p of che foon of the but of poke 
(hak make biz mutiſe & fer biz Bitch booth eo gedez 

¶ Gil fo oe hir & freſh butter and it Pitt doo theſſame 

¶ Bilfo oon mele oz. ij. at the moſt of the hoote leueꝛ of a pig 
(Halk make bis to mulyſe Teele. be ate pe peue hiz noi to gvete 
a gooꝛge therof . for it is a pezlous mete 

CQ ſſo tobe pt white of an eqae . labuꝛ ſheſſame ĩ a ſpoq 
as theele as ye Wolde make glapre for ede Inke tl il be lilee 
Wal. put lf ſame i a Os ſſelt. g let the meete yt ſha lt be fox bis 
fop : lę a [top hex in alk th mp be for. ẽ at nght fede hu ther 

and that che Bich ſhalt be for hiz dynes in che mornpne let it 
lp alt the npabe. bot m anp loyſe bat ve haue allbap fref fb 
glepee. and if her ſedyng be poze it is the bettis.p' 16 proues 

C Che böndeli termis that belong to hawhis 

che begynnyng of kyn dili ſoch of the beꝛmys chat be 

long bo habbkys here ye may fynde them L. T he frz(¢ 
is holde faft at alt tunps. and ſpedallp Bhan phe batith. It is 
ale butyng. fox ſhe balith Heth bis ſalfe moſt of tpn cauſeles 
¶ Ch ſecunde is rebate poure dulbke: o polo te fpft. « Hatt 
is han polbve ha ke batch . the leeſt meuyng that pe can ma: 
ke Bith potbce fpft ſhe Will rebate ayen woppon yolbre fpft 
¶ Th chude is fer polbte hawke. and not gyue hiꝛ meete 
¶ Th fabuch is an babbke ſnytith. oꝛ felbith biz beke andy 
not Bipith hit beke ¶ The. W. you d hauke Joukith. and not 
ſlepith ¶ The. wi. poure hake pwymth. and not pikith and 
fhe pronxth not bot Bhon phe begynnyth at hit leggys. and fef 
cheth mopſtouz like ople. al his taiſt. and balbmeth hit fete g 
ſt upth the fe deus of biz Pynges thorold fez beke. and if is 
calde che note . chan as phe fetchis the oyle. Nnd pe phat on 
derſtonde an habe Nolde not be letted of his pwynyng. Hor 
that tyme that ſhe pmpnptl che is lpkpng and luſty · and 
Bhanne phe bathe doone che Milt dobpſe hiꝛe myahtyl p. 

nd ſum eyme polber hu lie cobbntenan ſis as ſhe piked hir. and 
pet ſhe pwynith not. and thyn pe moſt fap fle Refoꝛ mich hiꝛ fer: 
us and not pikechhiꝛ ſederis. ¶ The. wij polbre ho oke colp 
eth and not beckyth ¶ Thy. Wii. ſhe wobfith and not ſhakith 
ber ſelfe ¶ The. ip · ſhe ſtveynith and not Clithich noꝛ Crat: 
chith ¶ The. d fle mantellith and not ſtretchith Bhan ſhe put 
tith her leges from hiꝛ oon after an othe: : and br: Pynges fo: 
loth af tet hieꝛ logg) . then fle woth manttt hit and Bian fhe 
path mantilled biz and bzpnarth booth heꝛ Bynaes to geidet o; 
ues biz backe pe ſhalt fap potore take Waꝛbellith hi Pynges. 
and that is oon teꝛ me whe theꝛfote ¶ Th. pi pe ſhaſt fap 
polbre talbke muteſ fith or mutith and not filpfich. ¶ The 
pi pe ſhaſt ſap caſt podore halbe to the peꝛch. and not (et pos 
de baloke Oppon the peich. 

F tte (hal He vnderſtonde furthermore other ma 
ner ot termps that belong vn to hawkis koꝛ to co 
mende them for diuerſe of thepr pꝛopirteis 

Jiſt pe ſpoſt fap This io a fapꝛ talbke . an hudge hau 
H. a longe aldhe. a ſhoꝛtthikze valbe . 6 fap not this 10 
a crete dowhe. alſo pe ſ holt fap this hauke has a lage bee Os 
a ſboꝛtt beke . and alk it not bille. an hudge hede oꝛ a f mali he 
de fapre ſeſoned pe ſhalt fap pobre talbke is ſuſt gooꝛged and 
not cropped. and poldre ha lotze puttithouet and enduetd ano 
pet fle woth booth dyueꝛſelp. 

¶ How sowre hawhe puttithouer 

Vn tabbbe pu ſtithoueꝛ olen phe demeuith che me te from hir go 
arge in ed his bolbillis . ¶ ud thus pe ſhalt knatoe it tan phe 
puttithouer fle traue: ſith withe his bodi . and ſpacialli with the 
necke: as a Crane doothe oꝛ an otheꝛ bidde 

whan pe ſhall (ab enduth a embow ellid 

Ay bowlze euch neuer as long as hit bowillis bene full at 
kes ſedyng . bol aſſone as phe is fedde . and reftith phe eduthe 
{reat and stack . ¶ vd if het gooꝛge be Ride and the Sobett anp 
chyng ſtiffid pe ſhalt fap fle is emboldellid and hoth not fully 
endelded and as long as pe map fele anp thng in his bolbellis 
it is peꝛlous to qyue kes anꝑ mete. 

Cc erke well theyÿs terms HSlowpng 

Sap an baſbke bath a long wyng. a faite long caplt with coe 
baꝛtie olbt. and ſtondith oppon the. o. This polbke is entiꝛpen 
ned That is d (ay Bien the federis of the Bpnaes bene billben 
the body and the chighis. This ha we es an hudge lege oꝛ a 
flat leg. oz a cohnde legge. oꝛ a farce enſerid legge 

C To knawe the maill of an hawkie 

Habkes aue white mart. Canuaſ mailt oꝛ M ede ma iſt. 
And fom eatt Rede mastt Yon maptt white ma il is ſoane kn: 
albe . Canuaſ maiſt is betlbene white mai and Jon mailt. 
And J ton na iſt is Varn (Rede 

cr Dlumage and Cake powre yawhe- 

CL Qt Bophawhe nor d tere in Hare fore aage halte nett 
thor maples named. bol it is cald theiꝛ plumage .and aftes 
the cote. il is alae theyꝛ Mailt ¶ nd if polos n ke de W 
to any folble bp countenance for to flee thes to pe (halk fap cafe 
che malvhe therto .and not lett flr thes to. 

C Nomme oꝛ feeld . 

¶ Bind if polbte talbke Momme a folble . and the folble bre: 
ke a Wap fro hir. rhe ath diſcomfet monp federes of the folble. 
and is broken a Wap for m kyndeli ſpech pe ſhalt fap poure halb 
ke bath (Nomme oz ſeeſid a folble and not take it 

a werfore an hawke is calde a N ikelere. 

¶ Bind oft tyme it happith monp an hake for egeꝛneſ fe hen 
he ſhulde Momme a folble he ſeeſich bot the fe deris. and as of te 
as he doos ſo he O iflith. therfore ſuch balbkps been called Meiſe⸗ 
leres if they doo ofte fo . 

Now pe Chall naame the memberes of powse 
yaks in conuenient termes . 

Db pe chalk conde (Eant the naamys off the membries 
of habhys: to begynne at haꝛ fete and goo po ard as 
enychttis been hameffido and armee d. g fo Be ſhalt ename hes 


Buiſt che grete Clees behynde. that fteenpth th take of thy. 
bane . pe phat calt hom Talons 

Q Pownces. 
h Clees With i the fote pe ſhalt calt of right heꝛ Polbnes 
a Longe Sengles . 

Bott cortapnly the Clees that are cmon Ae medylt ſtretche⸗ 
us pe ſhalt att te loong Senales. 

Q Detÿ Sengles . 
And the witermeft Cles pe ſhalt af che Pety Senales 
¶ Che key oꝛ Cloſer 
nder ſtond pe al ſo that the longe Senclees be calde the key 
of the fote .or the Clofer . {For Phat thyng fom ewer it be pt 
polbre halbe ferenpth : open that Sengle. and alt the fote is op 
pen fos the ſtrength theꝛ of ſortyfieth alt che fote . 
a Stris of waterv oꝛ ward calowre. 
nabe pe: chat the ſkynne a bolwte potbre balbleps legges g 

his fete ꝛs calde: the Seris of hi legges and hi fete. Whe: 
thes thap be Watezp belbed or of Wapp coloſbre pololbe. 

C_ The Beme Feder. Full Sommpd 
mpd . and Keclapmene . 

A. tathhe bath . dj. ſe deris vfpon his faple and on prin 
dapalt feder of tleſſame is in the myddis . and in manet 
alk that oder bene cdueꝛt: d onde lleſ ſame fed. and chat is cal 
led the Meme feder of the taple . ud ther gooth blacke boꝛtig 
oueꝛ bade the taple . and thos fame baꝛris ſhalt telle potb loan 
ſhe is fuk ſummed. oꝛ fut feampd . Sor Phan ſhe is full bard 
che ſtondith xpon . Gj · and then ſhe is pea ite rede to ke Recla 


25 e chalt on derſtonde that ar longe as an hawlze ſton dich 
tonder tle nombre of . oH. barns . ¶ ud phe be m hir fore aa ge: 
it moſt be ſapde that rhe is not full ſummed. foꝛ fo longe phe is 
bot tender Pennyd Whether phe be bralbncher oz Epes. 

¶ Arnd iff phe be a mebbed halbke. and ſtonde ichn. coi}. baz 
ris. pc ſhalt fap ſhe is not fuſt feꝛmed · for ſhe is not habult to be 
Nec laymed. be muſe fiz is oralbe to foone olbt of the metbe foz 
The is not ode pempde. no more thay a foore balbke . 

C Hraples oꝛ Bꝛapltederpbs - Degouted 

Wo Analb fortermor of halbes. an balblee hach long ſmale 
Chite federis. hangyng nder: the tapft: from biz bolbelt done 
Waste . ard the fame federis pe ſhalt call the braples oz the braxle 
ferris. Glind communely euczp goſhawke and eueꝛp tercellis 
braplis bene byfprenged Werth blatee ſpeckes . like N zmyns. and 
for ait that thap bene accomptid neuer the better · Wot andy a 
ſpeꝛde halbe be fo Eꝛmyned wypon the brayles. oꝛ a (Nufieet. oder 
pe phat fap ſhe is Degouted to dp xttezmoſt braxle. and much 
it betokpnis zds. 

¶ Breſt Eederps . Plumage Barbe feperds . 
Pendaunt federps, 

he federis abotote de foꝛmore mrteps of an balbke : becalled 
the breſt ferns .¢ the ferns ond (he Hynges a re plu mage 
The ferns nder the beke be calde the baꝛbe federig . ¶ nd the fore; 
ris that bene at the Joynte : at the hawkes Rne thap ſton de tan 
gong and ſhaappe at thendes. thos be mle the pendaunte fe: 
ders © 

C Flagg oꝛ kaggis federds . 

h ferris at the Pynges nept th body be calde the flag 
ox the fagch federis 

¶ Peme kederes ot the wong Sercell 

nd the long ferris of the Rynges of an bathe bene culde tle 
beme federis of te Kpna . And de ferris that ſum alt the pp; 
Mpory feder. of a node: folble . of an talbke : it is alde che Sex 
telt ¶ And pe ſhatt vndeꝛſtonde iff au hake be in melbe p⸗ 
fame ſeꝛceſt fe der phatt be the laſt feder that ftp Bit cafe. andy 
tylt chat be caſt · rhe is neueꝛ melbed . pit it has bene ſeen: that 
botbkes houe caſt that fame fiꝛſt as I haue heꝛde fap. bot that 
othe: ¶ elble is gendralt. and Phan ſhe hach caſt hir ſezallis in 
melb. then and not eꝛſt it is tyme fos to fede hi ich daft me 
ete and to begynne to enſapme hire. ' 


ELnfepme of an hulcke is fe aren and bot if that be take a 
Nap with fedeng of Bast meete and otheꝛwyſe as it 1 

dec lated here after. fle Wilk geddeꝛ a panelt Nich map his 
termoſt confufion . and ſhe flpe theꝛwith. and tale blood. and 
s hex (oypon 

C Courrtis oꝛ couert 

he bene alſo federis chat cloos wfpon fhe foreellis. and) 
ſhofſßme be calde che cue rtis or lle coucrt ferris . and fo alt the 
federis be calde that bene nepk over. he long feme fe derit· and? 
tr fags ferns won the Pynges 

CC Bache kederis - 
C Che ferris wpon thx backe hulſe be called tp backe ſe deri 
CT Deke Clape Nares Sere 
¶ Ch eke of che howke is the wpper parte that is croked 
¶ Shp newex parte of biz keke is calde the clape of fhe ha wke 
Ch Hoolie in de lbkes keke bene callede the ares. 
¶C Ty polom be tldene p* eke ¢ p* peaten is calde ꝑe Sere 
¶C Cry nettis. 

Chea be oon an hake long ſmale bloke federis: likefe: 
atotte the fere & thoſſame : be ale Crinettis of p* huldke 

¶ Sore aage 
che phat ondeꝛſtonde that th fiaſe pere of an halbe Whe: 

thes fiz be mlx raloncheꝛ or Eyefh. that fiꝛſe pere is calde 
hu fore aage . and alt that peer ſhe us calde a fore halbe. fox 

and fly efhamthat pere. Bich good fedyng fiz is lilly to endu 

re longe 

¶ To Keclapme an hawhe 

le m. ij. melis. onto tyme that ſhe Kilt come to (Rees 

me. and Dhan ſhe Pitt come to (Reclapme encrece hex melis 

eueꝛp day betteꝛ and bette . Bind oꝛ ſhe come to the Reclame 

make hes that ftp folore not. {For thogh fle be Wbele Reclapmed 

hit map baypn chat fle Kitt ſolbve: fo hegh in to the Epe . 
that pe ſhatt (ether ſe hiꝛ noz fynde biz. 

ie Hitt Met laym polbee hake pe moſt deraꝛte oon me 

¶ nd iff pode take ſhall flie to the paꝛtrich. locke that 
pe Enſapme bez oꝛ ſhe flie. iether ſhe be ralbnchez ox Epes 
Oꝛ melbed hake. 

¶ wh an hawke is called an Epes - 

M taibke is calde ay Eyes of biz Eyghen. for an taute 

at is broght wp ona: a Muſſaꝛd oz a Puttocke: as mo⸗ 

np be: lath Baten Eygben. {For Bhan thap be diſcloſed and ke 

pit in feꝛme tyſt Hap be fult ſummpd. e ſhalt Rnalbe theym by 

thepꝛ Wate Eyghen · ¶ nd alſo hiꝛ looke Witt not be fo qu ycke 

as a raluncheris is. and ſo be auſe te beſt knalblege is bp 
the Epgh · dep be gilde Epeſes 


¶ che map alſo Enalbe en Epes. bi thy mlene(e of th ſeres 
of her legges of the ſere ouer ch bebe . nd alſo by the tapn; 
tpe chat be wpon her taylt and kez Beng ps Miche tapntys com 
for lacke of fe dyng · Ihen thap be Exes 

Chat a tahnt is. 

Tapnt is a Cyne chat gooch ouerthane ehe ferris of 
the ynges. and of the tapi [phe ae andy it Pere eetyn Vith 
Reamys and it begynyth fia ſt & brew at the body . in the penne 
and that fame pune (htt frete aſondez . and falle a Kap thuz; 
rol theſſame topnte ande then is lip hake diſparagid for all 
that pere ait A 

Tchedecÿnds to Enfedme powrd hawize 

Make th (Roe of Rafue and do it in clone Bater.and lay 
thy fleph the: m. eo tempeꝛ a rete Bbple · and pene it to polbre 
balblie to erte. and if fle erte thezof . drede not bot hit ſhalt be⸗ 
nymme biz grete. bot Bitch. in. days fle halt not grettely a; 
bate . 

CC Qlſo take puliatk andy gaꝛlek and ſtampe it Bele to ge⸗ 
der. and Kepnae obote the Juce m a dyſh. and then Meee the 
{lef} thꝛ m. and fee polbre halwke ther loyth. and) bot it tem 
pur polbre halbe that is to fap enſapme polbte balbke . With m 
j. dps. I meꝛuett Mot looke euexi mp that pe make ne 
Juœ and Whar pe fer biz Werte polbre mee te ther in. 

¶ Also take th Juce of pecelip ¶Moꝛis otherbife alee: 
cellp Rooks . and thoſſame of J ſop. and Naß polber fleſt thes 
in and polbre talbke ſhalt be Enſoxmed kpndlp . and no grete 
abate 60 dhe falbke . 

¶ Som vfe & lap cha re fleſth in Bater almoſt a dag. and ye 
ue cheſſame to the ho wke at ſopꝛꝛ and that at pth alt nyght. 
to geue to hu in the moꝛnyng. and chus to ſede hem in mel or 
thap be dralben a bolbke a monyth oꝛ. xi. Weekys. and & enſa 
pie theym oꝛ thap am on fiſè. as fone as thap aft they ceꝛ 
colt chen is the tyme to begynne to fede hm feo. 

¶ How powre Hawke enlapmpthe 

NUndeꝛ ſtonde pe for erꝛtapn : that as lone as potbrr ha blies 
fete be blokpfth and wough : he is full of grece. and eueꝛ as 
fle enſaympth. biz fete Pit ap polo and ſmothe 

Now He thall gde pow whan powre hawke ta 
tedd to tlie. Allo pe (hall (ap put vp a partriche 

Ban pe haue enſapmẽ d polbre talbke : and Mer laympd 
bez · and chat 1 to flie to the paꝛtrich · pe mofé 
take a mntrich m xolbre bagge . and goo in to Gp felde. and lef 

b ny 

polbre fpanpellis fynde a Coup of portrichps .and Bien Gap 
be put op. and begynne to ſcatre. xe moſt haue ma ꝛberia co 
maꝛke fom of thaym. and then colvple xp yolbre houndys . Ban 
pe haue fo coon let ſum feloth of poloris preueli tobe the paꝛtrich 
owte of polbre bagge . and tp it by the legge: With a crenuner. 
and caſt it wp as hiqh as he can. andꝰ as ſoon as the halblzs 
ſeich hu fie Pitt flie ther to. and if polbre talbke fees the parts; 
rich a boone . perce ber a tewaꝛde: theꝛuſpon. and go after y? 
by lapfoure to fhe paatrich that be masked and doo as J ſhalt 
tik polb here folowpyng . 

¶ Iff pe huue a cha ſtiſed hounde: that Bill te debuket: and 
is a Retriusꝛ. Hneduple him and no moo of poloce houndts 
and Koo to a ſengleꝛ partrich : of the coup fo ſpaxplid. and be as 
nych as pe can to the ¶Riſyng theꝛof and if polare halbe deſire 
axft biz to ib. and if ſte take it then is polbre halbe ma de for 
that pere. and of thyſſame paꝛtrich that fhe fleth .dhus pe moolt 
delbaꝛde biz as it ſhelbich here next fololbyng . 

C how pe ſhall rewarde powre hawhe . 

1 a Rnyfe and cutt che how and tle necke from the bodx 
che patric and ſtripe t ſuynne a Wap from the necke. andy 
peue that fame to the halbe. and coues the body of the foldle Rith 
a fonett on an batt .and lay cheſſad re and te necke theaup⸗ 

pony. and if fle Wilk fozſalke the fo wle chat ſhe plumyth on. and 
com to the dewaꝛde. then preupli take a Wap the paꝛtrich. and de 
Wade polbre halbke With the Wrapne and the necke . Beka 
re that fie ete no bonys . fox chat is euelt to endelbe. and it 
Reitt make biz wnluſty: foꝛ to flye. Wind thus pe moſt ſeꝛue 
biz of as many as ſhe ſleth. bot let hir relbaꝛde be the laſſe. 
for ellis fiz map be fone full gooꝛged. and then (le map flye 
no more a grete Vile. 

CT how powre hawke (hall Geiopſꝰ. 

FAL 220) Phan pobbre ha wie path flopne a folble. and is de: 
wbaꝛded as J haue ſayde. let hiꝛ not fue in no Phiſe tylt pt fle 
baue (Ketofedbiz . that is to fap. tyll fle haue ſelbed. oꝛ ſnyded 
hei deke. or ellys wüwſed her. and Shan ſhe ath done any of 
theps . oꝛ alt. go and rettiue moo and fie lott npm plente · 

Ilhan porore hawke hath nomme a kowle how 
be (hall do that pe rebuke not the hawke 

(rene Lele oon thyng. and bebate chezof. hen polbde tau 
ke bate nomme a paztrich. ſtonde a goode Kap of. and ame 
not & nygh her. and dzyue a Wap pole houndys . fos webu 
kya of hus . fox mang zalwgs loue noon bolbadys. and alſo 

b i 

manp holbnope Ritt benymme theym Ghepce gamme from ther 
fote . and that is haalous . and Whiles polbre babe plumith 
umme fofeelp bare hiꝛ. al bay nere and) nere and if fle 
leue plumyng . and loke pon polb ſtonde ſtylt and cheꝛke 
bir and Phiſtylt bez. tylt fle plume apen. and thus ſerue hiz 
fptt ye be night nere hi. T pan ſofte and lapferlp : falt oppoy 
polbre leneys . and) preuely While fleplumpth ſett polbre honde 
and be ſure of the geſſe . and than pe map ape alt thyng as pe 
Wytt . and if pe do the controzy: fin Pypft for feere cn zy hir 
game oz let it go qupke. and that is bot loſſe to polb andy 
polbee balbke alfo . 

FA medecpne koꝛ to make an hawhe to taſt that 
is à comberpd with caſtÿng with in her body 

Gap che th Juce of Salondyne · and Bees a moꝛcelt of flech 
dez m. the molbntenaunce of a (Note. and peue that moꝛcelt 
& the halbze. and that phat make hir foꝛ to caſt hiꝛ ol de caſt 
tyng . and the holbke ſhalt be fafe . 

CA medecy ne f2 an bawke that will Conre 

M OF fH the fleſth chat powre ba lbhe ſhalt te ſedde Birth = in pe 
Juce of fenelt. and that ſhalt take a ay that pu from bis 
and make bia to leue bea ſobbzyng Whecheꝛ ſhe be lene oꝛ fate. 

nd mony tymes an ha lblꝛe Kalk folbee Bhan [ip lackpth ba; 
cheng « 

CCA medecpne for an bawhe that is low 

Lap ake quycke ſilueꝛ ayd put it in a baſſien of braſſe. andy 
do ther kd ſaladyne: and aſkys . and medylt it Bele to gede 

tylt alt the quycke ſilueꝛ be dede. and medylt therto fat of bon; 
mps . and anopnte the halbke thes wilh. and hang it aboute bis 
necke tylt it falt a wax. and that ſhatl flee the lues. 

¶ T Blo pobdre of oꝛpꝛment blowen po ay howke: Muth 
a panne ſhatt (ke the lies. 

Cl ſo take a gon or pece of M ough blanket wnſhoton 
and holde it eo the fire. onto tyme it be thorough olbte Name 
and Rrappe the hu wle thezm . and than holde hir ſoftely andy 
ſtyl l ꝑ for hank, in polbre hondys . and the wezmpn Witt cre 

x in to the cloth. 

lo holde hiz m the ſonne in a fayre mp · E pe chalk ſe 

oeꝛmyn crepe olbte Hyon fer federis. then take a knyfe and 
Pele che oon fire of the blad theꝛof Bt polbre molbth. f al day 
as chay appere lap the Tete ſide of the knyfe to kheym. and they 
Vilt cleue ther to. and then pe map flee thapm. 

C The opingpon of Oltregiers, 

fle ꝛ the opynxon of many Oſtregieꝛs: and pe fee polbee 
a ontpnualip With horke With Yapes beth Pyes. Oꝛ 
efpeciallp tere his mech m Rayenp Ve dez. thay chat be lolbfe - 

C © firegeris . Speruiteris. Sauhenetis . 

25 ob be qauſe J freke of Oſtregeris: pe ſhalt dondeꝛſtonde 
al thay kale O ſtregeris that tore Goſhabeps. 7 Cer 
cellis . and cho that kere Speꝛhalbkys and muſkettys ben cal 
led Spezuiteris . and keperis of alk other halbkys ben callidde 

¶ Che length of the Gel . Tewnes. Töret 
tis. and how they be taſtined. Bewettis 

FHobbbys haue atoute ch leggetz Geſſe made of leder mofé 
commynly. fom of ſike.· Rich ſhulde be no lenges bot that the lm 
ottis of thepm ſhulde. apere m myddys of the lefte honde: bellbe 
ne the longe ſyngre and the leche fpnare . be mufe the felones 
ſhulde be ſaſtened to theym · With a papre of tyrettis. Dich kpret⸗ 
Gs ſhuld reſt oppon the folbnes . and not won the aef(es..foz 
hengyng and faſtynyng torpor frees hen fle flyeth. and the 
laame Letones . pots chatt faſtyn than afte pobre lyttylt 

lengbe ſlackelg . in ampopſyng thx ſeame m. im . oF W 

Felde. as a bolbſceyng notupyede and thy le ret ys ferne to kere 
biz from Pyndyng Nan fle baths ¶ Alſo thyſſame lecherie 
that be putt in his bellis: to be faſtyned a houle bis leg gys xe 
ſhalt alle Qewettis. ; 

co Crraunee . 

Alls pe ſhaff alt ehe long lyne that ye do calt poure ha wle 
& Rec laum Bich : pobbre e fo eueꝛ it be. 

CCA medecdrie for an hawhe that will caſt klech 

ute de flesh that pol re take hall erte: in fapre Kater. 
1 her thealbich. ij. doys · and fix ſhalt holde hu fleſh at 

a 2 medechne foꝛ an hawlie that has lok heꝛe 

y halbke that hach Loofé fer coꝛroge: aman map knalbe 
if be Bit tatee good hede . Foꝛ ſiche te biz maneꝛ . han fle 
is ml toa folble . fie fleth a wayſbaꝛde as thogh fir knee 
note the fotble. Oꝛ ellis ſh Pil flie a lutyt Wap after. and 
a noon fle peuech it pp and foꝛ ſuche an badblee ches is a 
good medeeyn 

CT Cake Ople of ſpayne and temprre it With clere Rone carro 
Brith the polke of an egge and put teem beſe . and cheꝛof peue 
bo polbte bawHe. O. moꝛtellus. and then fet. hiꝛ in the ſonne. and 
at euen Fer tn: Rith an ole hole coluer.and if pe fede hia che 
in tymps chat zawke Was neuer fo lufty noz fo Joly before. as 
ſte Witt be after and come to hit olone corege. 

CT Och: make peudre of wecles that ſeynkith. and put the 
poudte on tip flesh of a pecoke and me dit the blow of che pecolee 
among the poudre. and make his to eete the Flesh - 

75 medecyne that an hawke (hall not lie i mew 
02 vnluſtyneſe. 

Bake ferne Motis chol qwibith on an Ohe. and obe appil 
lig and mate Jute of theym. and Rete his fleſh chez m. feede 
h balokee . j Camps or. ij. and that ſhalt make hiꝛ to leue that 

A medicine &2 an hawhe that bath the tepne 

y batbke that tath tle teyne a man map fone kna lb if hꝛ tale 

Pa. for this te hi maner Sip Balt pante more ſoꝛ oon balyng 
then an other for. ii. g if fle ſhul de flie a littyſt Bele che ſhuſd 
Amoſe leſe bez brech. Ploch fle te fatte oz lene and al Na fir 
nayth heuy chere. and fos that this 16 the medyc yne 

ake aquantyle of che (Revneffe of haſelt ich te poudre 
of Noſne and pepe and fombhat of apnges and make the 
reof m fre qeece ti. pellettys and holde the oke to the fire 
and) Glen ſhe felith de fete make his fo floalodoe the · ti pel 
leckps bp ftrenath and knytte faft heꝛ beke that ſ he mft it not 
olote and do fo thries.· and fle ſhalt be fofe . 

Gil abe Maſne and eu baꝛbe. and gꝛynde it to gedre. 
and make Juce theꝛof and Wete the fleſh thezm. and peue ik 
hu to te. and fie phatt be boot. 

¶COtlſo take aliſalbndre and the Roote of prima toſe andy 
the Roote of gro gnauteles and ſeeth alt m the hotter of a kolb 
and peue hi2. ih morcellis euerp cap ntd the tyme that ſhe 
be bocle . and looke that fle be wide hen pe peue bis the me, 

OW a man Thall take an hawk kro the Eyrer 

ho fo taleys an halbe from the Exereꝛ : bpm behoueth 

to doo Hiſely · m bꝛyngyng bpm eaſeli. and to keg him 
Bele from colde. and from huꝛtyng of theyꝛ bonys. for thay 
be futt tendre. and) thay moſt haue grete reſt. and thay may 
not haue ſtynkyng g filthy Eyre bot as clene as my @ map 
be choght. and) euezmote peue him clene meete. and hote. g 
a Litt ¢ oftyy. g change oftyn ther meete bot loke it be hol 

and cutt heꝛ meete in Go f male morcellic . for chap phulde not 
tyw on bonys tylt Gop myght flie. Then after Ehen fle beg; 
ynnyth to penne and plumyth. and ſpalchich and pikith ker (el 
fe. Putt hu in a clooſe a: me place that no fulme atis noꝛ fe: 
cheus . ne offer wWermyn com nott m to hiz. and let the place be 
ſecute from Fynde and rayne ./ and then phe Bilt preue hir felfe 
and eves more peue hi: qood hote meetys . {Foz it is better to 
a man td Fer his habe hile fle is tendre With hoo te mets. 
to make hit good With ſomme coſt . then to fede hir With euelt 
meets to make hu Mnthrefti Beth lytylt aft. ¶ U nd lo oke 
Byon fiz begynnyth to ferme then peue hi ꝛ bathyng. 

M medecpne &2 woꝛmps in an hawhe wiche & 
henelſe is called the Fylaundris 

CD eite Bele this ſeheneſe and bedave thezof. This is th 
me derne cheꝛfote. pe ſhalt take an hebe chat is called (Meme 
and putt it m a ſmaſt qut of a Capos of an henne. and 
tenpt it Wich a three . and let hi Neſaue it hot. and) fie 
(batt be holt and ſaafe ¶ Thus ye ſhalt knade Kron 
polore halbhe bath Boꝛmps in his bowke. Lohe Bian ſhe both 
maſtyng and pe ſhalt fynde oon oz. y. a boldte biz aſtyng pla 
te ff ff aue onp> 

CA medecpne foor an hawhe that caſtÿs wor’ 
mps at the foundemet what Woꝛmis that thei be 

Sake Ae lymapſt of Iven: Z medyſt it &' fle(f of poorke & 

pene it dope faule. . aps for co brefe · and fie ſhalt be hoot 

FAL medecpne f2 an hawhe that hath a ſekeneſſ 
the wich is called the aggreſteyne 

ban pe ſe podore hahe hiez fe hig fete E ich his Meke. and 
dalla la ark. chon che big kr ccraeftepme «Forte fear: 
neſe Gke (Here of a de. and of a ſhepe. and of an allo. 
and ftronge vynegre and do alt foftelp m a baſſyn of braſſe. & 
(Medptt hem Bede ed qedez: fo ſezue iij mps after .andpeue 
bus flerh of a colues Meth onp and With mlbder of pepez .anop 
fet his in a derbe place andy wo fo.ty maps .and Bhay pe fee 
Mew federis m the Captt Bort bez Beth euetoſe. and fie phatt 
be hole and) foafe. 

CA medecpne for an hawke that hath the era: 
ampe in hir wynges and how it cummpth. 

Ad this Cwampe tale a hyte looff of brede fumdbat col dez 
then il commmpth olbt of dix oouen. and let holde the zu be foof 
telp for huztyng. and tut tp loofe almooſt Hhomlb obbte an 
difplap de Bynge efelp.and holde it bethhene the. ) .pates of 
ſhe loofe andy let it be bool ſo. ch fpace of alfe a quastes 
of an hobre. and) fie ſhalt be hole. 

C Ty Campe conumpch & ahne Beth katryng of ov 
fot m hu polbthe . Theꝛſore tf is qoode foꝛ an ue to ke⸗ 
7 bis Wm: ponge and hold. and chis mevyeyne is go 
at alt tymes fos bis Pheche: fle be Ronge oz holde 

Xi et not an hawhe be put in mew to late bot in 
chis maner as it lolowth. it pe loue dre hawk 

JT ff pe loue Pele powre tatbke . Nepe fer Wele. and put hi: 
nott late in mee. foꝛ ho fo for cou eteſneſe of flieng leſes the 
tyme of his ake melbyng. and Nithholdis kez to long theꝛfto 
he map aft: putt hiꝛ ĩ melbe at auenture. foꝛ then a pate of hiꝛ 
melbyng tyme is faſt. ¶ ho fo puttych his talble in mete 
in che begynnyng of Lentyn. if che be kepit as phe alvth to be phe 
halt h mewed. in the begynnyng of Nuguſte. 

Chow pe ſhall diſpoſe and oꝛ dan powre mene 

S ett and diſpoſe poldre mee. in this maner ſo. chat no Ke 
felt nex puleat ner non other wermpiy entre ther to (er none 
Pynde. nez no crate colde (Mex chat it be oueꝛ hote. Let that on 
porte of th melde be turned to Wurde the ſonne. fo that in the mo 
oſt pax te of the dap: the ſonne map come Inne 

¶ Elſo ye miofe ſe that ſhe be not aueped nes queued Withe 
mych noyſe. neꝛ With ſong of men. and that no manneꝛ folkes 
come (o hiꝛ. bol oonly he that fedyth bis. 

¶ At beloupth that yore halbe haue a fedyng ſtolekte in hi 
melbe. and a longe ſtꝛyng tyed therto ꝛ to faſtyn hiꝛ mete Vith 
for ellis fle Kitkcarp it a bee de hous . and ſoyle it Nich duſt 
And peraucnture ſhe Witt hyde it tilt it ſtynke . and then fer 
pon it. and that myaht be biz deth. and thezfor Then it is 
bondyn to the ſapd fedyng ſtocke . [te ſhalt nethee at the fedyng 
mor at the tyꝛyng ne at tly lightyng neat the Nyſyng hurtte 
biz ſelfe. rd Lohan fle hach fedde. fake a Wap the remenaunt 
if any leeue. and in anplopfe that fle haue clene ele. and att 
euerp meeſt frefh. for of ſtale metis and eu elt metis che ſhal 
engedeꝛ monꝑ ſekeneſes. ¶ nd loke pe go neues to polbre 

mel bol When ye phatt perce polbre talbke meete . ox ellis to 62: 
pig Wales to bathe her. and fuffp2 no Kapy to Neetꝛ biz at no 
tyme and ye may. und as for biz bathyng that ſhalt no thig 
hender hiꝛ melbyng. 

¶ The maner how a man (hall put an hawhe 
in ta mewe . and that is to be wele nooted 

Off oon thyng pe moſt beßare Neeſt pff fie haue anp (eke: 
nes that pe make her hole oz pe put bez m mele. for as J n 
teꝛſtonde a ſcke nthke ſhalt neues meld Welt. for though fie me 
The fle halt not endure bot Nhile ftp is grete and fatte. for at the 
abatyng of biz aſtate fle map no lengeꝛ endure. 

¶ Some tyme Nich oldt nx mediepne manpmen deupſyn how 

thap myght mel the haldkeys ſoꝛ ſum put halwleys mmelb at 

high eſtate . and ſum Bien thay be right low. and ſum Phan 

thay be fit. and ſum hen dep be Empty and lene . and fume 

Syn thap be myſerabult lene . ot theꝛof it is no force . uff fhe 

in Meueꝛcheles. J phatt fap myn adupce as J puue ſene t 

Vb fo puttith a Goſhawbe oꝛ a T eꝛceſt ora pere halble in 
& mel ſo high that fle may be no higher . fhe ditt holde biz lo: 
nge in che peynt: oꝛ that fhe leſe oꝛ Lent any federis. Nnd obo fo 
puttith his in mew lene . it Dill be long oꝛ fle be temounted and 
Who fo puttich biz in meld fo hirngep and to lene: if fle haue me 
ebe at hi wilt ſhe wilt erte to moch. be aufe of hunger. and pa 
uenture ſh map be we flex by · as path ofte be (ene 

HZ ot Pho fo wilt chat an a wee endure amd melb kpndli . myn 
count elt it is that fle be not to high nor to lold . No dez in are 


te deſeceſſe of hungre. bol lite as fie Bole flee beſt then tale fete 
th: fiꝛſt day of to moch eelyng · onto Cpine that fie be ſtalonchid 
and after that a man map take her ſich me le as J balk telt mo 
replapnli bare afte: 

Ln what maner and how a man thall ene his 
hawke in mewe. 

TC] oe Wich Nat meetis (ip path bene moſt ſoſed to be fede ande 
Fer bis theꝛlbith. xi. days con tynualli. and kh. Mj. days pes 
ue hiꝛ biꝛdis Ynolb . both mo rob andeupy.and let hiz plomme 
wipon hem Bole . and take ca ſtyng of the plomage · and that ſh⸗ 
att talalbnt hiꝛ Pele. and cuſe ber to haue goode appetide and 
it halt clenſe Mele bir bolbillis and Phan fiz is elt clenſed 

ye map poue hiꝛ Nhat mette that pe loilt fo it be clene and frefñ 

¶ Bot che beſte mete to make an halbe ko melbe mooſe fone 
Pyth ob te any mececpne is tie fleſhe of a kydde and of a pong 
Sanne and of a chikyy andefpeaatt Matonps flesh fo ther 
be not aſſaughte (Noon like to hit and of a pong goos for ſich 
mee is hole of it ſelfe. 

¶ nd tke gobittis of grete frefßj Elis. and fpecia lli the col 
pon next the (Mauett . and Reste it in hote blode of moton it is 
goode to make bez to melbe. bot ſpec alli it halt make kez Sight 
after his ſoore ange 

¶ Cres ſapd fleſhes bene goode & melbe an palbke : and fo 
kep biz in (tate bot lobe ſh haue goode plente eueꝛp dap · fo that 
tie Na ther leue porte then lacke anp . and euezꝑ · ij. day let hiꝛ 
bath if fle leſt 

<I End Phen fle Wapith negh ferme peue hea hennps andy 
fact oke and of ox hunde 18 ſaſſing good. 

CL Ay yalblic cx newex full ferme noz ddp foꝛto dralbe olbte 
of madd oto (me his fercelt be (ult qropy . pet haue J ſene ſũ 
folkys tale hem otbée of melde hen the fazcelt were bot talfe i 
ſpronge. and that 1 mrlous . foꝛ dep ace not then fase pen; 

¶ Som folkps cwofen Bhen an hake has caſt bir farcett to 
hogynne and Faſß hiꝛ meete and fede hir fo in met Pith Wah 
meete a monpth oz · M. Weekps ox eue Chap dralbe thapm . 

¶ T Bot of alt Herhes after fie is melbed. a cefenable gooꝛge 
of an boot haare te beeſt. and alſo of a crolbe boote. bot it 
moſte be Wart) m Water: and chen it ie ch betten. {For that 
Vit not benymmen hem haſtelp ſheyz gerte. nez put hem m no 
grete febulnes ſoꝛ ib durith ſumldat Mich hie 

To make an hawke to mew tymeli with owt 
anp hurtyng of hir 

Mow A halt telt polb Lerrap true medecynes for to melbe an 
5 Chat pe chalk beleue for twobthe and pe Milk af; 

Ch be in Poddys oꝛ in hedgis Noꝛmps cal dd eddert that 
ben Medde of nature; and he is calde Yepa and alſo ther be fna 
laps of theſſame kpnde. and dep be Ferri bitter . Cake . j. . ij 
oF theym and ſ be of cher rs and thendys of pps taplis 
T hen Ge a Neth eꝛchn pot ⁊ hat Bas neues ſoſed. and cut hem 

¢ } 

i c (mak gobettps. and put Hhoffarne therm. and let hem (2; 
the ſtronglich. a rete Phile. at good lapfer . and lel the pot be 
coueted. Chat no apre com olbte of it neꝛ no brech and leb it ſe 
the fo long that the ſoame col pons (eth to grece . then caſt it out 
and doo a Wap the bonis. and gedes the axece.and put it in a cle 
ne Oeſſilt. and as oft as pe fede polbre talbke : anoꝑt bez mee te 
then. and let his ete eis moch as ſhe bit. and that meete ſhal 
anode fer at pobbre albne Welt. 

CA nother medecÿne. 

Les che Nhete: and put it in & brothe chat ſledderis Nere (07 
chen m. and hen pe fe the Phete begynnyeh es cleue: take it olbt 
and for hennps oz ehykynnes theꝛlvith . and fede polbre halbe 
ich dinffome poloyn . 

cabo fo will that an bawhe mewe not noꝛ fall 
noon of hiꝛ tederis . therbore here is a merdecpne 

Jae poder ef Caneſt. and the Yuce of franke coſe and) 

Jute of paranpe. and take moꝛcellis of fleſt). ij. oꝛ. im. tf 

pe luſt and Beete them theꝛin. and make the halbe to ſwalolb 
hem and ſeꝛu e biz fo mony tymys 

AT Cilh take Ae teme of a fnocke oꝝ of an Cows. and tut 
il mto finale peces . and temper it Beth hoote blode: and aufe 
potorr ſaldkꝛe oftpn tyme to fer lyꝛof and fle ſhalt not melde. 

C For the gowte in the throte 

hn pe fe polbre halbe blalb of tyn tymes: and that it com 

mys of no batyng . pe map be ſure fiz bath the golble m che chrote 
And fos chat Cake the blow of a pꝛkoc. and Encenſe mpm; 
holanana .and claßbis of gelofre. and arnelt and gyngeꝛ. and 
fake of atk thes eupnlich and medylt hem Nich pecokleys blo; 
de and ſeth ic kylt it be chycke . and theꝛof make moꝛcel lis 
and peue the halbke derof eueri g. at mydmorne and att 

(Noone . 
Hon the gomte in the hede andi the Raßnes. 

hen pe ſe voloer halbe map not endeld heꝛ merle nor temoũ 
be hes aftate . ſhe hach che gobote in the hade and in the Rap: 


¶ Cake Mompay oder biſe called mom. among Potita⸗ 
ries pe map haue it. and the ſleynne of an haare and peue it to 
polbte balblee Fo et. ip . (ymes With the fleſh of e catt. ad iff 
fle map holde Chat meelte fiz halt be faafe . 

CA medecpne fo2 a Chenes called the kallera 

pr pe ſe that polbee talbles cles Bap White : chen fly os 
fallern . For this feleones take a blockefnake.and cutte a 
Bap the hede. and che Capit: and take Ge myddylt. and frp it in 
an etchyn pote. and take the grece and ſaue it. and anoput 
ty fleſth of a peccke ceꝛbith and peue t & the balbke fos to 


ele Wit. maps. cmd pe haue no poke pene bts fleſtʒ oF a coli 
and after the .is}-mpe · xeue ber a chekpn.and Wah it a ultil 
and peue it his fo eete. and take the lenderiſt of the breſt Pithe 
the ffrochelt bone and lef hiꝛ eete ik. and if fie amende any ths 
eng fie chat be Holt « 

EL medechne koꝛ the crampe in the thigh in che 
legge and in the kote ot an bawke . 

Wn pe ſe youre hauke lay bir oon fote pd heꝛ ores fote . ſhe 
is kale Wich te cramp: . Then drawe hu blode oppon. che folr 
pt lies pon chat othes fote . and wypon the legge alſo . and 
{fz ſhalk be hoole 

C For the Cogh oꝛ the pooſe 

LD ake polbdre of Mays: and put it wypon lie flefh of a Col 
er . and peue it of te to yolbre talbke and Pith olbte dolbte ſhe 
ſhalt be hole 

C medechne koꝛ the podagre . 

ken vote hawhees fete be Wollyn ſhe. hath che podagte then 
Take frefh map butter and as moch of Optt of olpf and of 
edpn . and chauſe it Bele 6 gedde at ei fiere and make tex; 
of anopntement. and anoynt the fete. im. days. and ſet his in 
che ſonne . and peue hts fleſth of a ct. and if chat auaplt nott 
Seth bh cuttyncg) ofa wpne-and Prappe it a bolwte the ſ wel; 
Cong and let her ſit pon & col de (tone and anopnt brs Neth 
butteꝛ oz freſtye goce. and fle chalt fe Sook . 

FL medecõne ſoꝛ a Ghenes within the boad of 
an hauke and it ſhewith not dutewarde how (he 
ſhall be holpen and in what maner 

E man mop brnaſd by dp chere. and onaladnes of an bew: 
he this infiampte bot ptt it ie ſtraunge ko knawe: chyngys 
that a man map not ſe: in Nhat ſekenes and Nhat manez thay 
be gæuꝑd and ſpacialli Ban ei man Nhote not Pheꝛof i coms 
myth ¶ {Fee yolbre talblee Wele o pon an henne and chen wee, 
ke her to faſt. ij. aps after : (o aide Beele biz bolbellis . Hh 
tied dax taꝛe hon ſo da and fll hrs body full . and bynde hie 
baue that fle caſe it not oſot of hir body and then ſet bre olbtt 
in Ay fonne . and Phen it dra wih coWarte euen ſede bis Pith 
an (note folble . fox as I bez my ma pft vis (ap and fhe be nott 
hvolt hezof. loke neuer ome mededyne 

N dr the paſſion that Sochawkis haue fatong 

Coke ch Note of ſmall ¶yſſhes. and make Juce o 
hem and Werte ae 11. ee ; 

C oꝛ hawhis that ben wonded. 
Wake « Wap the ferris abolbt the Wonde and take de Phi be 
ofan Egge and Oyle of Olyue. and meditt il to gers. and 
anoput te Done and taepe it lorth Vite Ppne . Vutd tyme pe ſe 
Be fleft ano then put m ch Monde E (romp: (alk nto tyme de 

6 i 

dede fleſh be Raftpa after tale encence : and clene ag mpche of 
chat oon as of chat odeꝛ · medill it in fere. and han xe Bilk a; 
nopnl dy foore bere polvre oyntenent and anopnt it With a pen: 
tylt the tyme the flepnne grow apeme . andi pe fe are fleſt ther 
on: and ot haue it a ay Cake wenecteke g then anoynt itt 
Pith this Opatemart affoafape and fie ſhalt be holt 

T A medecine for an hauke that has the artetik 

Al ben pe ſe pobvre balblee fat ebotite the bert kruſt it for trou 
ch fhe hach Gp aꝛkettke. Theꝛfore do let hiꝛ blow in the Origpnal 
heck and after that pene hiꝛ a fo gge fort te. & ſh halt 
be 3 

medecine for an hauke combred i the bowillis 

Alen polbee hake is Encombend in de toillis pe phat ke; 
ald it by hz Eyghes. ſoꝛ biz Eighen Bul be dane and fie Will 
Looks ngladli and biz meteffing Rilt defolvle hiꝛ foundement 
Eben take de halvkes meete and anoynt it Beth pobddo of can⸗ 
neſt and peus it hiꝛ (o erte . and ſhe ſ palt be oel 

TA medeczne for an hawhe that has the goute 
ee botbke Bich ay Yrbpn onpe or Mpeg it halt 

TA medechne koꝛ an hawke that hath mites » 

Wake th Yuce of Poꝛmelbode and put it thes thap be and ther 
halt dye 

¶ That an hauke wl hir craft all the ſeſon to 
flpe o2 lege - 

N hen pe go to (he ſelde in the lattes ende of talbkpna and di 
xe that polbre talbke ſha lt wſe hir crafte. Do to hia m this ma 
ner let hir fle a folble. and let biz plym (oppon it aſ moch as 

ſhe Pitt. and Phen fle hath plymmed Jnough go to his ſofte ly 
for frayng. and velbaade biz on the folble and) after that pe 

map caſt hi on a peꝛch. g aſ belt (fe map wfe bez craft ſo. as 
that fiz fle alt ty pere. 

A medecpne for an hauke that has the Goon 

CL Bnopné hiꝛ fundement Bith Oplt. and put fp plore of 
alem Rith an bole ſtraww. 

CEO take an herbe callid eriſtis ſaꝛddes. nt bis molb 
e thant te foot a 

¶Alſo take ſ male flambe votiss end polipodi and Ae comes 
of ſpoꝛge and grinde it Beet and ſeeth it m butter. and dralve 
it chorugh a clooth . and make theof . ij. pell ettis of the qcette 7 
nes of c Mot. and put it m hss moleth in d morolbtie .and lo 
lee that fiz be void. and then Let her aft tilt cuvofong and fee 
bis litt ib and littiſt. and fie ſhalt be holt 

CA medecpne foo vermün 

ale the Yuce of de Rooke of ffenelt. and do it Phede che 
dez myn be. and thay ſhalt dye 

CA mede cine fo2 the Keume that haukis haue 

Nen ye fe podre hauke cloofe hex E pghen and ſhakch hir he⸗ 
de. chen hach fle th Reume m the pw . Theꝛfote pewe hiꝛ lore 
of a gote th firft dax and the ſerunde yeue hiꝛ epatike Sheth the fle 
ch of a chycon and ſhe ſhalt be hoolt 

A medecdne bor haukis that bene dep and de 
(pre to dꝛynhe, to hepe hem modi in kÿnde 

¶ Cake tle Juce of haazhounde and Peete thon ha wys me 
le 1 0 and fede kez theꝛlbith onys or twyes . and fie ſhalt 
fe holt 1 

Bo ſchenes that hankis haue i their Entrellis 

M hawke that w (eke Vith m thentrayles : is of ay oder 

aray then modes fekenefes . for if ſ he holde not hiꝛ mes 
ke bot caſt it. that 1s tokyn of the foule glet. for furfete of federis 
chat be peuen td thables m eps polbth and af tezwwaꝛde Phen 
thap come Intd trau aylt. and ben anopde of the (Reuer then 
thap Kapen low to flye and deſire fort reſt. and hen tyouk e 
is (oypon brz perch then fle Witt flepe foꝛto putouez. at thentꝛĩc 

and if ſh holde flop anp While in bre gooꝛge: it Bill loke dg 
it Bor ſooden and hen ſhe is Naked fle affapeth to put oueꝛ 
ot thentꝛyng. and it is agluttid and colded: Kith cp glett pt 
fle bath engenderid. and if fhe ſhulde aſcape fle moſt put otter. 
o ellis fle moſt dye. o qaſt it and iſ ſhe caſt it fie ma be hole 
ge Vith the medecyne. 

CA medeepne foe the Entrepv'llis 

Make pollzys of Cages mibe . and Pan they k Nele beton 
60 ged. put therto ſpanyſhe ſolte. and aſmych fonp there . ¢ 
Beete theꝛ mn thy fleſhe. and fer thyy halbe. ij. ys cheꝛwith 
and if (le make unge ko ete it. let holde thyn halbke . andy 
malte his to ſwalolb. i. or. i. moꝛcellis in a dap. and ſecuali 
fiz ſhalt be hoott ¶ Mit J halk fap & pol a nodes hyng . ta 
ke honp at the choungyng of the moon. and a kene nettylt and 
cheꝛof make ſmalt polvdre and Lhen it is Welt gold. take ye 
breſt toon of an henne. and a nodes of a coluex. and halcke it 

Rich a knyfe. and do aſduy ch fuynne . and do cheꝛon che polbdre 
and alt hoote Dith the polodre fede hiꝛ. and do ſo Hues . and 

fle hack k hook. 

C $02 ſekenes of Swellöng. 

AC ff an Picked felon be fibollpy in ſich a maneꝛ pt a may 
map melt it. chat che take phatt noß dye chus a man map hel 
pe his ſtrongly. and lengthe biz lyfe. bot the halbe Kilt be We; 
7 Ege and gleetous of the keekenes . and theꝛſeꝛ pe mooſt 

Cake ch Rote of somfozy and ſugde sliche mpch . and fethe 
it in frefth) groce With de chridde prods of honx. and then deat 
it thomay a fayde cloobh. and oft xeue sf to Ge o wke and ſhe 
ſhalt a mende 

Ad blapnis ĩ haukes monthes cald Couches 

ff te foounches it ie dude for hawketz. fo it is anoyue 
ſekeneg . and drawith ber to dech. and Pith hol deth hiꝛ ſereng⸗ 
che. os men ſayn that it oonnnych of col de. Kor col de dolh halb 
bes mch haame. and makypch fle me falt olbte of the brapne & 
te Epghen Bik welt and empepre in her hede. and bol fle bas 
ue haſteli helpe it Keik ſtoppe hex naſe chrillis. nd theꝛfoꝛ 
Tale Fenalt Marpatk and Rexſis ilich moch. end ſethe it g 
deals 2b cho touch a cloch. and oder dᷣhilec· Nat fer fee chez 
and put fom in che MNoofe of hen moloth . and fin ſhalt be ſaa fe 

LA medicine for an hauke chat caſtis hir eth 

1 5 ve ote 1 aa aue in Boater and 

Cr A medecpne foo the Keume clepid Agrum 

hen chou feed thy haulee won his mouth and his che 
his bloh bed. then fle zuth chxs ſekenes calde N grum. Theꝛfot 
foe e ne dalt of ſilueꝛ and hele it ĩ che fire. and bꝛynne tle (lc: 
ellis thoucoal olle. lhen anoynl it Rath ople of Olpff 

Ca For to make an hawhe grete and batte. 

Make a quantyte of porke and onp and butter J liche my; 
che and pagede grece and do a Kap the ſkynne. and ſethe hem 
to geder and anopnt thy flefh tem . andy fe de polbre ha wee 
theꝛwith. and ſh halk encrece mpabéelp. Ellis take the By; 
ges of an Eued. and fede hiꝛ and kepe bis from traueſt and 
do fo of fe chough (he eued be neuer fo fatte . and if polbre halb? 
he be not paffing fat Pithin a foꝛtenet Pondre J chynke. 

C Sor booches that growe in an hawkis Jowe 

en cheys bolches Wich an kenpfe . and let otbte de mater 

of theym . and after clenſe thepin clene Beth a fylueꝛ ſpone ox 

oflic fille the hoolt Pich a pol dre of arnemelit Ibrent. and wp 

55 that poſpdve do a littilt laꝛde: that is reſſide and ſo it Dill o 

Fere is a goode mepecdne koꝛ an hawke chat 
WOU not coon to Keclapme . 

CL Cake freft butter and put cheréo ſugve and put it in a ele 
ne cloth and Reclapmeter bo that and kepe it in a box mpou 
re. bagge. 

EX mredecöne for hawkis that bene Kekreÿned. 

Cen ye Fe polbre halblze and Caſtyng Bat chowgh 
be Totals o biz 0 95 festa ſhe is Me franed 

Foꝛ that (chones : kale pe qeepnes of ſhaffelegre and of pe. 
ger and gꝛpnde ik Werft. and temper it Beth ſtrong wpneace 
and put in hts (Mares and in de Mooff of biz molvth and peur 
bu fleſh to erte · and ſhe phat be (anf . 

A medecine w hawköe that haue papue in 
ther croupes 

Tce chalt tales fapte Moꝛftn and poudre of gelef ce: and 
meddiſt it to qedee . and peue it do pobpte hake fo te. ano 
if fhe holde ĩt paſt the ſecunde dux after . ſhe chalk be hole. 

FL medecbne foo the ſtoone in the kundement 

C. When bebe hne hay tot weteſe chen thy fathe (hac 
ſekenes calde the ſtoon. nd for this ſchenes: pe (hak tabe th 
hat of a (Dopne and the quece of a Fibpne . and cut it Bith the 
fleſth of ehe hert and fle halt be hole 

CA medecvne tor che dꝛy Fronnce 
A ©: thys ſclꝛenes tale de Roote of Pillipdy that grobeh 
pon Olps . and ſeth it a grete Ihile then tube it fro the free 
and let i ſtonde and Wap lelb Bazme . chen Paſth powre fleſßj 
theꝛm. und fee de polbre paldle. tj. txmes . and ſhe batt h note 
HX A medechue. for woꝛmpʒas called anguellis 

XS abe proſſure made of a lombe that Bas tome in Onlyme d 
15 E 
waoke chezof . 1 . Moꝛcellis ard put it me gut of u coluez 

and fe heꝛ ſheꝛbich and lolee fle halblre be wide Nyn pe peue 
bis thes medecyne 

CL &lſo take Juce of drogonys and pul fut the gut of a pe; 
gron and then cut it and depazte it as the halbe map oueiſ wo 
lob it. and put it in his body. and knꝑtt his beke fox aſtyng 

¶ ls pene bes th bal lockye of a uc as hote as thap 
ben ait olbte . and moke polbdre of the pyntylt and caſt it cd 
the fleſh of a Cat. and ede lz theꝛwith g che chalt be holt. 

A hawke Cprith. edith. Sooꝛgith 
Bekith Kouſith. Enduödth. chutith 
Perchyth . Jobkich. Putt ihouer. Pꝛopnyth. 
Plommpöth . She warbullith . and mantellith. 

Sk tptich wpon Numppps . She ferith on alt maner of 
fle) . She sori Blan ſhe fillich haz googe Vith meete . 
She ſhe ſelbich: hat is to fap ſhe Pypith hes beke · 
She aa l akith alt hu fe deris and hi bo dy & 
gedre. She Endupth When his meete in hiꝛ boboellys falt to di 
geſtion . She mutith hen fle auopdith hrs oꝛder . She peachith 
When fle ai on any manez botbe oz pech. She Zopkith 
Then fle flepith · She puttichouea hen fle E wordsth hir meete 
alte of biz goorge m to his bolbillis. She proxnith leben fe fet 
chpch ople Pith biz tebe ott his taple and anopntich hts fel: g 
bis ferns. e plomyth hen (ip pullith ferns of anp folble 

on of any oer b 80 and caſtys hem from heꝛ She Narbhelgth 
hen fle dralbich booth baz Bpngys owes che myddys of her kocke . 
and cher they mete both and foftelp phatepth chm. and let hem 
fatt axen . Ind ſhe mantylluth ben [he ſtretchich hes oon Byng 
a long after her lege. and after ſdaꝛde that oc Pyng. and 
mooſt compnly fie doch that af fore oa fiz Pazbelpch biz ° 

C The namps of a Spare haute as Oſtrigers 
and S paruiters haue detennpned 

hate queftion appd Weiher a man hak cat a fpare 
bake Oꝛ a ſpere ſaſdke Oran afpere halbke. ¢ Of: 
trigeꝛs . and alfo Sparurters : ſapen fle map be callid alt. j. 
Clamps . for ches wſongs She map be callid a Spete halbe 
for of alt the hawleps that ther be fi is mooft fpere . that is co 
fay mooſt tendre to taepe . for ſh ler ſt mpfopetpng and myſenten 
dyng flete “ 

CC lſo pie map be ale ay afpare uke of ſhaꝛpeneſſe 
of hiꝛ rage and of biz lokpna quicly. and alſo of his flepne 
Fos fle is mooſt afper and ſharpe in alt thynch) that belong 
onto his of anp othes halbkyxs 

¶ Ske map be alſo callid a ſpave talbke for. j. Meſones. oon 
is fle ſparich goſha weys and leꝛcellys both. ſiche eas ben m 
theiꝛ foore ance .tont tyme thap map be Neclapmpd. and ma 
de redp to flye. as Goſhabbeps and tercellps cheat be not ful / 
Ip meted: onto tyme they map be clene enfapmpd and dedy to 
fiye. foꝛ alt the Phyle chay bene ona bull. the ſpare tolbke occu 
prthe thyſ ſrſon. and fleth che paatrich Belt. chat is co fap froom 
fapnt Maꝛgaritys mp. wnto it be lannnas. and fo forth in de 

CL Lind fin Wplt flee Hatt pong feſalbntis : pong hech cockps 

in Gp begynnyng of the pere. ¶ und after (Michelmos hen me; 
eriehes paſſe 0 daungeꝛ J due ſeen them ma de ſum to fle the pie 
fun to fle the T ele pon the Neuer: at the Jutte fume to fle 
the Vodecok and ſum for the blacke bude and the thruſle. 

¶ Th homnk is mmboroue to fle: bot if thes be crafte ther 
fore Phe pe come & a Rode oꝛ a quech of buſhus . aſt yobbre 
ſpareha lle m to a tre and bete the bufthes chen and if anp No 
wok: a riſe fle it be fuce cheꝛof . ¶ We moſt fiꝛ ſt make brs 
to a folble aft op olbt of the buphes . and polbre halbke moſt 
fiéon loof te as pe make his to a paꝛtrich . A lſo as J ſapde pe 
may catt hi a ſpa de holbke : foꝛ an odeꝛ cauſe for and theꝛ beer 
a ſhippe fraght full of halbkis. and no thyng ellis . and theꝛ the; 
re a fpare halbke among thaym tle ſhuld no arftom be papd be 
mufe of hiꝛ. nd fo foꝛ the moſt comune name tha be ale ſpa 
re abbkes for de mfones a foꝛſapd. 

n hawke klieth tothe vew to the Beke. 02 
to the Toll. Mo Crepe Quercre Fer Jucy t 

bathlee flerth to the ¶Ryueꝛ dyueꝛſis Rays and fle; 

IL the the fowle dyueꝛli. That is to fap fhe flieth & tle Lm 

02 bo fin keke or to the ott .¢ alt is bot oon. as ye ſhalt knawe 

bete afteꝛ She fleeth alſo co the qua ꝛte: & te crepe .and no mo 

Haye bot thoos. ij. N nd fle Mpminpth the fowle at the fer Ful 
ep d at he Yuttp feree . 

Tom ſhall pe hnam what theis termes betokpn 
ft moo wlowyÿng. as Hut. Jutty erp . ch ounte 
Kaundon . Crepe. Ennewed 

Borhatekee oz a tercett that ſhaſt flee to the deb. E the 

dott ar td thy tehe. m this manes fie is caught pe moſt 
ſynde a folble m Reue: on in a pitte peeuel: . and chen ſett 
poure haute a grete fpace of. pon a mooſt hit or on the gw 
vnde. and) corp foftel: toldaade the folble : from poloee balbke 
ſtceght Bap and Bhen pe come almoſt thes as the folble lyeth. 
fooke backeDbaste tofa2® te talbie . and Birth polbte tante oz 
Bath polbre tabus ftpke : tecke polbre ah & come to pou . and 
Bhen phe is on Pyng · and comyth lol bi the qrount . and is al 
moſt at pod. then f mpte poure tabuz. and cry huff huff huff 
and make the folble to fpꝛyng. and Brth chat nopſe eh foldle Bil 
rife and ch holde Wylt nym it. 

And nok tune he. FF yolbre hake nym the folble at the 
ſeꝛ (ite of the Rpuez oꝛ of th pret from pod Tn fiz ſleeth the 
folble at the ſeꝛ Jutty and if fle flee it ſoppon that ſidethat pe ben 
on · as it map bape dpueꝛſe times. T hen pe ſhalt fap fle path fle 
on folble at te Jutty fezzy. 

Iff ꝑobbre za bbtze nym tte fowle a lofte: pe ſhalt fap (tp to⸗ 
kee it at Ge mounte oꝛ at the fouce . 

CG nd i tte forble ſpryng not bot fler a long after ch (Kew 
and tp zolbtze npr it chen pe ſhalt fap (te ſlelv it at de M aun 

a Creepe. 

And polbte holde fleech ator to de Creepe Bhen pe parce polb 
te halbke on poldte fyſt and erepe ſofte ly to th MNyuea oꝛ to the 
pit. and ſtelith ſof telt to te bꝛynko therof and) then csp buff. 
and bi chat meane Mpmafoble . E hen it is ſ layn at the Ca 
* ote at the fea Juttꝑ · on at the Juttꝑ fersp · as a bout is (a; 

Cx i it pn as it roth of times Me folble for fere of 
polbce abe Bott ſpꝛyng and falt apen m & the (R puer . on the 
fototre fees hiꝛ. and ſo bie (tptkand dare nof.anfe . pe halt fay 
then polbte a dke ath amelbed the folble m to thy Rpueꝛ ond) 
fo ſha tt pe fap and ſhyꝛ be moo fobles m te pues chen tha tt 
polber tabkes npmempth if hap mrenof anfe fos fere of pol; 
ve uke 

CCA chte 

Ard ſtonde pe chat a Goſhambe ſhulde not flie 6 anp fo; 
Tle of te N pus: Bich tells m no Wife. and theꝛfowe a Gort: 
obke is ald a theft. 

a OQuerre . 

FEL Nd pode tze fleeth eo the quesee . Dhym te: be in a (to 
butk eyme Soiree of mallaz des m che felde and Khon fie efpith 
chepm and commpch muerte hes ſelfe· and ſue preupl on dea hd 
ges oz lal bi che gwonde and npm oon of hem or thap afe 
then pe phat fap that ch folble Ras ſ lapy at the queate . 

O erde this terme draw 

om folie mpfufe this teme drabd · and ſoy chat tha pꝛ hau 

e Kitt drald ed the (K pueꝛ. Q nd chat te: me oral is popusli 

a ſſigned to at da be that Witt flee a ( Kcke o a Cobo a 

Ne upn: pon a lone ſittyng. and then ik moſt de (apd dal 
ſich an da lde Witt vam der k & a (Nocke 


D owe pe (hall vnderſtonde ik a man will make 
an bawhe to the querre in this maner he molt do 

Bake a tame Malarw and (et hym ma fapꝛ plapn. and 
let bpm goo Where he Witt. then take yolbre halbe pon poloee 
fiſt. and goo to that playn and hol de op pobbre hande a praty 

Kap of from the Malaꝛde. and looke if the table can efpre it. 
by bit alvyn coꝛage and if fle haue folbude the folble and aft 
re to flee theꝛ to. let biz flee it. and plymme Wett opon bre . 
and ſezue fer ſo. j. o. iy. tymes and then (le is made to the 

quasce . 

T baue knawyn gentylmen that Phenſoeueꝛ and Bleefoeues 
chap fe anp tame Doolꝛes . and if theyꝛ talbtys Vol de deſite 
to thapm. then thap Wolde let flee to theym m coragyng they: 
hauhps to be Weelt fleyng to the quatre ay oder tyme. 

H pratp craft to take an hawhe that is bꝛokÿn 
owt of mew . and all maner of Mwlps that (yt in 
trees ik a man wpll. 

Tooke Nhere an hawtze perchith for alt nyght: in anp ma: 
nez plate . and ſofte and lapferlp clpmbe to kez With a feon; 
te 02 a lante axe that hath bot oon light. m polbee ande and 
let the light be to waz de the habe fo that fle fe not polbre face 
and pe map take hiz by the leggys oꝛ odez Kile as pe lyſt. 
and in lyke Wiſe alt othes manez folble . 

Ot hawhbs Bellys 

bellis that polbre halbke ſhalt Binzer locke in any Er; 

ſe that thay be not to heup ouer hiꝛ power to Reyꝛ. al 
ſo thal noon be heupeꝛ then an othe: bot like of Bepabe. 
Jlooke alſo that thap be fonolbre and Welt ſowndyng and chil 
and not both of oon folbne : bot that oon be a ſemptoyn wonder 
a nodeꝛ. and that thap be hoole and not broken and ſpecialli 
in tHe ſolondyng place. Foz and thap be brokyn thap Pylt fold 
ne futt dulli . 
Off frare tthe bellis ther is chooce and lyttiſt of chaꝛge 
of thapm : fox the beeth plenty. 
CL Bot for Goſhawkes ſomtyme Bellis of Melen Bere 
calde tte beſt. and thay be full goode for thay comunely be folb 
nden With filuez and ſolde ther after. Mot ther be nolb wfeo 
of Duchelande bellys: of a tone calde duꝛdright and thay 
be paſſing goode. for thap be Pele ſoꝛtid Belt ſolonded. ſonolb 
te of Ryngyng in chilnes a nd paſſing Belk laſtyng 

CL Fere endych che puceis of babbeyng. Ind nold foloys 
tle naampe of alt manez of hu lbleys g to Whom chey belong. 

C Sheds haukes belong to an Empꝛoure 
: Tepe be the names of aft manez of hatbhes . Fuſt an 
Egle a Gawtere. a Melone. Th f empleſt of there 
i Dat flee an Hynde calfe. a Fabi. a Koo a Rydde. an 
Elue. a Crane. a Muſtaꝛde a Stoꝛke. a Saß. a op in 
fle playn grolondꝛ . ¶ nd hers be not enlured. ne bet laymed. 
by cauſe that thap be fo pon dero wſe ko the pꝛꝛch poatatiff. QU nd 
theis . ij by thez nature belong to an Emprolbce. 
C Theis hawhes belong to a hong 

hr is u Gerfathken .a T eꝛteſt of a geꝛfauken. nd the 
2° belong to a Ryng e 

C Fora prpnee - 

bie a Fabblzen qentilt . and a Cercelk qentift . and the⸗ 
vs be for a pꝛynce 

E a duke 
C Ch: is a Falken of che cock. And that is for a duke 
Ad an Erle 
CL Chee is a Fadbten pezegꝛyne ¶ nd that is fos an Erte 
¶ oa a Baron. 
Hlſo the: is a Gaſtaꝛde and hat hauke is for a Baroy 

Frawkhes fbr a hnyght | 

Ch is aSace and aBacwt . nd theie be for a 
ngabt . N 

Rawhis fora Squper 

CLE kez is a Lanare and a Zanret , Ind theps belong kd 
a Squpez. 

For a lad 
Sip: is a Meslpon . Q ndꝰ that hal lee is foꝛ a lady 
Nn hawhe koꝛ a pong man 

Q Cpr is an Boby. nd that hauke is for a pong man 
Und chepe te teibkes of the tolbre: and ben both Jlutid o te 
ale and weclapmed 

¶ And pit ther be moo kÿndis of hawhes 

Che: is a Gophatbke . and chat tadke is fos a yeman 
¶ Thi is a Teꝛceſt. Ind chat is for a plbece man 
CL This a Spare halbe. and he is an babble for a pveſt 
T Che ie a (Mufkepte . Ind he is for an boli Water clerke 
And there be of an ode: manes kpne . for thap flie eo Ouez 
M and to fez Jutty and to Yuttp ffersp . 

C Explicit 


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phe Bife as ĩ the booke of nbkpng aforeſayd are Buitpn 

and noted the texmps of plefure belongeng Co gentitt men 
bnupng delite them. Iny theſſame maner thys booke ſolowyng 
ſheſbith: to ſych gentitt pezſonys the manes of huntyng for 
att inanes of beeftps . Bethe: thap be eeſtys of Lenezp . or 
of chace . oz Raftall . Nnd alfo it chelbith att the temps cõ 
uenpent as Bett to the holondys as to the beeſtys a foꝛſapd. 
And in certayn ther be many dyuezſe of thaym . as it is de 
clared in the boooke fololbpna . 

VDeſths ot venery 

a Bereſoeuere pe fare bp fapth oz bp fell 

Mp dere chylde take hede bo T ultram woth pou bell 
Hobb manp maneꝛ beeſtys of we neꝛy ther Pere 

Zpftpy to poſbre dame and fip chatt pob lebe 

Notre maner beeſtys of wenezp there ave 

The finſt of tym ro the . bert the ſecunde is the hate 
The bore is oon of tho. the Wolff and not oon moo 

Webbs ot the Chace. 

¶ And here that pe cum in plapne oz m place 

J chatt pod tet Phich be beeſtps of enchace 

Don of khepm is the . oBucke . a nother is the Doo 
The Mop and the Maxton . and the Kile Koo 
And pe ſhatt mp dere chylde other bee ſtys all · 
Where fo pe hem fone Naſcalt pe ſhatl hem call 
In fryth on in felt: or in fobeſt J pow te. 

Tote here the aage of an here . 

C Bind for bo fpeke of the kurt iff pe Welk it lere 

(Pe phatk hym a. Calfe . calt at che fps ft pere 

Tle ſecunde pere a. Wroket . fo ſhalt pe hym calk 

Ehe theꝛde pere a. Spopad. lezneth thus alk 

The folbath pere a. Stagge . calt hym by anp Nap 

Che fithe pere a. arte Stagge . youre dame bide polb fap 
The wi. pere calt pe hym an heꝛt. . 5 
Doth fo my hile Eplus pe ben in quart 

Do knaw the hede of an bert . that ia aduer& 

rd of the Gop that he chen berit) & Sodote. 
The fyꝛſt hede ſhalt be Jugett Byth owe 

Theꝛ m Fendpn Wee ſuche dopuczfite . 

(Nacheles Ge . wi . pere eue: moore af Gp leeſt 
Todd ſhalt Welt Juge the perche of Geffame berſe 
When he hath Biiontelere Bish olbt any lag 
pat and) Susriaſt alfo there Yfett 

And that mn ch toppe ſo Wien pe map hym keen 
Then phatk pe calt hym foꝛchyd an heꝛt of kenne 
And Velen he hach in che toppe. ii of the ſelue 
Then pe ſhaft galt hem trochid an tert of pij. 
And afteꝛ air in the to pe When ther . im . bene 
Then ſhalt pe cult hym ſommpd an heꝛt of. poi. 
And from. im . foꝛ daz de Watt fo befalt 

e he newer of fo manp pe ſhalt hym ſummed calt 
Nyght of ehe nombre euyn that he is 

Callich hym from. im . forth ſummed Jer 
Elſe tae pe ſele an best hdd Sele . 

Fah Heerde. A Beve. A Sounder. A Kote. 

Tn chelde callith heꝛdps of heꝛt and of hynde 
And of Mucke and of doo Phere po hem { pnde 
And a Meue of Roos Bint place thap be in 
Bind s Sounden pe ſhalt of the Vylde fwyne 
Ind a (Nolbte of Bolues Where hap pa ſſin mne 
So phatt pe hem att as manp as tha bene 

Tittill heide · A mydyll heerd A grete heerd 

ep · is a littyſt heꝛde Hough it be ef hyndis 
Sin vl. is a mydyl heꝛde to catt bpm be kepndis 
(And lopv . ie a gcete hezd calt. pe hem ſo 
Ge it het be it hynde bucike oz ellis wo 

Nom pe Chall Gp a gret hert i not a kair g oder 

G gerte at Ben pe bpm ſe ſo phatt pe bpm eat 
Got neuezmoꝛe a fapre text for no thynq chat map be fal 
N grele hynde a grebe bucke and a fapre doo 

My fonnps bhere pe Palke cak pe hem fo 

So pe ſhulde naame ſich dere: and do as J pol lece 

C what is a beup of Koga grete oz (mall 

CL And (ep is a beue of Roos on a mibbe 
And. p ts a mydſt beuy fut Wele J it kate 
G geete kup 18. vn. Bhen chap to gedre be 
5 fo calt hem ſonnys Borre that pe hem fe 
moore nombeys than plore > the avetter the teup is 


Nhat is a Sounder of (w yne grete o2 ſmall 

CL Civelfe make a Sounder of the Pylde ſlopne 
Lorre meoptt Sounder What place Hap be inne 
G. grete ſounder of ſwyne . pp. pe ſhalt calf 
Torx geet not this leffion for chyng that map fall 
Thynke Nhat I ſap: my ſonne nyght and dap 

Or che Goo huntong bꝛekbng . and drel(png 

hen pe hunt at the Moo then ſhalt pe ſap thooxe 

He eroſſies and treſones polbte holbndye byfoore 

& arate Roobucke pe caſt bpm not fo 

Got a fapre (Roobucke and a fapee doo 

Wich ehe bodellis and With the bloode 

Reloar® pe pobore holondes my ſonnys fo goode 

CL nd eche foote pe phatk cutte m. ii. J pot kenne 
Take che bowellis and tie bloode and do alk o gedre chen 
(Peupth bit than & polore holondye ſo 

Bind moche the glaadder then chap Welk go 

Tint to polbee holondes a ceKare is calt 

Afor hit is exten on the grolonde and on the flepnne dalle 
CL The Roo phatk be heꝛdeled by weneri J Beene 

The. jj. foꝛtheꝛ legges the pw layde by tene 

Nnd tale oon endez legge wp J polo prop 

Bind chat oder fort: legge right as J potb fay 

(pon the os fortes legge both pe hem pytte 

And Wich that otheꝛ foꝛtheꝛ lege Wp pe hem knptte 
Oon thps manez thus When pe haue Wooght 

tk boole to the Rechen then hit ſhatt be beoght 

Sane that poſbre Hilts ete : te towillis and de fete 

Now of thage t wndopig of the boore 

C Mob & ſpelze of che booze the fyꝛſt per he is 

& ppaae of the Sounder called ale haue J blis 
The ſecunde pere an hogge and ſo ſhalt he be 

And an hoggeſteꝛe When he is of peris. in 

nd Phen he is of . im pere a beore ſhe lt he be 
Fm the Sou nder of the ſwyne then depttith he 

& Songquler is he fo: for a lone he Witt goo. 

¶ bn pe haue ſlayn che boore and Hitt do hym right 
Pe ſhalt wnro hym wnflapne Nhen he ſhalt be dight 
po. bredys and. . of hym pe ſhalt make 

Op the law of wenezy as J dare ſondez take 
Thurah pobbre houndpe by firyngth eff that he be we 
Tap ſhalt haue the bolbyllis bople Pith the brede 
Cale Oppon the grolonde theꝛ tty boore Was f lapne 
And chat is calde a (Ne az de fo hunteris it (apne 
Woy the eꝛth fo haue J blis: for that fo etm re 

Now of the hare 

Cow for & fpeke of the have my founps ſedireli 

That beeſt kyng ſhalt be calde of att dene zy 

AFoz alt the fapre ſpekyng and blalbpna lef fere 
Commyth of ſechyng and fyndyng of the dare 

FCoꝛ my leif chyl dez J take it on honde 

He is che meꝛuelleſt beeſt that is m ony lone 

Sor he ſymaes and crcotis and NRoungeth eue ꝛ moore 

And berath malo and guss: and a boue teeth path be foo 
And other While he is male: and fo pe ſhalt hym fynde 
And odes Nhile female and kyndꝛlis by hende 


Co And Blan fe is female and kendelis bpm Vith in 
In in degrees he hem teath or he bitch hem tlopn 
Too (Rough and . 7 [moth Bho Will hem ſe 

And y knottis alfo that kyndelis Nit be 

Den he ie female fo telt J mp tale. 

C The rewarde koꝛ howndys 

¶ hen powre hounds by ſtꝛenath path done her & me 
Che hunter ſhalt cebazd: hem then Veith the hede 

Bith the phulmus and the ſrdes and Vith the bothellis oll 
And at chynch) With m the Bombe ſaue onli the galt 

The quunche al ſo: peue hem noon of doo 

Mich reaꝛde When oon the ezth it is alé. 

Wich atk goode hunteris the. halo . it is calt 

Then the lopnes of the hare loke pe not foꝛgete 

Bot bꝛpng hem & the kechyn for the loꝛdis meet 

nd of this tlke hare ſpeke Be no mare. 

liche beeſtes (hall be klapne n wich ſtripte 

Cob & ſpeke of che beſtes hen Hay be flopne 
Sho manꝑ be lt ꝛypte and bob manp be flapne 

At chat bere ſkyne and talo and ounge leue me 
Shall te flapne ſofe the gare for he chat ſtripte be 
And alt chat truth gwece: and piles the: wmon 
Euer phat be ſtꝛypte Phen thap be ondoon 

Dy chere mane: play: thut pe phatt fap . 

hiche beeGis (hall be reride with the [omer . 

¶ (Mp wee fonnps echeon nob Kuk J pol lem 
Hoh many mance: beeſtps as Wich the lymere 
Shatt be wprerpe m fryth oꝛ in felde 

Booth the beꝛt and the bucke and the boore fo Wilde 
yd att other beſtys chat huntid chatt be 

Shaſt be fought and fount With (Na tchis ſo fre 
Sap thus J pol tolde: my childeꝛ fo tole 

The dilcreuyng ok a Buche 

rd pe ſpeke of the uche the fyꝛſt pere hy is 

& fatone, folbkpng on hie dam fap as Y poh Kis 

The ſecunde pere a preket.the.1 pere a ſolbrelt 

QU ſobbre at the. ini . pert the tmobile J po telt 

The. OG. perce atk ym a Mucke of the fyiſt frm 
The. wr. gere antl hym a Mucke and do as J pou rede 

Ot the hops of a Bucke 

¶C Th hoꝛnys of a qdete Mucke oꝛ he fo be 
Moſt be ſummpd as J fap heꝛkenyth & me 
Too braunchie fizft palmpd he moſt haue 
And. mj. awaunceꝛs che foth ff pe Pilt ſaue 
nd vpm eſpeleꝛs and chen pe may hym alk 
hee fo pe be a gvete uche J belt pol alt 

Ot the Koobucke - 
¶C nd iff pe of the Noobucke Bik nat cheſſame 
The firfe pere h; is a Rye ſoukyng on his dame 

& ing 

Ehe (eaune pere he is a geꝛle: and ſo be ſiche alt 

The hire pere an emule loke pe hym af 

(Robucke of the fiꝛſt hede ke is at the im. pere 

The. w pebe a (Roobucke bpm alk J polb lere 

At ſaynt andrelb day his horny he Ritt caſe 

In moore o m moos he hidyth hem faſt 

So that no man may hem fone fende 

Ellyes m cestayn he wow not his kynde 

Tt ſoynt Yamps mp Pere fo he ge 

Then chatk te (Roobucke gendre Kith the Roo 

And fo boldelp ther as pe dusne 

Then is be ald a (Roobucke goynq in his ame 

Rnd iff pe may a Mobucke fle With olbt anp faple 

And pe fynde that heue qrece at his tayle 

s fum (Robuckps haue hen pe hit fynde 

Then ſhalt pe rere it as pe do of heꝛt and of hynde 
(fo the (Robucke as hit is Veele kde 

a hol prom day he gooth to Rp. 

End cofith the bit: Ehen he map gebe hit 

Nom of the hert and o€ the Hynde . 

¶ Sonnps of tp bert and dle hynde lerne pit pe map 
CTheꝛ thap dra w to the heꝛde at boli room day 

To the ſtepe chen thay goon pche hote day al noon 
Which ſtepe thap (fen my childeꝛ J pols fap 

Tut hit de NMyddeſomere at the laſt Bay 

Che mufe of the (tere is to Beer hym fro the flee 

Who fo commyth td that place map fe hit With his iche 
Ay other chyng chap wſe mp chylde alſo 

The fame ſeſon of the pebe to ſople to ao 

Of the cripng of theds berltÿs 
¶ En feat belowys and a bucke gronys J fende 
And iche Roobucke certapne tells by kynde 
The nopes of thepes bes ſeys chus pe ſhalt call 
FHoꝛ pure of theyre make thay wfen hit alt 
Sap chylde Phere pe goo: polore dame Mahé pou fo 

erke well theÿs ſeſonys wlowyÿng. 

CL Epme of areee begynnyth at mydſomeꝛ day 
Ind tpt boli Roo mp laſtych as J pou fap 
CE ſeſon of the fop fro de (Matiuxte 
Typlt ebe annunaacaon of obre lady fre 
¶ Seſon of ch Robucke at Eſteꝛ ſhalt begynne 
End titt mychelmas laltith nygh oꝛ fle blynne 
COE ſeſon of the Koo begynnyth at ¶Michelmas 
And hit ſha t endu te and laſt ontitt Candilmas 
Ct Micklinas begennyth huntyng of the hate 
End laſtith tilt mydſomeꝛ thez nytt no man hit (pare 

Che ſeſon of the Kolfe is in iche cuntre 
G the ſeſon of the fox and eus zmote ſhalt be 

The ſeſon of the wore is from ch (Latiupte 

it de purification of oldre lady fo fre 

11 at che (Natuupte of olbre lady ſwete 

may f nde Nhere he goth ſonder his feele 
Booth m Nodys and ſeldis come and od frute 
hen he after foode makpth anp fute 
Crabbys and acoꝛnes and nottte ches thay amb 
Bamps and bepes avd other chen prod 
Tint Gt the purification laſtys as pe ſe 
And matpth the gBoor in ſeſon & be 
4For While that frute map: laſt his time is neucs paſt 

Ot the huntyng of the haare 

Ob  fyche of the haate hols atk ſhall be Proght 
DOken che phatk rth houndes be foundyn and ſoght 
Bie fiꝛſt Borde eo the houndis dat the Guntrhalk owt pit 
Is at the ken alt sore When he openys it 
Tot alk mop bpm here: h halk fap axere. 
Hor his holb ndes Bole cum to haſtely 
Tint is che fiꝛſt Bore my ſonne of wenerp 
And Bien he tath couplyd his baun des ꝑchoon 
And is forth With hem to the felde goon 
nd Phen he has of caſt hie coples at will 
Then ſhall he ſpeke and fay his nae att 
s de couple auaunt ſe auaunt lis fo 

nd chen So ho ſo ho. thries and no mo 
End then fap . Sa ſa ep auaunt Sook J pou pp 

nd iff pe ſe polbre holbndes haue goode Wilt to renne 
G draw a KapWarte fro pol fap as Y pold kene 
pee how amy. agapne hem alt fo 

hen. Sheff mon amp ſweff. eo make hem ſofk go 
And iff anp fynde of the baare thez he bath bene 
nd he hight Richez oz emounde thue eo bpm bedene 
Spes a emounde le daillant. and J ſhalt pou abowe 
Dé quita troy la colbaꝛde on la court colve 
Tut Gemonde the Worche With owt anv faple 
Thot Wenpth to fpnze the colward With Ae short taple 

C Rnd iff pe ſe There the have af mfture both bene 
ff hit be m the tyme of the coꝛne arene 
nd iff polore houudes c pace Bett at powoe Wilt 
Then . ii. mots falt pe bla booth lobe and chilt 

Chee oon and chere an other chere te pafku ryde han 
Ohm {Op . illogues Uloques in thelfame place 
So fap to hem in kynde: conto tyme that pe his fende 
¶ C nd chen caſt a ſigne att the feld a boldte 
To fe at hte fuſture Where ſhe mth be in oz olote 
Oder at hiz foame for gladli to be phe is not lefe 
Cher fiz hath paftund m tyme of Relefe 
nd anp hound fyndoz muſyng of bit mace 
Ther as fle ath byne and is goon obbt of chat place 
Ha Je touz cp eft vll fo chalk pe fap 
wenez ever, fo lo fa. alſo lobe as pe map 
Sa ep ad eſte fo bom . after that 
a facp auaunt . and theꝛof be nol lat 
Bin Nhm pe(e (onto the plapne her at the laſt 
In felde od in ermabull londe: oz in to ch Bor paff 
nd polbre hounde Wilk fynde of bez thez then 
ax . la Douce amp la eff u. and o as J polo ken 
mt is to fap fete frende: thes is he come lolb 
Fon & dap here and ther With pe ſhalt fap (bom 
Coe ep muce ep May launt fo how fo holb chen top 
hus map pé nod dere ſonnps leone of denery 
And When pe come ther as pe trod he Witt dwell 
(Und fo ſemeth to polo Welt then fap as J polo telt 
Ta doure la eſt a (enn; foꝛ to dlbelt thooꝛe 
9 cher ih. ij ſohold . {ov pe no moore 
nd iff it ſemes Polt polb to Fyne all m fere 
gn Benen ſo eo do then Oy _ rouce holb hece fob here 
ol here douce both here bod kore he ſittys 
So halk pe fap my Hhyldte and for no chpne; lettycz 
Qt manez beſtys Ghat eucz chaſede Bore 
Haut oon manez of Var . ſo how. and no more 

Co ful fit oꝛ wißt eche manez of chaas 
Ey hunt eueꝛ moore in his molbth that Bort he fuse 
nd iff pobre boundys at a chaſe denne thes pe hunt 
And che treft begynne to renne as lpzttis be Bont 
Dz for to hanplon as dos the ſop Rich his aple 
Ox fox to croſſe as the Koo woth oder Phile 
Oder dwelt fo that polbre honndys cannot olde go 
T fen halk pe fap. hoo fa amp (a fa 

complex ſa a rere fo hob. ſich is the plap 

nd folplh as moch is as fa how ( fap 
ae for . ſohod is ſhoꝛt in ſpeche Bien it is brought 
Theꝛfore fay Ne. ſoholb bok ſa hold fap We noghe 
And uF polore houndis chafe at bert oꝛ af haare 
And thay denne at defaute thus pe ſhalt fap thare 
Jep ſoholb affapne aſſayne fton bh 

a aſſayne arere folod theis Boras and no moo 
Gus iff polbre houndes renne Bett at fo oꝛ at wo 
And ſo faple at defaute fap thus ferther oꝛ pe goo 
Ho bo o7e ſwef aluy douce a lu · chat thap here 
Ho hop aſſayne aſſayne fa avere 
So hold fo hold wenez d coupler and do as J pold henne 
The moore Noꝛſhyp map pe taue among alt meme 
(Polbre craf tis let be kdde: and do as J pow bpdw 
GUE my ſonnys m ſome: and thus map ye konne of game 

Ghe book that the mapfter hunter makpehe to 
his man now here folopng pe map here 

Be mayſteꝛ to his man makych his (ops 
That he tnolbith be kynde Pyat che tere doys 
Qe huntyng euezmoore Bien & cops 

Quod te man bo his maifter hat Bere good loore 
Foꝛ to knaw What he. mos th hunden before 
hat woth he mayſteꝛ quod the man 
5 moth quod he cuyn as tholb mapſt fe 

Buk pty . and fo woth no beeſt bot he 
ben bre keyth he quod (ip man Bhat is chat to fap 
Meith his feete he opynys tle eich the: he gooth a Bay 
Vtut is the cauſe quod the man naiſte : I the pray 
Tut ehe bert be foore the houndes Wien thap bpm bunt ay 
Tut chen to the Kpuer he Wellis for to goon 
Quod the maiſteꝛ & the may tee armufes toon 

Hoꝛ. ii. cawſes the heꝛt detivich to the Rover n 
note wele theta terms boloÿng delcende n oder 

CL Gon enue for the Kpuez deſcende he is ap 
And fo te he & che Water When he takich the kop 
hy calliſt tho hym . deſcende. mayſteꝛ I the prap 
Foꝛ he papus of is myqht the ſooth J the fap 
& noche is to the Water Phi he gooth other Phyle 
The holondes that hym (eKen to foun de & begyle 
¶ Pit of this heꝛt quod his man maiſteꝛ Wolde J ken 
n & te Rater Ken he leppys What le mates then 
re proferith quod che mayſteꝛ andfo pe ſhalt fap 
Hoꝛ he Pot not hym felfe pit hold he Wiſt a Bap 
hethez ouez tie Kates he Witt for pafſe 
Or tue apen theſſame Pap ther he fyꝛſt Pas 
Thezſore hit to profte as theys hunteris fapne 
And Reprofes iff cheſſame Wap he taꝛne apene 

Ac chat over fiz of dp tes iff lp wp Texte 
Sian chatt gecalt hit dy. foule of te here 
Bind that ie for dp Kates of his legger Berke 
Sobre in & the 9 20 the: fall pn of his (ede 
Gipen the Bater hie Bap œuen sff le hent 

Then beekpth be Batez ther Go take pol Ent 
Bind iff Bith de Ba ter ge algate pol hit (half 
Oeſoulant the Patez an het fo bpm calf 

New of che Nomblie nierhe wele the temps 

¶ th man & his maplter foebpth fult blpth 

Off ay nombl ps of dp beré chat ks Bole hy m fith 

Dob mong endps deo phatt be hem Bich mne 

uod the mapfter bot oan thpk noe ch une 

A nr that is bot fe Gargilon & (poke of atk bi dene 
And atk type ode: ches and (Rounduls . bene 

he Auauncezs the Forcheꝛs 

S. Bolde J Wit and cheld Boldeſe me leere 

cokes and the (Noundellis of the (Tomblps of p* dere 
Don croke of che (Momblis lych eue moore 
wunder d throote bolle of t healt be foo re 

That callid is. gaauncers Who fo can hem hene 

(Ard te hendezmaſt paste of the Membus chene 

Chae is to fer the Soꝛcpꝛe that liggyn eue h tent 
Th . » . theps of Gy beeſt cha l over erolke ellene 

An che Mydref that callid is che von delt alſo 
{Cor the fides volbnde a bolvte cozuen it is fro 
p desde ſonnys bolde : ſax of game J thus pold bolde 

Tit Wolde J Piet maiſte : Phi cheys houndes alk 
apen and eꝛpen Ren thay hym ceche ſhalt 

oꝛ thap Nolde haue help that is thayꝛ ſhylt 
te to flee the beeſt that thap renne tylt g 
¶ Tek me mayſter quod the man Phat is the ſhyll 
hy the haare Woolde fo faynne renne apeneſt the hilt 
Quod the mayſteꝛ for bez leggys be ſhoꝛteꝛ be foore 
Then be hyndꝛ: that is the felt. of poore 
¶ Mut is the caufe quod the man pe men fap of pt beeſt 
Slat the haare ſittiih ape Bien fle cakyth hei weft 
And oder beeſtys ly: as cmmuneli men foyne 
Hor. j. cafes quod the mapftex J telt the ployne 
Doy is fos fle huꝛcles wpon hir houghis ap | 
And alt othes keftps : can the ſide to the grolbnde lop 
Qin ows anufe ther is and that ts noo fees 

Fer ſhe becith tooth ſelbet and pure greece 

ET git Wolde. J mayſtez quod che man fayne Witt more 
bebe lyth the ſuet of the haare be hynde oz befoore 
Ouet the loyne quod che mapſteꝛ of iche haare thodd take 
So thi the taple and the chyne euen oon the backe 
pit Nolde I mayſteꝛ quod the man chxs at & lees 
bat tho Valkeſe m the fel de Pitb chp lymeez 

Ther as an bit paſtuꝛred bach : 02 yt tho bpm ſe 

To knabe faatt oz lene Minthes that he be 

J can quod) che mapſteꝛ Wert telt che thys caas 
Mhaite Pele Nhre fe lap : and Vhere hy fume ped haas 

(Polo end) eng lapmade iff that it be 

Then is he fatt J the telt leꝛne theys of me 

And iff it be baoth blacke and haꝛde and clene 
Then he 1g meegre lazbꝛe and) leone 

And of chys tlke chyng iff Got leue not me 
Take heede in the Pyntre and then ho map it fe 

C it mayſtez of de haare fapn Bolde J Wit moore 
at he doch Phen he qooth the holbndps befooꝛe 

He forth and veforth ther he gooth a Wap 

Papchpth and repꝛpck pth the footh for to fap 

ot Wat is that quod the man Keen thay fo mone 
Thot ſhalt J quod the mapſteꝛ telt tte full foone 

In che feel des Wheez he gooth no Ways bene 

Ther he forth Klen he ftepopth and hit may not be ſeene 
And after When he doloblich and tuꝛnyth agapnne 
They he wfoorth as goode hunteres ſaynne 

And When he cennpth m the Pap diy or Werte 

Then men map Fone foſtalp of clees oz of feetꝛ 

That pryckpth the haare ape When he woth foo 

End veprpclepth then iff he agaynne goo 

CZ Naiſteꝛ pit quod the man Nhat is this & fap 
(N Oauntellay a lay. and a Relay. 

Thot chatk J ett che quod he: for a littiſt byzele 
When the holondys a2 ſet: an heꝛt for & mete 
nd othe: hym chaſen and fololbpn to take 

Then alt che (Relais Hho may wwon hem make 
Eden at his comyng pf tholb fete chp holbndys goo 
While the ores that be behynde fez azn hym froo 
Thee is. a wauntelap . and fo chow phatk hit alt 
For thap are than fer before thoos oder Holbnas att 

nd ay hpntapna qeefe alk oder wnat 

„For thap map not that mp nomore ſewe at Wilt 
And holde thyn houndes ſeyll ff chat thow fo do 
Tit alt the houndes that de behynd be cum theꝛto 
T tan let then houndes alt to gedeꝛ goo 

That called is an allay. and looke thold fap fo 
And that hyndeꝛpng is prt to them that be behynde 
Foz che cefted Mitt oue: go the Wee de by kynde 

delay is after Phen the houndes az paſt 

Fer be fore Vith the heꝛt that hiet hem fale 

To let thyn houndes fer after hem gooy 

And that is then a foꝛthezyng to hem echoon 
Foꝛ and thyn houndes baue oue:take thes ot; bi deſtres 
Then ſhalt they alt folue hym of oon ſweftnes 

That is a Eorlopng . 

Mit mayſteꝛ Bole J fapn thus at pot leere 
Ga is a forlopna for that is goode to here 
Thot ſhalt J fop the quod he che fort at leſt 
When chy houndes m the Bor ſechyn any beeſe 
And the beeſt is ſtoſt a Wap olbt of the fryth 
Or the houndes that tho zaſt meten cherprth 
And any othe: houndes before: than map tith hem me be 
Thees oder houndes arn then foꝛloynod I the hee 
Fes che beſte and che houndes azn fo fez befode 
And che houndes be hynde be Meere and foor 
So that thap map not at the beſe cum at ther Wilk 
The houndes be fore foꝛlopne hem and that is the flaptf 
Thap be ap fo fere be fore to me iff tholb wilt truſt 
nd chys is the foꝛlopne lece hit iff thot luſt 

f J 

Nlliche thre hinges cauſe the houndes to endure 

hit Tole J Beete mapſter iff it Bare thy Pit 

ban thyn houndes denne an heꝛt oneal 
And ap the fosther they qoo the glade thay bene 

. ij. mufes quod h oft tyme is ſene 

Son is When the heꝛt dennys fale on a veſe 
Be ſwetich that hit rennpth dolwne toma olbt his clees 
The houndes Nhen thap fynde of that t€ is ſ wete 
Then az thay leue: & venne and lothes & lete 
An odez mufe When che tert np no moore map 
Then Witt he Phite froth caſte the: he gooth a hap 
Mhen thyn houndes fynde of that then az ap glad 
In hope chap ſhalt hym zuue and wenne fo rad 
The. ij. quſe is of th heꝛt Phen he is nygh wee 
Then he caſtys ole of his molbth froth and blade rade 
The houndes knal that he ſhalt be take ſoone than 
And euer the forther they qoo the gladdis they denne 
T hes as the auſes. ij. that caſoſes hem gladde to be 

Nulich be& a ſlau hounde takis as fone as aſwift 
What beeſt pit mayſteꝛ Y ap it fos non pit 
That mooſt hoole alt houndes rennen ontilt 
And alſo fone che ſlowyſt ſhalt hym oueꝛ talze 
s the ſwyftiſt halt do Phat Wap ſo euer he take 
Thot beeſt a Baufpn bight a rok oz a Grap 
Thees. ij. namys he hach tie ſooch for to fap 
And chie is muſe tleꝛof: foꝛ he Litt by kynde 
Go thorugh choꝛnpe a Wap the chykeſt he may fynde 
The as che ſwyftiſt houndes map no forther goo 
Then the ſloweſt of foote be ha neues fo thro 

Ulhß the hare fmajs and crotels. 

CH pit mapſceꝛ Bolde J Bete Bhi that men ſapn 
Tat Ge haam finmnaps and croteys booth plapn 
And afk offer manes beeſtys that huntid be 
AFempoy os fenoy as We Bele hit fe 
Sint halk J Weeſt telt the quod the mapftes then 

ot Bhp that he femaps and cots Balk J hen 
5 femarth for hu beꝛyth talolb .thie is no les 
End ze cdoteis men fopy for he kenth gwees 
And Roukis on his houghis Phen he lettis it go 
End beeſtys of ſich kynde ſynde Kee no moo 
Hold monp bee ſeis femapey mapſteꝛ fapy J Volde lere 
End hold many feno that Bare good to kre 

lt chis & telt quod the mapfter J holde hit bot Lihat 
QUE beeſtis that beere taloſb and ſtonde opright 
Femapen Bhen thap do fo fap as J the keme 
nd alt odeꝛ fenoy that volbken alone chenne 

Fw nond maner beettis ot venerd Keleue 

¶ How many manes beeſtis pit mapſtes me telt 

Off dener Oeleuen by frpth or by felt 

To this quod che mapite: J halt tie anſſbare 

Off alt beeſtis bot. 5. he ert and the haare 

Fm che Alimuncdacion of ore lady mp 

The bert chen releues the foott fos & fap 

Titt ſaynt Petris mp and mule.ano the haare right: 
Fm che Purificacton of olbo lady bright 

Tilt che pig hia Relenpes : leue pe me 

Off ſapnt Thomas ax of Cauntusbure , 


Do vudo the wylde Woore - 

CL Pit my chplt of the boore for & ſpele moore 
DBley fn phat be wndoon J eetk pol be foore 
pony. bre dis pe ſhaſt of bpm make 
(Now Bk pow mp ſonnps Wit Weve pe ſhalt them take 
The fpaſt of tepm is the hee Nhat euer be falt 
n oda is dhe colez and fo pe phatk hit att 
The ſheldys on che ſholderis: theꝛof ſhalt . j. be 
Then epdeꝛ ſide of ehe ſloyne depeztid in. ij 
The peeſtellis and the gambons depte theym . 3 
And. j feleteys he hach: foꝛgete nok thoo 
Then take is legges and is fete g ſhebith gore ſleght 
Foz chey foal of his bredys be countid for. wy. 
Depaꝛtith the chyne in. m. pecis and nomoo 

nd take cher polbre bredis . ppp · and. . 
25 fapte put the geec Blan it is fake a fap 
Ay the bleddez of the boore my chylde J pod prap 
I hit is a medecyne: for monp maneꝛ ppne 

C how pe ſhall bzeeke an Bert 

Fee ch for to fpeke of the heꝛt Bhile Re thynkꝛe ooß 

p chelde fyꝛſt pe ſhalt bom ßue Phen he ſhalt te vndoo j 
And chat is for to fap oꝛ eueꝛ pe hym dyght 
Wich in his olne hoꝛnys to lay hym wpuabt 
3 theſſap cut bpm that loꝛdys map ſee: 

noon fat oz leon Wheder chat he bee 
Thon cut of the coddis the bely euen froo 
©s e begynne hem to flee sand then ſhaſt pe goo 

At chaulis: 6 begynne affone as pe map 
And flpterth hym downe euen & tha(fap 

And fro Hhaffap euen dene the tele chalk pe flies 
To the piſſitt theꝛ the codde Nas a wap kept 
Then ſlit the lyfte lege euen fiꝛſt before 
And then the lyfte legge by hynde oz pe do moor 
nd thes odez legges wxyſpon che right [pe 
Won cheſſame manez ſlyt ye Hat tyr 
To goo & the chekys looke pe be prefé 
End fo fleeth bpm dolbne euen to the breſt 
End fo fleeth hym forth right one theſſax 

Cun & the place Blew the codde Nas at a kop 
Then fleeth cepfame Ryſe alt that ow: fpr 

Got let the taylt of the beeſt (Ertl theꝛ oon byde 
Than phatk pe hym vndo mp chple J poh ede 
K yght opon his atbne ſkynne and lap hit on brede 
Take heer of the cuttyng of theſſame dere 
And begynne fpzft to make tle Eabere 
Than take olbt the ſhul deris . and flyttith a nooß 
The talp to the ſyde from the coꝛbyn bone 
That ie coꝛbpns fee : at the deeth he Will be 
Then fake olbt the felbet that hit be not lafte 
Foz that mp chylde is good for lechecraft 
Than put chyn honde ſoftely onder the brefe bone 
nd ther ſhalt pe take ot therte: a noon 

Tian put owt the muncle and from the paunche tas: 
& wap Biahtlp the Rate ſich. as & haas 

Boole it with a fyngre. do as J po kenne 
And With che bloode and the qrece fillith hit theme 
Tooke chrede that ye haue and nedelt theꝛto: 
Fon to fel it With alt oz pe moore do. 


The ſmale guttis than pe phatk olbt ppt 
Hum hem tale the malb. foꝛpet not it. 
Ton take owt the leue: and lay hit on tle ſuynne 
nd after chat the bledder With oldt moore dynne 
Ean deeſſt the Mombles : firſt that pe weke 
Dobne de awunceis kezue that cleues & the necks 
End done With the bolehwte put them a noon 
And kezue wp (he fleft the: wp to che hach boo 
And fo forth the fillittis that pe wp arere 
Thot fallith to the nombles. and shaft be ther: 
With te nerves alfo and ſebbit: that tes is 
Lum to the mydꝛyf that wrpon hym is 
Than talze colbne the mydrif from the fixe hoole 
And baue wp the nombles hoole by the bolt cbrote 
In chyn hond than them holde. and looke and fe 
Tut alt chat longith chem to. to gedeꝛ Hat thap be 
Than take them to thy brow: & holde fox triſt 
Mhylis cholb them dolbblyſt and dightis as the liſt 
T pan a Wap the lyghtis and oon che ſkynne tem lap 
To a bpde the queꝛte my chylde J pol prap. 
Than chatk pe flyt the flough tes as the Inet Uh 
And take a Kap the E res 95 it and by flyth 
G ſich heris bath his het: ap it won 

s men map ſe in the beeſt Bien he is ndoß 
nd in the myddis of thy heꝛt a boon ſhalt ye fynde 
Loolee pe peue hit bo a loꝛde. and chylde be kynde 
Foꝛ hit is kynde fos mony malydies 
And m the myddis of the bert eueꝛmere it lies 
Than ſhalt pe kpt the fleprtis the teeth euen fro 
And after che Ragae toon cuttis eum alſo 
The foꝛchis: and the ſydes euen belwene 
End loche that podore tmpfe ap Whettyd bene 

Chan euzne cp the foꝛchis . and frote them Beth bloode 
Foꝛ eo ſaue the qrect . fo do men of good 

Than chatk pe cut the neke the ſpdes euen fro 

nd tp bere fro the nele cuttpth alfo 

The toong the brayn the paunch and che necke 
hen thap Wash be Wert With Nate z of the beche: 
The fmale guttis eo the lightis in the days: 

& boue the teat of the beeſt When thow them erie 
Wich alt the blow that pe map gete and NPyn 
QE to gedeꝛ ſhalt be fake . and lapde oon the ſhyn. 
To qgeue polore houndes . that alld is J Wie: 
The qupꝛte. a boue the ſkyn ſoꝛ it etpn ie 

And Who dightis hym fo bp my counfaple 

Shall haue the lefte ſhuder for hys trauaple. 
And che Right ſhulder Uhere fo euer he bee 
Peueth to che fofter for that is his fee 

nd the lyueꝛ alſo of theſſa me bee ſt 

To the fofterys knaue peueth at the leeſt 

The nombles tru ſſich in che ſkynne. and tareelf bpm faſt 
Th ſides and the foꝛches eo ge deꝛ that thay laſt 
ich chender legges . be mon fo it phatt 

Can brpng it boom. aud the ſbynne With att 
The nombles . and the boꝛnes . at the loꝛdis pate 
T pn boldely blow che pre tharat 

(Pobre play for to mynne . Ox chat po come Yrne 

¶CEpplicit Dam Julpans 
Garnes m her boke of huntyng. 

Veſtis of the chace of the lwete kewte n stinkig 

hes be beeſtys of the chace : of the ſwete fete. nd 
tho be the ucke the Doo the Geere . che Repnd 
the Ele. che Sppcard . the Otre. and the (Mantron. 

¶ Eh: be beſtis of the chte of the ſeynleyng felwer Qind 
thay be the Moobucke and the (Reo . the Fulmaꝛd . the 
Feches. the Baur . the Grape. che op . the Squpretk « 
the Bhitrat . the Sol. and the Pulmite. 

C The namps ot diueꝛſe maner houndis 

T bees be the namps of hounds. Hiꝛſt te: is a Orehownd 
a Baftard.a Mengretk. a Maftpfe.a Lemoz . a Spa: 
npett . Machys . Renettys. Teroures. Borheus houndes 
Mpddpng dogges. Tꝛyndeltaples . andꝰ Huklend auztis . 
and ſmale ladies popis that beere a Wap the flees and dyue⸗ 
us ſmale falbtis 

¶ The pꝛopꝛeteis of a goode Srehound. 
Ft Svehounde ſhulde te heded like a Snake . ard necked 
like a Drake . Foted like a Rat. Tapled like a Rat . 
Spr lyke a Teme . Chpned like a Geme 

¶ Elke fiz ſt pore he moſt leone fo ſede Eke ſecind pete to fel 
d hym led. ¶ Che. ij. pere he is felow dye. Ehe im 

ere ther to noon ſihe ¶ . Cle . w . pere he 18 good {rough 
Tle. wr, pere he ſhalt holde the plough ¶ The wn pore he 
Hitt apaple: guete bülckys for to aſſaple I The cori pere 
linladilt. The. ip. pete ca ꝛtſadylt. GC And Kien he is com 

myn & hat pere: houe hym to the tanner. ¶ {For che beeſt 
hobonde bhat eues bike hade · at. ip · pete he is futt badde 

he pꝛopꝛetees ot a goode hoꝛs 

Goode hoꝛs ſhulde haue. xx. zpretees. and conditions. 
vt is & Wit. in. of a man. in of a Roman . . of a fow 
ij. of an haare and. ih. of an affe. 
Off a may boolde pode and haꝛdy. 
Off a Boman fapyre breſtid farce of here g efp to lip wypon, 
Off a fop a faire taple ſhoꝛt eris Wich a good krot. 
Off an hare a gerte eygh a dꝛy hede. and Pelt vennyng 
Off an aſſe a bigge chyne a flatte lege. and good houe. 

Welt erauelid Romen nez Belt krauelid hore Bes nett goode 

Q Ariſe erly ſeꝛue god duouleli. and the Norlde beſily doo 
thy Werke Riſeli. eue thyn almeſe ſecvetiy Go by che Hoy fad⸗ 
Lp . QAnſwere the ple demuvely. Oo to ths mete appetideli. 
Sit ther at diſcretelp Of cht tonge be not to liberolu (Mau: 
ſe hesfrom kempatly. Goo to tht ſopeꝛ ſoboꝛly nd to thy 
bedde meoely. Oe m hyn Inne Jocũdelp Pleſe tiy loue du 
le · End flepe furely . 

Oerhe wele theps iii thůnges 
¶ Tha be im thynch principaſt to be drad of ep Bile man 
Th firſt is die cuaſe of olbre holy ſadeꝛ the pore . 
Ele ſecunde us thmdiqnacon of a punce Quia mdignacion 
regie Wel prinqpis more eſt 
Ele thude is tw fauoz or tte Wit of a Juge 
The m. is Sclaunde: ¢ the mutanon of a comxnalts. 

Nuho that makith in Criſtynmas a doog to his lad. 
And in (Marche a Sobd to is qardpnes . 

And in Map a fole of a hiſe mannys counſelt : 
He ſhalt neue haue goode laz de. fapre gaꝛdey. (Mes We 
le keppd coloncelt. 

CL Fer from thy Rynnpf men keſte the « 
Wrath not chy neighboꝛys nept the. 
In a qoode coꝛne cuntre threſte the. 
Bind ſitte dolbne Kobpn and veſt the. 

Uh that byldys his fous alt of falolbes . 
Bnd prickpth a blynde hore ouez the falolbys · 
And ſuffrich bps Pyfe to ſeche mony halolbys . 
God fen hym the blyſſe of eueꝛlaſtyng galobis 

Tk theis be not directid then go thei at aventpr 
¶ Ther be mi thynges futt harm fos to knal. 

Wypche Wap chat hap Witt orate . 

The fizft is the Kayes of a pong may. 

The ſecunde che cours of a Weſſaptt m the fee. 

The chridde of an Eddeꝛ oꝛ a ferpent fprent . 

The im of a folble fittpng on anp thyng. 

Too Bpues in oon fous . Goo cattys and oon mous: 
Too Mages and oon boon : theis ſhalt net acoꝛde 1 0077 

CM chat mannyth bpm With his Rynne. 
And clofith his croofte pth cheritrees. 
Shalt aue many leages brokpnne . 

And alſo fit lyttyſt goode ſezuyes. 

he Compadnys o€ beetkis and towlös 

Herd of Bertis a uw of Lionys 

ay heꝛde of alt man dere a Sleuth of Geerie 
an 8 of Swannys a Cete of Grates 
an Heide of Cranps a Meꝛp of Conyis 
ay Herde of Coꝛlelbps a Meithes of ¶MMaꝛtwnys 
an ae of Yrennps a Geſypnes of ferettis 

an Heꝛde of haꝛlottys a Grace of grehoundis of 3 
a (pe of ffeſaunttys a Lece of Grehoundis of .1y 
a Seup of Ladies a Coupult of ſpapnellis 

a Meup of Roos a Couple of rennyng houndis 
aw Seup of Quaplis a Litter of Welpie 

a Sege of hedonnys a Ryndyll of pong Cattis 

a Sege of betouris a Songuleꝛ of orie 

a Soꝛde oꝛ afute of ma lazdis a Depft of dame Swpne 
a Muſtre of Pecocks an Harraſſe of hoꝛſe 

a Wale of Snptis a Magg of coltis oz a Rake 
a Congveqacion of peple a Barn of Mule 

an Epaltpna of Laskis a Tapp of Gebe 

a Wache of (yghtingalis a Cuppe of baans 

an hooſt of men a Gagle of que 

a Fetithippngof pomen a gg of pnnxe 

a Chee of Goldefynches a ba delpng of Solis 

a Cafe of rede a (Moonpacens of pues 
a Couple ora paper of bolnllis a Sete of Prynces 

a fflight of Doues a Thongh of barons 

an wukpnones of Mauenes a Prudens of wrkens 

a Clateryng of choughes a Supſlupte of Munnps 
% Diſſimuſacion of breddis e Scole of clezkee 

a Route of Rnyghtis 4 Dockꝛyne of doctoris 

a Conütpng ef prechouus 
a Sentence of Juges 
a DSampnyng of Jurzouris 
a Diligens of Meſſangens 
an Obeiſians of ßuauntis 
a Sete of wfhens 

a Saauaht of boteleris 

a Poude ſhewyng of taloris 
a Tempans of akps 

a Stalke of foſte vis 

a oo ſt of ſaudꝛou ris 

a Laucqhtre of Oſtelo ris 

a Gloſpng of Taue ꝛneris 
Malepeꝛtnes of pedlezes 
a Thraue of Thwſheris 
a ſquatte of Dabbberis 

a Fightyng of kaqess 

an ontrouth of fompnesss 
a (Melody of Harpers 

a Pauuertp of pypeꝛs 

a ſotelty of ſeꝛgeauntis 

a Tabeꝛnacle of takezs 

a Drif te of fiſhers 

a Difapfpna of Caplours 
a GGleche of folbteris 

a Smee of Coꝛpouris 

a Cluftce of Grapys 

a Clufere of choꝛue 

a Mage of Mapwnps 

a Rafull of Anauys 

a bluſth of topes 

an oncredibilite of Cocoldis 
a Coup of paꝛtrichis 

a Sprpnge of Telia 

a Deſſeꝛte of Zaphpnay 

a fat of Woo decockie 

a Congregacon of Pleueꝛt 
a Coueꝛt of Ootis 

a Duett of Curtllig 

a Titengis of Pres 

an Oſt of ſpacolbis 

a Dare of bees 

a caſt of haubis of pe Gus. 
a Lece of theſſame paukis. in 
a Flicht of Soſhaukes 
a Flight of ſwalolbes 

a beldyng of (Nockes 

a Muꝛmuracoy of ſtares 
a Route of Woluess 

a Lepe of Lebaꝛdis 

e Sheelbdenes of N pis 

a Skulke of Theuys 

a ſkulke of ffopis 

a Meſt of Nabettis 

a Laboꝛ of Mollis 

a Mute of houndes 

a Renett of Machie 

a Sute of a lyam 

a Cobarzdnes of cuzris 

a Soundre of Wilde ſwyne 
a Sor of Mans 

a Pose of Giff 

« Goroue of (Nete 

a fflocke of Shepe 

a Gagle of Boren 

a Pepe of chpkemps 
a (Multipuenq of huſ bondis 
a Pontificalite of prelatis 
a Dignpte of chanonys 

a Chase of curtis 

a Diſctecion of Preſtie 

a Sculke of frens 

a bhompnable fight of movie 
a Sook of ffyſß 

a E pample of Maiſteris 
an Obßuans of herimptis 
an Eloquens of laweyeris 
an Epecucion of Officerps 
a faith of Maꝛchandie 

a ꝓuiſion of ſte aꝛd) of houf 
a Reiff of Panteris 
a Ccedens of Selbe ris 

an wnbeebpna of Rezueris 
a Safegaꝛde of Porte tis 

a Glaſt of Hunters 

a Thretenynq of courteperts 
a Pwomp(e of Capftens 

a Apenq of pat denerie 

a 1 age of papnterig 

a Lah of Cazteus 

& Scol dyng of Remſteritz 

a Won dezyng of Cpnkests 

a Waplbardnes of haylbaꝛdie 
a Poꝛſhip of Write cis 

a (Meuthriupng of Jogole cis 
a ffraunch of Mylneris 

a Feſere of Wrberis 

a Goꝛyng of Wochuns 

a Trpnket of Coꝛueſeris 

a Plocke of Shotuꝛneric 
a Deo nleſhip of Cobless 

a Sulke of fopie 

a Cluſtre of Mottis 

a gage of the teethe 

a (Rafat of Sept 

a Diſworſthip of Scotts 

Co Eepline 

Rete Glow the Dew teampe to (peke ok breek: 
png o2 dꝛellyng of dpuerſe beeſtis and Hwlis k 
And thellame is Chewed of certapn Epl(hes . 

re’ Sere brokenne . 
N Goole vere de 

a Pigge hedede and ſydede 

a Capon ſalbſede 

a Checdoon fruſſhyd 
a Conp won lacedde 
« Crane diſplayde 
a Cu ile Onropnéede 
a ffeſalont ale 

a Qua ple Lpnaged 
a Ploueꝛ Mpnſed 
a Hhegeon thyghed 
QBratone leechyd) 

a Sbanne lyfte 

a Lambe ſhul deride 
a Rive ſhulderide 
an Den ſpoplede 

a Malaꝛde wnbrafid 
an Heron dyſmembud 
a Mecoke diſ figured 
a Meture wontachid 
a Pa ꝛttich alet 

a (Raale bꝛeſtyde 

a Wodecoke chyghed 
an Egge T pred 

a fierce T ymbeꝛed 

Now of köſches 

N Sawmon Chyn es 
a Ppke fplatted 
an Ha ddoke ſided 
a Cheuen fynned 

a Sole loyned 

a Guꝛnaꝛde chyned 
a Tenche ſalbced 
an Ele troufoned 
a Creme ſplaped 
a Barbitt afkyd 
a T wucht gobettid 

CX pe (hall Cad thus 

Ty ert Derbourahith 

a Wucke lodgith 

an Eſqupeꝛ Lodaith 

a (Roo beddith 

a poman beddith 

an haare im hes foꝛme ſhul⸗ 
wrpng oꝛ leenyng . 

a Conp fitpne . 

a Wodeccke beekyng 

and the Gyſhopꝛyches of the reolme of Englond 
nd ye ſhalt ondeꝛſtonde that te Shyres be Buren befote 
and the biſſhopriches of theſſame ar Gat fololbyng nept aft 
and then afteꝛdaꝛd aꝛ ſhelbed the Pꝛoupnces of this londe. 

F nolb folopng ſhalt be chewed) att the Shyreys 

CC Rene Caunduꝛbuzp. oucheſtze. 
¶ Southoſex. | Chycheftre . 
¶ Daampfſhyre Sutherey. Myncheſtre. 
Cr Doeldechpe. Barkuphpee . Salpbusy . 
¶ Someꝛſete hpce. — GOonfet phpee . Bathe . 
Cr Deuenchyre.  Corneloaple Exceſtua 
CElee . Meller. London. 

qr leschfolke. Suthefolke. Moꝛwyche 
¶ Cambꝛpgeſhyre Elxe. 

CL Laytetee Huntyngdon. oꝛthamptoy . Hertford. Med 
ſoꝛd. Bokpnaham . Oppnfozd. Lxncolne Lyncolne 

¶C Clouctu: . Morcetuz: Wigoꝛj. 
Cr Derfordphpre. BHerford . 
Chi phyee. Shropſhyve. pte of Lampe. Cheſtve. 
Porkehtee . Staforchiee . Datbiſhide . Mofpnabam 
1755 and oder as parte of Lanca ſtreſhic. Poze. 
yoroupnices ot England 

auntuꝛburi. and (Pozrke . Stafford. Darbp Olotingham. 
cathumbeꝛlonde. Duzham. Weſtmeꝛlond. Tenqle. Raule 

7 : é 11 * ety 41 AE at 
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Met Git ee DGC pulses: 
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n { : ar auth Bye A 

ahr UO ee N ate 1 

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Ere in chys boolie folothyne is deleꝛmpned the lynage 
ef Coo aꝛmu ris: and hold gentilmen halt & knolbyn 

from vongentilt men. and hob bondeage began fiaſt in aungett 
and after ſuceded m man hynde. as it is phelbew in pwoceſſe 
booth m the childeꝛ of AA dam and alfo of (Roe. and hob (Noe 
dauydd the Woꝛlde m. 1j. partis to his. 1j. fonnps . ¶ ll ſo 
tier be ſheldyd the. ip. cololbris m aꝛmps figured by the. ip. 
ors of aungelis . and té is fhewyd by the foꝛſapd mlobug 
Vyih ben Woꝛthy and Vych ben Ropatt . and of rigaliteis Be; 
che ben noble and ich ben epellent. nd thes ben here the wer 
tuys of chpualzy and manx other notable and famolbſe thyn⸗ 
aps to the pleſure of noble pꝛꝛſonys ſhalt be ſhelbyd as the Bes 
kys folowyng Witteneſes Who fo euer likyth to ſe thaym and 
rede thapm Wych Were to longe nolb to res. nd after 
theps notable thong) aforfape folowyth the Mlaſpng of all 
maneꝛ aamys m latyn french and Englifh. 

AIncipit Tiber aunorum. 
W in Borthenes aarmes for ko bere by the opal 

blode m ordpnance all nobuft and qentptt men from the 

pefe wre to the lalbpſt ĩ thys fooke ſhalt be thewed . and & 
deſeueꝛ Gentilnes from ongentilnes · ¶ In fo moche thatt 
alt gentilnes cummys of god of heupny. al heupn J Hott begyn 
here ere. x. oꝛderis of aungelis and nobb ſtonde bot. ix. in co 
ole aꝛmuris of knalbleae ent rolbned fült hye With precious ſto 
nes. here Lucifer B ich mylionys of aungelis olbt of heuyn felt 
onto hett and odyꝛ places and ben hold yn theꝛ m bondage. and 
all here creatid in heuyn of gentilt nature. ¶ bonde man oꝛ a 
chuꝛle Pylt fap alt Ke be unmmpn of adam. So lucifeꝛ with his 
cumpanp map fap alt Ke be cummpn of eupn . (Clam. che 


tegynnpng of man tyne Bas as a (okke vnſprapde and xn; 
floreſhed . and in dp braunches is knolblegge Miche is volun 
and Biche is gene 

ow Sentilmen Chall be hnawhn kram churlis 
& how they kirſt began . And how Noe deuydyd 
the world in. tit. partit to his iii (onnps. 

Q ob foꝛ to deupde gentil men from choꝛlis in haaſt it ſhalt be 
preued. Chez Was neuer gentilmay noz chuꝛle oꝛdenpd by kyn 
de bol he had fadee and modre . ¶ dam and Ene bad nothes faz 
dre oz mode. and in the ſonnys of Num and Eue Waꝛ foun 
de bothe gentilman and chuꝛle. p the ſoonnys of Nam and 
Eue Seth belt and Capn deuyded Nas the ropatt blow fro 
‘the wnoentlt QU brother to ſlep his brother otrarp to the Lab 
here mpaht be moze wngentelnes . Oy that did Capn become 
a choꝛte and alt his ofſpꝛyng after bpm by the cuꝛſyng of god 
and his olbne fadre adam ¶ And Seth Was made a gen 
tilman thom his fades and moderig bliſſyng. Nd of the 
ofſpꝛyng of Seth (oe come a gmtilmar by kpnde 

¶ (Moe had. vj. ſonnys begetyn by kynde Arche modre . . 
Kere named Cham and Sem. and bp the fadre the thiꝛde Rag 
nampd Jafech. Mit m theys. ij. ſonnys gentilnes and on; 
gentilnes Nas founde ¶ In cham wngentilnes Bas founde 
& bis olbne ſadre 07 to diſcuueꝛ his preuptes and laugh 
his fadre to ſcoꝛne C Jafech Nas the pongiſt and repreued 
his brodre. Cian like a gentil man take mynde of Cham. foꝛ 
his ongentil nes he Bas become a choꝛle: and had the cuꝛſyng 
of god and his fadre (Hoe . And Bhan (Moe alboke he ſayde 
to Cham his ſonne: knolbyſt nott chold hold hit become of 

Capn Warm ſoon: and of his chuꝛliſt blow . QUE the Borlee 
i drolonde ſaue Be. wiry. nd nok of the bo begynne dungen 
tilnes and a mufe & deſt wye ws alt: wpoon the hit chalt be ⸗ 
ſo J pray to god that it ſhalt fett. Mob & the IJ apue mp 
cuꝛſe Bpcked kaptafe for eu. and I gyue to the: the north parte 
of the Wolde to dralbe thpn tbitacion for ther hath it be. 
Phere ſoroſd and are alt ard myſchef as a chuꝛle tholb 
ſhalt aue. in the thiꝛde marke of the Borla: Bich ſhalt be calde 
Euwpe that is to fap the contre of chuꝛlys. 

¶ Jafech eũ ews my ſonne hob ſhalt haue my bliſſing 
dere ĩ ſtede of Seth (N dam fon J make thea gentilman to the We 
(tc parte of the Woꝛlde. and & the occident ende: Phere as Welth 
and geace ſhalt te . thes thyn habꝛtacton ſhalt be. to take that other 
theꝛde paste of the Borla: Which ſhalt be calde aſia that is to fap 
the contre of gentilmen 

¶ nd Sem my ſon alſo a gentilman I th make to multipli 
abellis blow that fo Pylkedli Nas f layn . the oꝛxente tholb phat 
take that othe: theiꝛde mite of the Boꝛlde bid) chalt be calde aſſri 
m . that is to fap the contre of tempuꝛznes. 

C Of the of ſpꝛyng of the gentilman Ja feth come Heibrabam 
Mopſes NM wy and the profettps . and alſo the kync of xe right 
lyne of maꝛp. of Bhom that gentilmon Jheſus Was borne werp 
god and man: after his manhode Ryng of the londe. of Jude g 
of Jues gentilman by is modre mazp pꝛpnes of Cote aꝛmure. 

N ow longe Cote armures wer begunne atore 
thyncarnacion ot owre loꝛde Jhelu crvᷣſt - 

Tafeth mad fllt Baraet and thes in he made a balk in token 


of alt dhe Boꝛlde. and aftertbarte . 77 .pere and. wii. before 
thynca ꝛnacio) of Criſte: Cofeazmum Was made · and figurid 
at the ſege of trope Nhere in geſtys kroianorum it tellith Hace 
the fiꝛſt begynnyng of th lalbe of axzmps Pas. the Biche Bas 
effuqured and begunne before any lalde in the Voꝛlde. bott the 
Lalbe of nature. ernd before the. x · cõmalbn dementis of god 

¶ And thys lathe of aꝛmys as groun did wor the. ix · or 
deꝛys of angelit m heuen encwoldned With. ix. dyueris precious 
ſtonys of cololbuis and of oeꝛtups dyueris · alſo of them az fi: 
gurid the. ix · colouris in aꝛmys. as m nolbmbre & begynne the 
fiꝛſt (tone is allid Comfioy 

«7 i2im9 Lapis 

Ihe kirſt Rone is calde Copation fignptipng 
golde in arms 

¶ This ſcone T opa ſion is e femp ſtone. and golde it is cal; 
de in aꝛmys. The wertue ther of is: chet the aentlman te Bi; 
che thys [tone in his cote c muve berith a face meſfangere in his 
kynch) batylt ſhalt be. The ich ſtone is vreßued m the angelis 
crolone that Bas a tꝛe ma ſſangeꝛ anda fuce in his keynch ba⸗ 
capt of heuen Phan they faught Werth Luci fer 

¶ Scecũdso lapis 
She ſecunde ſtone is cald S maragdus a graue 
Ip ſtone Ggnifipny vert in arms 

¶ Th ſecunde ſeone is alu: Smaragdus a grauell ſtone . & 
wert it is elde n armps . Th weatu ther of is: that th gentyl 
man tie Wich in his cote as mur it bevith kene and haꝛdy in his 

kynch) balelt phalk be. the Biche ſkone is referued mtharchangel 
les crotne that Nas kene and haꝛdp m his kyngis bataile of he 
uen Boban thee faucht Beth luciſeꝛ 

¶ Tercius lapis 
¶ And this Gone is calde bruck cofore tains 

¶ Th chiꝛ de (tor is alee an N metiſe a duſketli (tor bruſt 

hit is alee n aimys. The Meꝛtu thes of is: that he the Pich te; 
rich in his Cofeazmur that (tone. foꝛtunable of xictori ĩ his bi 
ges batoptt phat be. the Lich (tone is veſezued to the wirtalys 
tvowne that Kas foꝛtunable and wictoriobs m his kpna batail 
of heuen Phan thap faught Pich Zuafer 

¶CQuartus lapis 
¶ And this ſtone is calde plubp color ĩ arms 

be. im ſcone is lde a Margarete a clolbdy fcone Plum? 
by hit is alte marmys . The weꝛtue ther of is. What gentilmã 
that ĩ his Colea tmure that ſtoxue berith grete qounalbnenr of chi 
ualrie in his leyngys tataplt he phatt ue . tie Bich ſcone is teß 
ued m the poteſtatis cmbbne that Ws chualrius of gounaune 
m his kyngys bataptt of huyn Bhan tha faught Pitch Lucifer 

. uintus lapis 
CU fons is calde ſinamer oꝛ ſanquine i arms 

¶ Th. w. ſtoj is alee a Zope . a ſanquine ſtone oꝛ fmamez 
hit is alte m armys . The wertue therof is: the gentilman that 
m his Cotearmure this ſtone berith myghtifult of poder in his 
kgnapsbataptt phatk be. the Wich (Cone Nas vaſezued m domina 

a 1 

dionps evolbrie Chat Nas mpabGfiulk of potere in his eyngys ta! 
taitk of heupn Than thei faugght Werth Lucfes 

extus lapis 4 
¶C And th ße one is calde gowlpa in arms 

CL The . wi ſtone is alte a Muby a edly ſtone . golblyt 

it is calde in amps. che wertue thorof is . the gentyl man that? 
hie Coteaꝛmure Gat ſtone berich hole and full of corage in hie 
uayngys batuyſt phatt de. the Bich ſtone is w ſeꝛued in the prmnci 
pats crobne that Ras hote brinnyng as fire m his kpnaps ba⸗ 
taptt of teupn han thap faught Pith Lucifer 

¶Septimo lapis 
C A blut Rone it is n it is cald alure i armps 

Sb. Wi). ſtone is calde a Savhpre a blew ſtone (N ſure hit 
is ale m atmys. The wertue therof is. che gentilman chat in 
his Cotearmure berith that ſtone: Pyſe and wertues in his Kez 
kung in his kynch) bataptt ſhaſt be. the Mech is weſe ued ko kon) 
crolbne that as Nyſe and weꝛtues i his kpnaps batoplt of h 
uyn Bian chep faucht Pitch Jucifes 

| Q) ttans lapis 1 
This Cone is blahe and it is called Sabull 

The. wii ſton is a Dyamond a blake ſtone : Sable it 
is cate masmps . Th wertue therof is. hut gentilman that i 

his Coteaꝛmure chatt ſtone berich: durabult a onfo nt in hie 

kyngys bataptt he phatk be. The Rich ſtone Bas reſetued ĩ the 
chꝛrubyns coolone that Bas durable ẽ confapnt in his kyngxs 
bataplt of un . Bhan thap faught With Luciſez 

| C ivo lapis 
A hinpng ſtoñ and is calde Siluer i arinos 

LS kp. ip ſtone is ald Carbuncle a ſhynyng ſtone. Silt 
hie is calde in aꝛmys . Choertie cherof (me Deuce ys 
m his Cobeaꝛmude this ftonetenth . fult whaha glorious ¢ 
fhpnpng, in his kyngys bataptt he phatt be Thy Bich feone Bas 
veſerued in the Serophyns cobne : chal Das fult doughti gloug 
e ſhmĩg ĩ his leig) bataxlt of hhuyn Bhan the faught dee Lucifez 

C Ot the piste coloꝛeit tar the feld o€ cotearmu 
ei, V. bene woꝛthy and. iii. bene Ropall 

5 Ther be. ip .opufe lous fos the felts of Cobeazmuos 
—F Gonthp g. im .Ropatt . Th ꝙ Worthy te theps : Gol 
de Verte ruſk Plumbp ¢ Spnam. nd the. im. Nopalt 
be thas : Solis N ſure Sable a Silucz Gol nok aft bla 
fens of amps tier be bot. W. coloris of pe ich. . be metal g 
im. oolorit . Golde ẽ Silũ for metaſt. Vat Goulis ¶ ſure ¢ 
Sabult for olous . ( thepe be Wftd and no moo 

CC Of nine precid ſtonil. v. be noble ; iii. ot dig 
¶ Cher be. m · precious ſtonps. W. noble E. ij. of digrite 
The. w. noble ftonps be the ys T opaſion Smaragma lt N ma: 

tke Mazqaret ¢ Mloys . Che. mi. of dignite be Hope Hubs 
Saphyꝛ Sopamond and Caabuntult 

Ot thormeril of àgelit. v. he ierarch n iin trõ 
GS ba be. ig · dye of angells . G. Yernschic » git). Eil 

The w. Yernachpe be they: Wnaelis Slrichanaclis wirtutes 
PotelEates @ donnnatoẽs Che. im. Cronli be thepe pena; 
pat) Trony Cherubyn and Geexphyn. 

v. ot the dignitel ok regalite be noble g. iii. ac 

Theꝛ be. ip. digmites of Negalite . G. noble and im ex 
cellent The. O noble be theys Gentlma Squieꝛ Rnyght a 
don and Loꝛd And. im evcellèt be ches Erle Mark Du 
ke and) Pꝛynce 

Ty bne vertueſ of pꝛeciꝰ Ctonds 

pre wWerkues of preci9 flonps ben ther. O. generaft andy 
im fpeaatt The w. genalt ben theps Ql fure meſſengeꝛ Rene 
g hardp foꝛtunat of oictori Chual vu) of gounaunce @ myghti 
futt of pode: The. mi · ſpecialt be thers : tote of corage Nyſe g 
vedp @ wertues m Wezkyng Durable g wnfapne fut doughti ¢ 
glonofe ſhynpng 

¶ The iii. veetuel ot cheualrp 

Ole eꝛtues of cheualzy bey ther . The fiꝛſt is iuſte in 
beeſtis clennes of his pſone. peti to haue of the pore. to be 
gradious to his preſon. to be vue rent and faythfult eo his god 
The ſecunde is that he be Pyſe i his batailt. prudent ĩ his fightig 
knolvyng g houyng mynde ibis Wittis . Th. ij. is pe he be nott 
ſlow i his Beans lobe be fore pt his quill be true Hanke god e 
ues of his wictoꝛp g for & haue mefure ĩ his ſuſtinẽce. The m 
is bo be ſeꝛog ¢ ſtedfaſt ĩ his goündce. co hope to aue pe (pictoxp 

And wor nol frome the felde and not to ſhame his af mu 
. Alſo chat he be not co boſt fut of his mano Nolte that e 
be custes loſblxy and gentift and With owte debalbdꝛy in his 
langage . 

Ke ere (hall be (hewed the. ix. artikelis of gentil 
nes. v of them ar amoꝛows and iiii ſouerayn 

¶ Ther be. ip. astpcles of gentilnes . and of theym. W. bene 
amoꝛolbs . and. ij. ſoueren. The. G. amowls gentilneſes 
ben thees Lordi of colontena lone T reteable in langage 
Myſe in his anſ were Peꝛ fite m goueꝛnalbnee. and Chece⸗ 
futt & fapthfulnes . The. in ſouerayn gentilneſes ben theis 
ele othes m ſlbeꝛyng. Mopom & goddis byddyng . Kno: 
Dopng his olbne birth in beꝛyng . and bo drede his ſouerapn ko 
offende . 

¶ Ther be ix vices contrary to gentilmen 

¶ Ther ben. ip. wices contrari to genul men of the iche. W. 
ben indete ꝛmyna ble and im. detezmynable Cle. .mrteampnes 
ble ben cheys: oon to be full of flomtije in his Beaus .an otheꝛ 
to be full of booſt m his ma nhode. the chtide to be full of colbaꝛd⸗ 
netz to is enemy . che fauꝛth to be full of lechri ĩ his body . g che 
fifthe to be fult of dꝛynkyng z dronchunli . Chez be. m. deter 
mynable : on is to reucke ts olby chalange . an offer to flep his 
prefones With his olby zondis . the thud to fpr from his ſoue⸗ 
rapanes tanes in che feld. and the fifthe to telt his ſoueraygne 
fals talps K 
¶ Ther be ix. ieſtimable reiopngis in arms 

Che. ip · meſeimable reioynq of azmys ben Hheps 
5 uſt is a geil man to be mam c knyghe i che ſelde at att 

¶ Ch ſecunde is lyuelode of hym to reſapue afte: manhode 

h ij. is chualꝛy to do by fore his ſoueren ¶ Th. im 
is ambaſſatt to be put i his hone for Piſ dom. ¶ T. w. is 
proses of anyghthode done be fore alioundis ĩ honoꝛ of renolbne. 
CL Typo de calde in amps the. W aufentpke (Mold folowith 
the. m. endyng ſteemptal lis peꝛſenalt ¶ Cle fiꝛſt is a po 
re knyght to be mavied to the blode Noyalt ¶ Th ſecunde is 
to haue thanke of his fouccepn peꝛpetuaſt · ¶ The. ij. is to 
luep his Cote a ꝛmure onſhampd m tual ¶ And th. in 

is & ker alt poyntis of is kenpghthod as geſtys troꝛanorum de; 

clanth . 

Finaw pe that theis ii oꝛderis wer. kirlſt wedlok 

then knyhthode. and knhthode was made be 
fore Cote armure was oꝛdened 

¶ The: Nas non onde: bot. j. Redloke fiꝛſt and knpabttrd 
after . ¶ knyght Bas made before onp cote azmure . and O 
lybion Bas tte fiz(t knyght that eueꝛ Bas. N ſteriali his fades 
come bi the right lyne of that gentilman Jafeth and ato the pe: 
ple multiplie g dad no gouernez ¶ nd the cuꝛſed pꝛple of Sem 
Kerd apenys them Olibton Bas che ſeꝛyngeſt and the manful 
leſt man in his tyme N nd the peple cried o Olibion to be thexꝛ 
maliſteꝛ and theiꝛ gouneꝛ Ql tholbfand men Kez than mullipli⸗ 
ed of Jafethis lyne. A ſteria t made to his foy a gaꝛlande a 
bowte his hede of. ix. diueris peecioufe ſtonps in tokenyng of 
chyual ci to be a goünes of a. M. men. & onto thys fame mp xe 
hic) haue his name i late pt is as moch to [ar p* goün of. ic. mẽ 

Olibion kenelpd oN ſteꝛpalt his fader and aſkyd his blif z 
Fong - Aſtezpalt toke Olibions ſweꝛde that Nas Jafethis 
fatolehon that Tubatt ma de be fore the floode: and ſmote flat 
Lyng . io tymys open the ꝛpght chuldre of Ollbion in toke⸗ 
apna of the ig .wertups of the foꝛſayde precious flonps and 
gaue him his buffing Vith a charge ko kepe the. ip · Pei 
of cha ꝛpte nol foloyng as pe ſhatt hee. 

C Theis be the charges oꝛ artikelis that euerp 
knyght (hlude kepe bp the dignyte ot his order 1 
they be ix . v. tempall and ii gooſtly 

hr be. b emperaſt ukups g. ii. goſtly ütups of charite 
the. . tempaſt wertups be cheys he ſhalt not tuꝛne his backe 
to his enemy foz & flee . The. j is that he ſhalt (culy holde 
his prompfe to his frende: and alſo to his foo .Cke . ij . is 
ip ſhalt be free of mete and drinke to aff his menp a boute him 
Th. im. is he hak wphole mapdonys ꝛpght . The . is 
that he ſhalt holde wp Vydoys rpaht . Theys be the. in. Weꝛtu⸗ 
ps of charite gooſtiy . The fizſt is: he chalt honoure his fa: 
der and his mode . The. j is he ſhalt do noon hozme & the 
por . Th. n. is h chalk be mescifuft. The. mj. is he ſhall 
holde Vith the facifice of the grete god of heupn . nd than 
Aſteꝛpalt did make to Olibꝛon a taꝛgett of Olpfe tree With 
ij. coꝛneris . j. a bouen is face and oon dolbne to the grolbnd 
Barde . m tokenpng that thys Olibꝛo Bas the chu of att 

thy blow of tip. ij. ſonngs of (Mop Gp the Olaf kꝛee he contre 
(tore (wietery for to yy Oy the poynk of his target bo the quo; 
nw the cuzſed broth: Cham Hy the coꝛneꝛ of his taꝛget « 
boten firchezeſt that other brot: Sem . Thal othiz cozneꝛ 
next to bpm ſelfe betokenpth that gentil man Jafeth the bliſ 
fed brothiz of Thome god and man come bp right lyne 

The maner of knghthodis ben ii. gon with 
the Swerde An other with the Bath 

ies be. j. manez of kanyghthodes oon Nich th: ſleꝛde and 
an other Vith the bath The bath is the Woꝛtheſt by cauſe of 
m. Noxaltes . Oon is Bian an naged pꝛynce is made kn 
pabt or be crouned kyng The ſecunde is hun a Ryng oꝛ an 
Empewure is crolbned . The thyꝛde is Phan a quene oꝛ an 
Emporis is crobned. The im . is Phan a Ryng oꝛ an Em 
perolbre cum to ſpeke With an other of dyueꝛſe londys 

N Hue maner ot gentplmen ther bene 

CO Thi is a Sentylman of N uncette and of blode 

¶ Und fz is a Gentylman of bloode 

¶ Th: is a Gentylman of Cootearmus : and thos be. i 
Son of te Ryngys kage . Bln other of a loꝛdeſhip · N nd 
the kheꝛde is of the kyllyng of a Sarploy 

¶ rd che: is a gentplman wntrpalf 

¶ Bind thez is a gentylman Mpocwfet 

¶ Urd cher ie a gentylman Sperptualk 

¶ Thi is alſo a gentylman ſperituaſt and temperolk. and 
alt cheys ben move playnly dec lared in thys booke 

¶ Sentilmen be caldz.iiii-maner ok wyſe one 
of awncetreis and iii ot Cotearmure 

O her be im diueꝛſe maneꝛ of gentilmen . Oon his a aentpl; 
man of aloneeteeps : Dich muſte nedis be a gentilmo n of blode · 
Cher be. ij. genalmen of Cofearzmure and not of blode Oon 
is a gentylman of Cotaꝛmure of the gynges bagge · that is to 
fap his deuice by an heralbd Jgoue . Nn other gentilman of 
Cotaꝛmure is and not of blow a hyng geuyng a loꝛſhipp to a 
poman nder his featk of patent to hym and to his eyꝛys fore 
ueꝛ moꝛe he map Were a Cotaꝛmure of the ſame loꝛdſhiß 
The thride his « poman criſtenyd yif he kit a gentylman ſoꝛſyy 
he map Pere the ſaꝛ ſinps Cotaꝛmu re and noo farfyn a ſaꝛſpnis 
cotaꝛmube nethiꝛ criſtemys cotazmute bi feabtpna in noo Kyle 
Mit ſum men fay that a criſten man oueꝛcomyng a criſten man 
feghtyng m the liſt ſhaſt tere the cotazmure of him that is oueꝛ 
compyn . Oz i a ſouereyn kyng make of a poman a knyqht that 
fame knyght is a gentyman of blode by the mpalte of the kxng 
and of knyghthood g 

CCA gentplman (pivituall 

¶ Thrisa qentylman a chuale fone a preſte to be made and 
hat is a ſpiritualt gentyl man to god and not of blow . Butt 
if a gyxtylmannxs fone be ma de preſte he is a gentilman both ſpi 
rituaſt and tempꝛraſt. Cufte Nas a gentilman of his modeꝛ ke; 
palue and bace colaꝛmure of aunſeturig. The. im. Euanqeliſt 
berith Viteeneſe of Criſtis Baꝛkys m the aofpett With alt chap; 
poſtilles . They Bere Yelys and of gentylmen come bp the right 
Lone of chat Bosthp oquewure Judus mache leus bot that bp fue 
ceſſion of épme the kynrade felt to pouertp after the deſtruccon 


of Yume Machbexrs and chen hep fell fo laboris & Bare cal; 
” 3 55 05 and the. in. doetoris of boli chiꝛch Seynt Je: 
wm mbroſe Nugult n and Gregori Was: centiimen of blow 
and of coteꝛmures 

¶ Alto the diuilionps of cotarmuria be. ix. that 
is to Witt v. perk te and. iii. unperk pte 

6 Ber be ip. dyuiſionis of oamutes. M. pes fite g im. 
conpesfite . Th. W. afite be theys Ceampnatt Colla 

teralt Nbſtrolte Fipalt and aſtazd. 

¶ Diferena Enboꝛdÿng i 
¶ Teꝛmynaſt is cal in amps alt the beetheren of right lx⸗ 
ne hythiꝛ by fadre or by modre map kere the right hexris cotams: 
use With a differens ale Enboꝛdyng 

C Dpterans Jemews 
CX Col lateratt is calde in azmps the ſonnys of the bretheren 
of the right bexre beꝛyng the cotaꝛmu ris of theyꝛ faderis With « 
dyfferans Jemelve 

C Diterens molet : 
CL Fipak in azmps is calde the thiꝛde wore by the wiqhtly: 
ne from the right leyre by line male. thap map bere chere fa⸗ 
deris cote aꝛmure Vith a differans molet 

8 Ditkerans countertreuis 
¶ Ch baſtarde of fipalk chalt bere bis ſaderis colazmuvẽ oo 
unfurteeups . chat is to fap Bat fo euet be berich in his felde he 
ſpalt bece m the cololdris dyueꝛſe and no moze. 

Row ther be. iii. cotannueps imperkite and be 
botpn wöch owte dikerane 

Th be. im. cotarmuris wonpea fite: and) be borne Bitch olbte 
differance. Thy fiꝛſt cotaʒmuve is if a loꝛdſhip a fore ſayde be 
gouen nden patent bi the kyng · and if he die Bieh oute hex his 
cota zmure is J doj 

¶ Th feune is the cotazmure of the epna) gyfte pif he dpe 
Bieh olbte heyꝛ bis mtazmure is wne.andpif cheys. . cotaꝛmu 
vis haue wf ſhelb foꝛch: the fith ware of cheam bering lyne by 
male be gentilmen of blow by lalbe of azinps 

¶ Ehe Ahr colazmute of the Saꝛſyn vif the criſtyn man 
dye With otote of ſheld his cota:mure is done . and if he bad w 
ſhebb forth conto the fith dogvee from him by right Lyne of of 
ſhew male he is ec gentylman of blom 

¶ Slefawrith cotazmure of the cheſe blow pif he dye Rith ol 
te onp wf ſheld the hole cotazmure is loft than it fallith to be a 
tolazmu de of chympꝛꝛ fite beryng Veith a differans 

Ct the baſtaꝛdis of atk cotazmuris ſhalt kee a feſſe Si 
ent hit a balto) of oon of the. m. dignites of colouris . epœpte 
the baſtaꝛde of the fipia les and tle daſtaꝛde of the brethyꝛne of 
che cheue blow Where theritaunce is depaz dad ko eüych brochiz e 
like moch thexs baſtaꝛ dis chalk adde more aap to his aꝛmys 
on fake a Bag a bag of ams 

Note herr well who thall gyue cotarmutes 

¶ Che: halk none of the: ix. duris of tegalite bot alk onli 
the foucceane Ryne, geue coota mus. for thatis to hym impro 


perid bi Lathe of armps . nd pil the byng chalk nott malie a 
knpght With olbte a coofazmure by fore . 

EL tp knyght chef taxn ĩ the felde mai make a cotaꝛmuꝛ knight 
Tn how many places a knyght map be made 

N Rnyght is made in. M. dyueꝛſe plocis In muſtuung in 
lone of ears. In Semblyng wnts banens . In liſeys of 
the bath (nd at the ſepulcuz 

CCA laſſed cotarmure is on the moderis parte 

CA Laffer ccotaꝛmure is calde the coole of a gentyllboman 
huyng lyuelodꝛ Bedopd to a man hauyng noo cotaꝛmure· 
biz fone map Bere biz cootazmur With a differonce of aꝛmys 
du ꝛyng his liue by the cu ꝛteſy of lalb of asmps . and his fone 
ſhalt none beꝛe bot fo be that the gentylbboman be heyꝛ oꝛ nept of 
blow to that co la: mute · Ox ellis beyng bir byꝛth of the blow 
Ropalk and than ſhalt hir hepre tere hit cotatmuie 

Nom Gentpli men be made of Sromis that be 
note ok cootarmure nether blode and they be cald 
untriall and apocritate as hit ſhewith wloyng 

hebe. ij. dyueꝛſe Gentylmen made of gromys! that be nott 
gentilmen of coteaꝛmure mother of blode. Oon is ale mazm: 
ps o gentylman (wontriatt chat is & fap made op emong rely: 
gyous men at paorps (Abbottis oz yſſhopis . That other 
is called n oꝛmye a gentilb man appocrifate that is to (ap ma 

de pp and goupn to him the name and che lyuerap of a gentpl⸗ 

¶ In arms be vi diterences that is to fap ii. 
for excellent and iui.oꝛ nobullÿs 

hi be. wr. Differences m armps . ) foꝛ thexcellent. 
and. im foꝛ the nobles . Labeſt and Enboꝛduzyng for loꝛdis. 
ae Molettys Flotee delyee and Qupntfoples for thee 
nobles . 

n blafpng ok armps be. ix. quadrattis that is 
o lap v quadrate finial and iii. Kop all 

N bloſyng of aꝛmps the: be. ip . quadrattis for 6 con; 

ſider. G. quadrote fintalt and m Moyalt. yue qua 
orate fim alt be theps. Seren. Gerundi Yretly. Oeratlx. and 

C Gers is called m amps W han motarzmuns aꝛ· id quaꝛ; 
te ris dyu eꝛſe cololbris 
C Gerundi is called m arzmps Bhar the cotazmure is of. ip 

ppuer(e cololbris : @ a fuſitaꝛget Kith m the cotazmure of Wyatt 
cololbve that hit be of 
¶ Foelly is cal d ĩ ams Whan the cootarmure is cunteꝛſeſid 

¶ Geratlp is alee m amps Wan ele cootaꝛmuve is polo deꝛd 
Sot a blaiſoꝛ ſhalt not fap he berith Zaman. Siluer polbdeꝛd 
With Eꝛmen Got he ſhalt fap he berith E amen oꝛ ellis m ſume 
aꝛmps he muſte fop demy Eꝛmen: Wich is bo far Phitli amen 


Tu ſo woch Hat i the fifthe quadrat fimali hit is dee ꝛmyned 
of the tohenys of aꝛmys. oꝛ J procede to hit: is ſhewed Bhate 
maneꝛ of tokenp a qentptt man map Werz 

gentil man mai not Keer kokynys of amps bot of ſteinig 
eololbee that is to fap his cootaʒmute pnpat oz ellis J geratt 
With peeciouſe (tonps 

S erattyng houe. ip. bagges of cotarmuris . {Firfe With crof 
lettis. and of theym the: be. im dpueafe. and tho bene theys 
Crs fipyly. Cos paty Cre croflettis . and Cros floap 

¶ Th ſecunde tage is flotre delxce. 

Cr Cle them baage is roſlettys 

¶ The folbvith baage is pꝛyma roſe » 

¶ Ty fifthe baage is qupnfolis . 

Ce. Tr ſepthe baage is diaclye 

¶ Th ſeu erich taage is chappelettys 

CL Th. 15 . nage is (Molettys. 

¶ Andéte.ty.tnage is Creſſauntis chat is to fap hal fe the 
moone . theps be polbdeꝛpgis of cota:muris. 

¶ The fifthe qua drate is alee Endently of . in . diuſe Beis 
that is to fay teballp lentally and fpeflp . 

¶ Bebolly is calde ĩ atmys Bian a ctcarmure is calde En 
den tyd of n. dyuerſe olobus m the length of the cotearmute 
¶ Leitalu is calde m armps Kean pe cœtatmute is Endentid 
Vith. y. dyueꝛſe cololbris m che beꝛde of the cotazmure 

¶ Feeſly is called m atmps. ij. manem Wes Feſy bage 
feſꝑ tazget and fefp generalt. 1 


efp bagy is Bian tokenys of armys be diffeiuered from the 
75 of the ootea tmure bo the right ſpleyeꝛ in the feꝛlde 

CH Feſſp taꝛget ie Bhan a ſcogiojj oꝛ an engiſlet is made in the 

mpddull of che co ka mure 

CO Sele generalt is calde in atmye Bhan the coofarmuce is 

Endentid Pich. . dyueꝛſe colouris from the laſte poynt of the 

cotazmure to the fplepe: f 

Y be chefe is calde in axmps the myddys of the cotaꝛmure of 

te right ſyde b f 
uadrat is calde in atmꝑs Bhan the felde is (et Pitch ſum 

tokyn of aꝛmys. 

¶ & quadrant finaſt is called in azmys Bhan the felde is 

diſcolourid Vith tokkenis of aꝛmys auyng no beeſt in the felde. 

I œOuadrant Mopalt is calde Blan the feelde occuppeth ye 
token of a bꝛeſt oꝛ onp other tokepn fet With m the codda tmure to 
the nolombre of fire . 

CO Ch fiiſt quadrant is oon colyyn of armps allonli fete 
and) Bhatt after his byꝛthe he beerich. 

C Th ſecunde quadrant Royall is beꝛyng in his co taꝛmuꝛ 
in. thynq) calde the tokenys of aꝛmys . chat is & fap iij flow: 
redelice ij fpleyals. ij woſis. iy. chapplettis 15). lobaꝛdis. 1 ly 
onys . and ſo the. im. qua drat Noyalt is to kere a beeſt ¶Naun⸗ 
pande: bebaly lentally. and feffelp. 

ere (hall be chewed what Cootarnaeris reir)’ 
al ben and weer the blaſer (hall begin to blaſe 

Se cofarmuris be ther called veſtzpall in amys 
Son ie Blanacootazmure is baꝛri of dyueꝛſe cololb rig 
to the popnt - and pat colofore the pont be of the popnt is the 
felde · Cher the blafer ſhalt begynne 

¶ The ſecunde cdotaꝛmure veſtriatt is calde ĩ aꝛmys Bean 
a cootarmure is palp of dyueꝛſe colouris to the poynt . ¢ Bint 
pale me dylt m the poynt ye coloure is the felde The blaaſeꝛ ſhalt 
blaſe from that colo lvre to the neyt coloure pale. 

¶ Tk chrede cootaꝛmuve reſtriaſt is calde im armys han a 
cootaꝛmure is ſen tap of dyuerſe cololbris to the popnt and Bate 
ſettte mpdptt m the poynt pt cololbve is the felde. The blaſepꝛ 
(batt blaſe from pt cololbre to th nevt cololbre of the lef te ſide 
of che coolazmuve and blaſe the colo lobe ſentri. 

Q erke what entre Fixal Mangia Soꝛgis no. 
ther diuerſe here now kolowyng be calde i armys 

¶ & Sete m armps is called ſtakaꝛ of tentis. 

¶ Fi dialt be called m azmps mylneꝛ ppkes - 

¶ Manaps be called mazmps a fleue . 

¶ Grape be called in armps Water bulaes . 

¶ Elpneltis be calde quadrantis truncholis. 
¶ Dalps be calde m amps goneſtonps 

¶ Tontlettis be calde m armps Waſtett. 

¶ Diaclys be called m azmys ſcopprellye. 

¶ Mprris be calde in armps membris oꝛ glaſſes. 

eons be calde m armps brow arolb hedys 
¶ Tꝛonkps be calde n aꝛmys anp beſtys hede oꝛ neck Ikytt 
chag ikli a ſondez 
¶ emp is calde in a: mys hal fe a beſt m the felde. 
¶ Countretreuis is calde m azmys Phan galfe the belt is of 
oon coloure and that other alfe of an otheꝛ coloure 

¶ Ex cotarmure chat berith a croffe to the poynt: the poyn 

te is the felde as Seynt Geoꝛge tenth gollis folbre anglettis 
of Silueꝛ . bot apens this rule ſum blaſeris of aꝛmys repungne 
as hit is ſhelved m the toke folopng 

¶ This ii tezmps. of and. Sith chat not be reheꝛſed in 
aꝛmys bot onys anp of thapm 

¶C Ther be diuerſe berÿngps of keeldys 

Dypueꝛſe bezyngis of feeldis the: be ¶ Don is beiyng hole 
felde. hit is clepyd m aꝛmis clauzp 
CE ſecũde is beꝛĩg too feldis. hit is calde ĩ aꝛmis Coũcli 
¶ Ch; thwde is beꝛyng too feldis m. im .quastens : hit is 
caide m atmys quaꝛely 

¶ Ther bene. ii. cote armurps g2pap 

hre coofarmuris crptty thee bene in azmps . Oon is al’ 
led checky that ie Bian the fel de is chekeꝛd With diüſe coloucis 

¶ Th ſecunde is aloe Pyndi that is bo fap Phan the felde is 
made like Vabvis of oon coloude oz of diueꝛſe colouris 

¶ Th chode is alde weꝛzy Bian the felde is made like ao 
bolettys of dpuer(e cololbris. 

Tn armps be ii. pinponvs. alfa it ſhewys war 
clawrÿ cownterlp and quarterlÿ bene with other 

CL Ther ke in armps qalde. j. pynyonys Oon is Kian che 
feeld his a ſalbtri. Sepnt andre vyys croſſe map be clauri co 
unteꝛly quartedp . Clatbu is called playn of oon coloure . 
Colbnterly is ion cololbrie quattetly be. j. colobus (ett 
in. j. quatteris 

¶ The ſecunde ppnpoy is called cheffrounce that is a couple 
of ſpa cis. and that may be elauiy countertp quarters geren 
and byally. 

¶ Geren is Blan. ij. cheffrounce be & gedut oꝛ moo. 

¶ Brak is called Shan a batte is be tiene. ) cheffwunc 

Preece enreth che mooſte fpeaatt chyngys of the boke of the 
pnace of Coole aꝛmuris and hold gen tylmen ſhalt be knobs 
yy from wongentylmen. and nob tee foloyng begynnych the 
doke of blaſ ng of alt man aamps : i latpn french E Enaliff 

¶CEplicit prima pas. 




Nere begonnpeh the blaſÿng of arms 

Haue ſhelbyd to ow m thys booke a foore holb gent il mẽ 

began · and boty che lat of a ꝛmys Was fiꝛſt oꝛdant. and 
hold moni colo boris fips be m coota: mu ris and the d ffecence of 
cœotaꝛmutis Bith mony other chynggis that here needis not to 
bo veheꝛſed . (Mok J mte nde to ptocede of ſignys in azmps and 
of the blafpng of alt aꝛmys . Mot for to relprce aft th ſignys 
that he boꝛne m aꝛzmys as Meco: Hype ac Dragon Lyon g 
Dolfyn and floforis andleoups it Bar @ longe a taripng. 
ner I n not do hit: ther be fo mony . ot here phatt chortli be 
ſhelbyd to blaſe att aꝛmys if pe ente nde diliqentli to youre tu: 
ips . nd be aufe the cros is the mooft Borthi ſigne emong al 
ſignys in a ꝛmys: at the cros J Witt legynne . m the ich thys 
nobutt andy myghti pꝛynce Ryng Qvrthure mde grete kruft fo 
that he lefte his aꝛmys that he bare of. iy. Dragonps . and on 
chat an other ſheelde of. ij. crownys . and toke to his a ꝛmys 
a ctoſſe of Silueꝛ m a feel de of Werte and on the richt ſide an 
mage of olbre bleſſid lady With biz fone in hiꝛ arme . and Pe 
chat fione of the cros he dyd monp maꝛuelis after. as hit is 
Writyn m the bookie of ctonyclis of his ddys QI fo J haue red 
thys ſigne of the cros to be ſende from add to that bleſſid man 
Maꝛcuri as wmeenaus ſapth . m ſpeculo hiſtotiali. of the maz; 
uellis wth of Julian thappoſtita Emproure . {1° x. he ſaxthe 
thangele brought on ko the forefapd Mercuri att 
aꝛmure neceſſari Bith a ſhelde of afure and) a 
cros flua With. mj. coſis of golde. as here i this 
(And J fonde neuer that eueꝛ any aꝛmys Baar 
ſende from heuyn bot m thepm Was the ſygne of 
the cos. E peeppid m tyaꝛmps of the Apna of fr 
cunce (he Withe aꝛmys certanli M (end bi an alongelt from he⸗ 
uxn that is to ſax. in flowris m maneꝛ of Sbveꝛdis m a felde 


of afure . as bit ſhelbis here. the Wich cexfan ar 
mys Mare geupn to th: forfapd kpng of fraunce 
in [pane of eueꝛlaſtyng trotpbult and) that he 
and his fuceffance alt ay Vith batartk and ſ we 
veddys ſhulde be punpſhid. 

LT athe here moo queſtionis of the croſlis ligne 

Dow J tune agayne to the ſigne of the eros and afke a 
queſt ion : hob monp croffis be boꝛne matmps . to the Wich queſt 
tion nder a ceztan noſombuꝛ Y dare not anſwere . fox croffis 
mnumerabuſt ar borne nok dapli . bot decendyng to eueri eros 
the Wich a fore tyme J haue ſeen as fer as J can J entende to 
diſcribe. emong the Bich fiꝛſt the playn eros ſhalt be diſtribed of 
the Bith cꝛos moo dolvtis be made then of mony odyꝛ croſſies 
for ac moch as Pyſe men in blaſyng of asmps holde foꝛ a we? 
ti rule that ye mooſt begynne to blaſe at the lowyſt poynt of the 
ſheelde . if the popnt be of con coloure. and ſo chat coloure thatt 
is mn che pynt of the ſheelde is the felde of the aꝛmys 

¶ Bot m chat rule to wmeue a da att dowwtis ye moſt mess 
he dyligently: that. that rule is true With a littyll addicion. p* 
is to Bitte that m aꝛmys to be blaſed it is att Wap to begynne 
at the popnt of the ſheelde: if the poynt de of on colou te that is 
trie if thy coloure of the pynt be more copioſe oꝛ grott eꝛ in thof 
aꝛmps . and then With olbte dowte pe ſhaſt begyn ther. or eb 
lye not CG. nd Weeꝛ the cololbres be equatt ptid otheꝛ on len 
oth or ouerbaꝛt then eue ꝛmoꝛe pe ſhalt begynne to blaſe thoos 
azmpo in tly right fit . and in that caſe pe ſhalt daue no reſpe 
ctr to the ppnt. 

sd iff it be afked hold berich Sepnt geoꝛge . it is to be 

knalb that pe moſt fop . latine . CI” qPoztat wo: 

num ſcutum de aꝛgentd cum quadum carce plana 

de tubio. ¶ Gallien Il port duꝛqent ong cros 

playn de goldlez. Co Qlnalice . He beris a fel 

de of Silues Vith a playn cos of golbles . as ke: 

re apperith m theys aꝛmys 

And defame snanes of Byſe az ak croſſis hauyng a playn 
eros to be blaſed Theꝛfore thap ez : p* fay Seynt george kus 
the ſelde of gowles With. i -quaztens of Silueꝛ of home the 
cefonis I lodue not. fos by thoos veſonis a plan cros ſhulde ne 
yer be foune in aꝛmys nex Belnp no diſſerens in aumys 

CO Off an cme of an equaſt lengch on eueri mate - 

Plapn cros is found in aamys diffeꝛyng from the fiꝛſt 
ces . and hit is of an equatt length on cut paste as it ap 
peru here. and theps azmys be paz de then the o⸗ 
theꝛ & blaſe as hit is oppn . fox themys of thps 
eros tolbchis not the hemmps oꝛ tle (ottes paste of p 
ſheelor i no parte in Bich pe ſhall fap chat he: thae 
beris theis amps . latine . fic ( Ille portat de 
afuzo cum dona ctuce plana cuvea enuatic longi⸗ 
tudinis ex omnt parte ¶ Gallic . Il poꝛt᷑ daſeꝛ one eros pla; 
pn dung longuꝛ p ton ¶ Angliee. He berich afine Bith a 
playn golden cros of equalt length on eüx mete. N nd this te 
tte differans m blaſyng. that alt chendys of thys ctos arne of e 
quatt thꝛ Bich mas not be in the playn ctos a fore. for fy 
Foote is tiy lengeſt pate. and hit te Belk made. nd this diffe 


rens appere bettiz in a eo tazmure: chen it doch in a ſheeld 
g ſo the is an eupdent different be tlwip pe. j. ctoſſis afoꝛſald 

CC Off a plapn eros ſcropte. 

Ber is an oder coos aqualt ſtrapthpꝛ in he myddis chen 

in thenddys Bith oppn coꝛneris as here not touchyng the 
otteriſt yarte of the ſheelde in anꝑ parte ther of 
and hit is calde a cros patent. ¶ ud pe ſhalt fay 
that he the Wich beris this crot kasi this man. 
CL latine fie . Ille poꝛtat nam crucem aꝛq nm 
tam patentem in amo nigo. ¶ Salli . J. 
port de ſable ong crs pater daꝛgent. ¶ Angi 
ce fic. He berith Sable a cros fpatp of Siluer . 

‘CL Off a crs patent fipibpftt. 

S eros patent is made dpue ꝛſe in the fotd of the fame 
as hit apperith here. ¶ nd then hit is calde a cros pater 
fipible. fost the exth ſych a cros map be ppwhit 
in the Bich cros . in. of the heyꝛ partes aꝛ oppn 
in th coꝛneris and braddeꝛ than in the myddys g 
his foote is diſpoſid to piche i che exthe . latine 
¶ Ille poꝛtat de cubio cum na cruce figitiua 
de albo ¶ Galli. Il pot de gullis wng eros 
pate fiche daz gent. ¶ Et anglic. He kuth Gullys and 
a vos patp fixibiſt of Silue:. & nd kenabe pe chat the be mo 
ny croſſis te Sch map he maade ſipibiſt as hit ſhalt be ſhelod 
hee fololvpng in dpueꝛſe. 

Off a playn crog coꝛ dyd. 

(Mone odpz croſſis oon is fone the Rich is calde a coꝛd 
2 ctos as bee it is ſhelbed ĩ this cros the Wich is aal 
de d coꝛddid cros: for hit is made of coꝛdys . fe 
Bich ceꝛlan cros J fe bott late m thaꝛmys of a 
nobult man: the Wich in oeꝛp wed Nas ſumme ty 
me a craf lp man a Ropes as h hym ſelfe ſapd. 
And pe chalt fap of him that keith theys aꝛmxs 
latine ( Ille portat gololles cum ona cruce J 
plana coꝛ dh de argentd . Gallice fic. ¶ Il port de goullez 
gong crow plapn coꝛdee argent. Wnalice fic. ¶ He berich 
gullis and a cros playn codpd of Splueꝛ· 

C Off actos playn pforatid . 

ex is an odyꝛ cros plapn che Bid) mezueluflp fro the 
plapn eꝛos of Sapnt geoꝛge differis. as here apperith. 
Ind here it is to be mezkepd . that thopppnpon of 
ſum men : ſapng is. chat thers aꝛmys be chekkeꝛd 
arms. and this oippnpon is ottuꝛli to be repre 
apd for azmps map not be checkeꝛd bot at the leſt 
in the nombus of . im. and m a gvettyz nombuz 
thep map Pele be made. as afteꝛ lard pha tt be phe 
ed. Thesfoꝛ it is to be fard . latine fic. ¶ Alle poꝛtat on⸗ 
am crucem argenteã pforatam in campo marzo . Et gallice fic . 
EL. Il pet de Sable eng coos daꝛgent pte. N nglice. 
roa 5 berich Sable and a eros peꝛforatid of Srluer . 

CL OFf a beſontid eros. 

wor thers croſſis Ke heue anodps ctos the Biehe J fae 

late in thaꝛmys of a ceꝛtan Yanuens as kere it ſhelbis 
And this is calde a beſant eros for it is made all 
of beſanttis . and ſypch a cos may be made als fo; 
ne Vith (pat cakys as Vith beſanttys . for beſan 
tys and lyliſt cakys differ not bot m colore. fox 
beſanttis be ewer of golden coloure. ne the coloure 
of the beſant chalt be expeeſſid m blaſpng of ar. 
mys. for it nedis not to fap a beſant of golde for ther be no be 
ſantis bot of golde Thafoꝛ il is to be fapd . Latine fie . 

lle pottat nam ctucem talentatam m campo rubeo 
allice ſie. ¶ Il pot de gowlez ong cos beſaun tee. 

Braglice fic, ¶ He beuth qodkes and a cꝛos befauntid . 

C Off a eꝛos flutzy. 

Ob folobbith an odpr cros fluꝛzp . the Bich is ſo called 

as hit apperith here. Ind theꝛfoꝛ hit is calde de flo riſh 
png cꝛos. foꝛ hit has flouris in eueri ende opldar 
de that is to fap ſaue the foote . thys cros fluꝛri 
ſum tyme is borne m army fipabuſt · ¶ und then 
it is calde m aꝛmps a crow flusti figabulf . for in 
ih. of his edys he is floriſhyng and in 9 Foote 
pichabutt o7 fixabult. Chesfore it is to be ſapde 
of him that beris hit. Laune. ¶ Poꝛtat nam cuccem au 
ream floriam in campo a ſoreo . Et gallice. TL port mfoz 
tong crops floureteæ dor. A nglice. ¶ He berith aſure and 
a cꝛcs flutti of golde. 

Mod bree phatt be phelbpd of acme flurct fabent ĩ aꝛmys 

Ow folowich a nod cros te Bich is called a eros flus 

zp patent .a6 hte it apperith. nd hit is mie a cros 
fluzi patent for he bath his endis opyn and ĩ ye 
myddys of eueri ende apperith an other chꝛyde m 
the maneꝛ of a flolbre as it is oppnli ſhelbed in 
this cos. Theꝛfore it ſhalt ba ſayd that the be; 
mez of theys aꝛmys: beris n this Ryſe as foloth 
fis{t ni latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat nam carcem flo 
nam patentem de auto m campo afurco. Et gallice fic . 
a! port mafor. (ong pier floureter dor. Qnglice fic . 
ac» berith afuce with a cove potent flusc of golde. 

a chalk rondeeftand here of a plapn Raton eros. i 

Hore ouer pe phatk wonderſtonde that ther is ay othoꝛe 
lapn cros tle Bich certanlp is calde a Watery c wo. and 
tig calde a Nateri cros for hit is made bi tha ma — 
nex of Water 1 1 bapa 5 1 
eloys ĩ theys aꝛmys . T heꝛfoꝛ he lhe hich ber 
ib pes bus in this Pyſe as it halt flo 1 
fiꝛſt in latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛ tat vnam cruem 
planam dendoſam de aꝛ Yento m camp tubeo f 
Et gallic ſic. Il port de golbles ona eros plapn onder 
arent « Unglier fic. ( He berith gowles and a plapn 
Fateri cre of Seluez 

Cl Ailfe che: ie a eros that is cald muechpt. 

Ql arms alſo ar found meo croſſis the Bich aa made of 

clobus mu ebw yt oꝛ indentit as hte m chys tcꝛos ape; 
nth nd it is calde a cros muelckyt for the cau 
fe that hit has · y. coldu ris.· oon put m to an o 
theꝛ. nd of him chat beris theys aꝛmys pe ſh⸗ 
alt fop firfé m latyn thus . ¶ Poꝛtat onam 
cum plano m muec tam de colo uibus alt is ¢m 
gus m campo mo. Et qallic fic. TJ“ 
post d golblez (ong cros plapn werde dagen g fable . Anglia 

¶ He beath gowles and a cꝛos of Silucs and Sable inz 
ueklpt . 

Off an othes mane: cios that is calde a eros croflet . 

Cet folowith an otheꝛ eros the Nich es calde a ctos eo 

fit ox croſlel. and hit is axle cꝛoſſit for 7 chz end ha is 

ctoſſit as here ayperis . Got chis ctos ie not 

fo oft w me m azmpe bp him ſelſe as other croſ 

fie neuer tp les monp tymps hit is borne ĩ di; 

mpnutiups that is to fap m littytt c co ſſis cꝛoſſit 

xd chen thazmpe at poder Wich Uttyt crof : 

fe crucatit . ¶ nd pe ſhalt fay thus of hym pt 
ens thaps az mye fiaſt m latyn . I {le poꝛtat vnam ctuem 

crucia tam de aꝛqento m camp a ſoweo. Et gallia fic . 

CL 3! port tafor ng croie ctopcee daiqgent. Analice fic 

¶ He beuth afue g a cios croflet of Silues . 

FAL nd Blan ſuch cꝛoſſis az borne and putiasmps as J fair 

afore ĩ dymynuturys & Ee olbée anp cten nombre then hap ar 
called m frend Croflettpe . 

CL More cues thes is a cos maſtcu latit as here it folobis 

led actos maſtulatit as kw it appetis · nd chis cos 
is called a cros maſculatit fo: pis made of maf 
culys of tte Bich ceꝛtan makulie pe ſhalt ſe af: 
ke zd in the chapitu: of fufpllis maſcult: and 
lofpnaps hee this mater ſhalt be moo: playnli 
tretit. ¶ nd e chat kus chxs arms batis as it 
is pheBed het after. fiꝛſe in latyn chus 
¶ Porktwnam cum ma ſcu latam d aig to in camp a⸗ 
ferro . Etaallice fie. ¶ Il pot mfoz ong cme maſeulee 
margent. Bnalier ſic. ¶ He berich aſude and a cwos maſcu 
latit of Spluez . 

Ce pe Welt pit pt thea is an other ewos the Bpch is als 

¶ Bile che: is a cme maſiu latit and peaſoratit as hte 

E it node: chat thps eros maſcu latit ſum épme is pfo 
rat. in ce maſculps as it is oppn in che ꝑiſyng he e 
folodopna . And chus pe moſt blafe hpm . 
fiꝛſt m latyn in ches Bpfe NL lle poxtat wnam 
ctuicm maſculatam pezforatam de cubeo in ſcu to 
arqemtes . Et gallic fic . TL Il port targqent 
eng cꝛes de quiles moſcule pfee . Qinalice fic, 
De derich Siluez bith a cꝛ0e of gobles 
maſcu latit paſit 

CO Che: is a mplneric, c wos ae have if ſhalt be chewbed 

Ede fololbis an other eros the Bich is cal de de coos of 
a milne for hit is made & the ſimplitude of a clon ĩſtu 
ment of yꝛne i mylnys the Mid) berith the mylne 
ſton by the ich iſtrumenk: that ſton in his are 
is boꝛne equally that he declyne not oueꝛ mpche 
on the night pte ner on che lefte pate. bot myniſte 
zyng to eueri porte hat : that is his equallp 
and Beth olbte frabde. Ind chys is geupn to aff 
Jugis & tee in thepz asmps : and to ths Gat haue Juri 
direion on dia chepm . Chat is to fap as che foꝛſayd iſtrumẽ⸗ 
is directe: to the mplne ſtone equalli and) Wich olbte gyle 
So thos Juges az bondyn & gyffe equalli to even man hig 
right. Bind it is & be ſapd pe th poſſeſſoꝛ of cheis amp teers 
i chis Byſe . fiꝛſt ĩ latpn thus. Poꝛtat wnam trum molẽ 
dinarem argenieam m campo ee Et iam gal lic 
CJ pit qotblles ong cros molepne dazgent. Nnglice. 
Ne euch gobolles and a mylneris cros of Splucs . 

Do it hall be chewed of a eros that is tempt a gapn. 

Eꝛtan We haue a eros che Bich is le a cros kuꝛnyt a⸗ 
( and chis cros is mle refornpt : fox th cauſe gf 
thendys of this eros on euer ſide as vetv ꝛnytt 
agayn bi tip manes of a (Ramps here . nd 
ly that eric theis aꝛmys beris ĩ hie Rife fieſt in 
latyn thus . O oeꝛrtat nam crucem au am ĩũ 
fam in ſcuto afureo . Gallice ſie. N Al port 
mfor tong cros cet escilee do. Qnalice fic. 
C De beris af With o ctos crucsfit of gold 

C Off a cvs fforkpd. 
fen ſtande pe that tier be other men tle Bich bees in 

eps aꝛmys a ceztan foꝛlyd cws as chys is. I nd hit 
is called foꝛkyd: for as moch as that alt hen: 
dys of hit az cloupn and foꝛkyd. Therfore hit 
ſhalt be ſapd of thos men that berit theps azmps 
in chte Whife . primo latne. ¶ Portat nam 
etucem fuzcatam de auw in amp aſereo 
Galle. XI port mforx ong co o 
nglice . ¶ He berich afure With a crow foꝛbpd of golde 

¶C Off a cros engraylid oz eiqradid. 

mdpd or engrapld. as it apperis here foloſbyng nd 
hit is calde a cꝛos engraplid for hit is not pla 
ne m onp paste of him bot enaraplid alſo Bett 
oueꝛ his length as ouer his bred. (eue: the 
kes this engraplyng is no pꝛoput langage aftiz 
the fight of chys cw: bol rache: an enden tyng 
as tcuth is ot ik is the comune manes of (pe; 
kpna in cheys atmys . Cherſove pe moſt ſaß as I ſapd a for . 
Bw pe chalk fap of him chat tus theys amps m thos By 
fe . Inſt in latyne thus Noꝛtat (onam ceucem ingradatam 
de al bo n camp rubeo. Et tam Gallice. 

Gt port de gullys tong cros mgral dargent. N nglic 

CL De beris gotblys and a cs geld of Syluet. 

(oe che be cortapn nobull men the Rich beer a crs eng 

C Off a ctos cutoff 

Fond pet an othpr cme : the Bich is boꝛne mony kim 
poi cha ꝛmys of nobult men . the Wich is alte a czos tel 

catid . nd hit is calde trunkzatid for hit is ma 
deo. j · tres ty boys cut a Wap · as here. The; ae 2 
ſoreit is to be fapd that che poſ ſeſſoꝛ of theys az 
mys keris. in latine thus. ¶ Poꝛtat nam cu 5 
cem truncatam de aꝛgento in campo tubeo. 
Lt gal. Tl pot d gullez wong ezos recopee 
durgenk . Englite. ¶ e teat gowles Ritt a ems tanta 
td of Srlucs . 

C Off a tmottp eros. 

Ba pe pit afteꝛ theps czoffis thes is an other cro the 
iche is calde a knottp cꝛos: Ae Rich ĩ certan is calde fo 
fox hit tas m eůp ende cestan knottis. as hee 
And it is co be ſayde of hom that kus theys as 
mes in thys Nyſe Primo latine. T pfe por: 
tat nam crucem auream nodulatam t ſeu to a ſo 
reo. Et gallice. ¶ Il port mfos ong czos bo 
fone 2. Anglite He beris aſure Wich 
& cꝛos knotty of goolde . 

Hnd chys eros ie founre other While ppate on figityue i as 
TBS. andp then his foote is fiaitpue as J fapd a for 

CL Off actos fluzw tnottid . 

O chies croſſis We baue a certan cwos fluari of the i; 
che it is ſpoleyn a fore . the Biche cros fluza is founde 
nnotty as here. ¶ ud chat ie as J̃ ſoyd a fore 
pan kenottys as founde i thendys and the anglis 
of the fapd cros. Ind che heres of tip ſayd azmyps 
latene. ¶ Poꝛtat wnam crucem nodu latum flo 
rim auʒream in campo de aſuꝛo. Et gallic fic 
¶ Il pot daſoz ong ctos floretee bobone doz 
Ade ¶ Ho berith aſure and a ctos fluꝛti knotep of 

C Off a ctes dolobulf patio . 

Cros dolbbult is founde in the azmps of dyue ꝛſe nobull 
men the Uych ceꝛtan cros is calde a dolbbul ptitid cros 
Foꝛ if ic be deupdid oꝛ arid after the long Way 
o7 the bꝛode Lap pit ther a bydys on dolſbbult crog 
as Be map ſe here. Mit J parce (een manp no; mz 
butt men dolvttyng of thys crow moore then of any 
£206 a fore ſaid: the wich neues the ees after long E 
diſputacioms in thoppynion a forefapd veſtid and 
concludid. Theꝛfode he chat beris theps aampe . latine fic . 
¶ Poxtat vnam crucem duplimtam aꝛgenteam m mpo mi; 
go. Gallice fie . ¶ Al port fable ng ctos wibble petie arz 
gent. BWnalice fic. ¶ He berith Sable and a cros dowble 
peꝛtitid of Silues . 

C Off actos withble piitid floriſhid 

Bis cws whble plitid is waricd fam timps . and then 
Or is called actos dolvble paatitid floriphip .as here 
Teuestheles hit is calde a eros fluari inpꝛopu ali 
as ſum men ſapen fos hit faplith the myddys of that 
flowee as a noon bit phatt folot in the next azm 
vs. the wich certan myddys by no maneꝛ of Pypſe 
m that cꝛos dolle ꝑtitid may be. as a noon it 
ſhalt be chewed . Bot he that berith theis armis 
lating . ¶ Portat nam crucem dup lam ptitam au ream in 
camps tubeo. Gallice . ¶ Il pot de gorse; one cos double 
ptie floreter dor. Angliæ : ¶ He berith gowles and a cwos 
doloble ptitid fluꝛci of gold. 

C Off a eos kripaꝛtitid floriſhid. 

Ot as is phelbed a fore this eꝛos is calde a eꝛos dotbble 
ae flo riſhid fox ther faplith the myddys of the ctos by 
che Wich the cros floriſhid is ma de pfite as here 
hil is opyy . the Wich costar myddys putt ther to it 
ſhalt not be called a ctos dowble pfitid floriſhed 
Bot rathiꝛ it chalt be cald a eros threfolde ptitid 
flustt . and then it is Belt blaſed. fox and it be 
dyuidid after the longnes oꝛ after the bꝛodenes 
alt Lay oon parte ſhaſt a byde triptitid in the wyddis of ſhe ctos 
as it is opyn i thaꝛmys a fore Prittyn. Q nd therfore he that be 
nth cheis aamis . latine . ¶ Portat wna erucé (riptifa de as 
gẽe i cãp de afuro. Gallice. N Il port duſes ong cꝛos trefos 
ys pte floretec urgent. N nglice ſit. ¶ He berith of afure 
Eich s crow triptitid floꝛæ of Silues . 

COOP a mylneris ctos ſhadobyd oꝛ wmbratd . 

olble theeꝛ ie pit of a cextapn (harold of a mylneꝛys 
es as it ſhewith hee folobpng . ¶ ud knalb pe that 
ik is called a ſhadolw of a c ros for eueꝛmoꝛe thys 

ſhadow is maw of blacke coloure. of hat ſum e 
wer coloure the felde be of. the ſhadold is made of 
blacke . and the bodi of the fame ſha dolb is of xe 
fame oloure Vith the feld ¶ Und he that be 
nth cheys camps . latine. Portat nam cucem 
(mbratam m campo quo. ¶ Galtice fic . Il poꝛt doꝛ wng 
eros molepne Ombre , ¶ Inglice. He berith of golde With a 
mylnoris c cos mbratid oꝛ ſhadolbyd 

Off a cos floree patent vmbratid. 

Mothe: fomputt is ſene of the ombracion of a cettayn 
Icwe. and) thps cꝛcs is able a crop floꝛee ombratu 
as amerith here . bot trulp fpekpng andpꝛopuꝛli. 
it is no eꝛos: bott a ſhadobd of ſuch actos . and 
the veſon is . for the bodi of the {ald ſhadolb is of 
the fame coloure With the felde. nd ſo the colo 
we that is m the felde ſhelbith by alt the body of 
the ſapd ſhadoldo (rd thoo that bees thes 
azmps . latine . Poꝛtant nam crutẽ floriam patentem cont: 
bratam in amps mbeo Ge Gallice fic Il port de qolblez one 
etos pater floriter ombre ¶ QUnatlice fic . He berith of golb⸗ 
las and a cꝛos potent floce ſombratꝑd 

¶ Off actos flow méent wombratre and peꝛfbratid. 

Neueis the les aftfes ſum men chys phawmpd cros other Ep! 
is peiſid maꝛuelufly as hit fololbith here and then hit 

is mize acts floon patent ſomb ratyd and peꝛfo⸗ 
ratid for hit accords. Nich the cwoos pwecedyng 
epceppid the posf png in ch mpddys of tly fayd pha 
doo. ¶ Bind chen hit phatk.e fapd that he tle 
che Beckp berech ches cros latine. Poztak wna 
crucem flo ridam patentem ombratam pꝛafomtam 
cum rubio m campo aureo 
C Et callie fic Il port wz ong cos ptee florotee wombse 
t fate de gobbles, . 
¶Ternglice He terith of gold a cme patent fluzri ſhadoyd c 
peꝛſpd With golbles, 

ALaſeris mooſt be Bare of theis aunps wmbraGd of the 

Wich: monp eelbles be ſhelbed a fore... Boe fos the bla⸗ 
ſyng of theis ceꝛtan aꝛmys ſum ignorant men of chys crafts 
take th rule gopna a fore that is to Bite of che cololbris tranf z 
mulid as pe ſalb a fore Mot ther be cerfan nobuls and gentil⸗ 
men im englon de the Wich beeve ſhadoys diueꝛſe m thepe amt 
as Lyon Qintlop and other . and thep that bere theys aꝛmis 
and hit be a lyon ye ſhalt farm latyn ¶ Hoꝛtat onum leone 
G mbutam in amp aureo ET Gallice. Il post wz et Ong 
leon vmb zen. ¶ Alnalice . He beecith of gold and a lyon 
ombꝛatid. ¶ And mar fap that fuche ꝑſonys as bees theys 
ombratid aamps bod chete pgenitoris bozyng the ſame not fom 
braid bot hole Got the poſ ſeſſioris g the patrimonpes deſcendid 
to othes men. then the Oleuoys oz Rpnnpfmen leuyng in goode 
foope and truſtyng & haue ehe pf ſeſſionis of their pgenitotis: 
baz chen aims ſombtatid. alt odes dtfferars a fore ſaid leuig. 

fox Bien they baue that métimony : that thai truſtit o. ſoon 
Chap map bees that lion oꝛ offer beeſt of the fame coloure the d: 
che they: progenpto tis bac. and tt is bettpꝛ to beer Hos aꝛmit 
wmbmat then trolly to leeff tteps progemtouris azw ge. 

Wik her ſolo wis an cate cros hempt ot boꝛderit as apperis 

Got dowte pit demapnys a nendps blaſeris of armpe i 

dyfferens be twix thys cms fimbuia tit oz boꝛderit. as he 
re nob apperis and ty foꝛſapd ewe ombratit 
in ſo moch chat thep at mych like. and it appe 
vis m the fire ſicht that they be bot on. bot and 
a man beholde Belt chez is a gret differens . for 
the boꝛdꝛꝛ of thys cros is Wa riet as Weit fro the 
coloure of te cros as fro the colouce of ch felde. 
and elles is tlyz no dobte. Thysfore it ſhalt be ſapde of hem 
that beris theys aꝛmys in chys Wyſe fiꝛſt m latyn thus 
Natat nam crucem nigram peꝛforatam floriam patentem 
fimbriatam ſiue baduratam cum azaento in campo tuto « 
Gallice fic’. ¶ Il pst de gulleʒ wng crois flouteteꝛ pote per 
ce de ſabult boꝛdure da:gent. N nqlice fie. ¶ He be rich gou 
les Pitch a eros fluse patent peꝛſit of Sable boꝛderit d. Sila. 

Kolb folowis an Eꝛmpn eros ar it halt be ſhedvpd 

Or crtan ther is an E2mpn ewe . ¢ hitt 
pay a meꝛuelus cros of ꝑe Lech lheꝛ Bas a di 
fputacion at london by a crtan hto of Me 
tan. nd it Nas determynyt that cheps aꝛmys 
map fe m non other coloure bof as hece it apperis 
Bim thys eros is cald an Eꝛmęn coos . and it 

hall be fapd of him that beris theys asmps in chys Nyſe as it 
halt feloſd . fiz(t in latyn thus. ¶ entat nam crucem e 
ceminalem. Et gallic ſic Cl pot (ong crops Eremmee 
Analice fic ¶ Feterithacesermpn End here ye mooſt 
note that the coloure i cheys azmps ſhaſt not de eypreſſit foꝛ this 
crs ner cheis azmis map not ke made bot of theys colouris that 
is to fap allone of blacke and White the Mich as the propuz colo 
ris of cheys azmys - 

Sufficientli is fookpn of croſſis afore . nolb folois an odiz 
treteps of d puca(e aunys quaateꝛpt as here ſhaſt be ſhelbyt. 

Of azmpes quaꝛberit ſum a2 azmis quazterit plapn Sum 
quazterit engradit Sum quaite dit terafit . Sumquat 
ferit inueckpt . Sum quaꝛte tit indentit of the Nich it phatt be 
fpokpn euerich oon after other . and fiꝛſt of cha ꝛmps play 

Tit chalt be helbpd fiꝛſt of aꝛmys quaꝛtetit plapn, 

@” manes of Wpfe aꝛmys map te qua aterii T fizlt 

maneꝛ is oppn Mhpan. ;. dyuezſe azmps a2 bozne quaz- 
p' tens cheys aꝛmys thus as folops. fiaſt 

teꝛli as it is opyn and plapn in cha ꝛmys of the kyng of Faun 
i latyn Ble portat arma cegie Francie ¢ 

e cof Englond nd pe ſhaſt fap of hym 
Anglie quꝛte rata. Et gallic fic. 
l Poze lez azmes de France et mngle 
terre qu aꝛteles. N nglice fic. ¶ he bers 
chamys of France ¢ Englonde quarterli. 

nd it (halk not be te deus eo no man that Fraunce is put be 
fore Englone iblaſyng. tot che cauſe is this . fot tharmys of 
Feunmce in atmys be put afore and Re baue a geñalt rule p? 
hen ſumeu ma tmys be. h clou cis oz moo T th poynt of the (hed ; 
me . hen pe ſhalt not begyn at the poꝑut to blafe them. bot in che 
uqht pte oꝛ fi of thos anys . chat ſame coloure ther found ithe 
right fide of xe chel de is not (h felde of tharmis. fos it mai flu 
ne it is not che greti ſt colouce i hacmps af ſayd bot les oz With 
othit equatt . and new the les pe halt begyn to blaſe ther . 

Oft armys auattty tome nob it hall be ſhelwyd 

8 He ſecũ de ma ner of Kyle of beꝛyng quarterit aꝛmys is 
Shen. mi. diüſe aamye quai li te borne ag here is cheloxt 
N nd he chat beris cheys azmys rig. mi diũ one lt 
ſe azmpsquaztli latine fic. I lle wrtatqua Jn 
G07 arma diũſa quaꝛtiata Galler ic 2 

Il pore quarter aꝛmes diũſeʒ quarteles, 

nalice fic e berith mj. azmye drůſe 

quazth . ¶ Ind then if it be aſkyt holb theys az; 
mys ſhulde be blaſit. The blaſeꝛ molt begyn ithe hepſẽ comet ot 
the aught fie ꝓcdyng to euy azmps . tha ꝛmys m the right ſide 
blaſit : ye moſt go to the odit ſide g then to the thiꝛde ſide g afk to 
che laſt N nd pe moſt kno that theys azmys deheꝛ ſit afore be 
playn azmps quazteut. 

her is an othiꝛ man of beꝛyng of a rmys quartié When h aꝛ⸗ 
mts quaꝛterit be borne quaztlé . and it is boꝛne moſt iazmis of 
que nps and fo tare that noble quene of Englond quene N nna 
By fe to that woyalt prince Ryng Mictaꝛd the ſecunde: the Rice 
bore hazme of Englond of Fraunee and of thempoꝛ of Nl 
mapy quaꝛtcli ę m. pi. ꝑtes.· Hat is to fay m che right (tt of 

d fl 

the ſhelde in th fiꝛſt quarter phe bare khermys of fraunce. in. flo 
redelucis of golde ĩ a felde of aſure . ¢ ĩ ch ſecunde quart.ty Zi 
baꝛtis of gelde ĩ a ſelde of golbles · ci pe chiꝛd quatt an Egle 
ſplapd Wi y. neckis . ai che. ii. a blake Lyon ramppng ia fel 
d of Silt and ſo chaungeably ſhe bade theys aꝛmys m. xx. 
quarters the Rich ſeldpn is ſeen manp aꝛmys. 

CL Off aꝛmys quaꝛlerit and engroplpt nods ſhaſt be ſhelwytt 

Ol J che poh p' ſum time Ke aue aꝛmys qua tterit @ 
D that is to Bit Phan eüp aꝛmps ĩ his quaꝛt᷑ is 
eng raplit as here apperis g it ſhalt be fapd of him 
pc beris thers asmp thus . fuſt ĩlatyn ¶ Ille 
portat de auro ¢ cubꝛo aꝛma quai ꝛteriata g mara: 
data. Et gallic ſit. ¶ Il poꝛt doꝛ et gowblez 
quartlee enqreyle:. ¶ nglice ſie ¶ He tenth 
of golde gelbles qua ⁊tetip engraplit. & nd tet 
at alt azmys engtadit fos they ar made of. j. colouris tly ich 
garittp ar broght to gedit on coloure m to an other mloure 

Off comps quaterit and iztaſpt noth J Sill ſpeke. 

Exton aꝛmys ther be quo iterit and ixtufit 

as here apperis . te Bich c tun aꝛmps ar cal 
ted quarterit atmys itraſit. for the colouris be ra: 
ſit olvt as oon coloudè ĩ raſyng Gare take albap 
from an olhit. ¶ nd it ſhalt be ſayd of him pt te; 
vig thers aꝛmys m latyn thus. JOortatazma 
quazteriats itraſa d al bo g nigro · Gallice fic ¶ Il poꝛt 
daꝛgmt et Sable quactler ittaſe. Wnalice fic . ¶ He beris 
Silues and Sable quastereip tesafyd. 

Off armxe quarteri¢ mucckpe nol free it ſhalt be ſhewyt. 

Ber te pet folbnde armys quaztli inueckyt. oz ag fun 

men fop thep be a amp qua ꝛterit of colo lolbris inue ct as 

here apperis . the Bich for ſoth az alee aꝛmis quartentiuectatoz 

of colo tus mueckyt . foꝛ ĩ them aꝛ j. colours 

quarth put: 9° Soon ĩ to the oft: . 2 fo on coloſd 

wets ĩuchit ĩ to an othia T heꝛſore it is ſaid of Hi 

‘keris theis aꝛmꝑs ĩ this Mile fiꝛſt ? lalyn thus 

lle postat qua ꝛtiatim de aſurio et auto uc etis 

Et gallio fic . ¶ Il port quaztli weave mfoz 

et m2. & unglice fic. ¶ He earthy quaꝛtli inueckpt of aſure 
and golt . 

N olb of aꝛmps quarterit indentyt it ſhalt here be ſhewyd. 

oasterié ams be founte diueꝛſe fp Pech ar ele inden 
lik as here agetic: and they az calde mdentit ſoꝛ. j. co⸗ 

lowtis oon in to an othta by the man of te th az indentit as is 

oppn ĩ the ſhelde.· ¶ nd chus pe ſhalt blaſe cheym 

fiz(t in laty . Q oztat arma qua ⁊teriata ĩdenta⸗ 

da de rubꝛo et duro. Salli ſie. LI port 

quartestlee endentleꝛ de goldlez et m2. Nnglice. 

& Be berith quascli crrentsé of golbles and go 


Off aꝛmps paztit aftiz de long Bap here chat be phelbpt . 
inten de nold & dermen of amps paztit aftet de longe 

Bap the Nich ẽtan partync af the long Bay an on length 
is made 1 man of Nyſe. ¶ The fiaſt pticion fos (oth is 


of. j oloutis in atmps af ler ch long Bap in the plapne man 

C Theꝛis alſo a ptynq of aꝛmys of. J. colouris ingradyt 
C Blind alſo the: is a ptyng of. j. coloddris irraſit. 

¶ Glſo foꝛſoth ther is a pa tyng of. . cololbris mueckyt. 
CL Erd ther is an othis paztyng of. j. cololbris endentit 
CL The is alſo a ptynq of . colowris clolbdit of nbu latit 
¶ rd moze ouer thes ie a ptyng of. j colobris Waterp . 

piſt J ſhewpd bo pobb that thee be ceztan a tmys par tit 

aftes the long Wap of j clolbris in th playn ay as 
here apperis i theys amps. ¶nd they az calde 
ptit aꝛmys for they be made of jj. colouris equal 
li plit. Ind he that kus theis aꝛmys keris tho 
ilatpn. (le poztat azma paztita plana ſecun⸗ 
dum longum de aſorio et albo. Gallice fic . 
CL Fh post daſoꝛ et daagent plan pte. NA ngli ™ 
ce ſie. Re berith afud and Syluer playy ptit. 

Off amps fattil th long Wap maralpt J Vilt ſhelb bee 

{fo ther is pticon of asmys enralpt the long Pap ag is 
Ae a fore bi engroylyng of . J. colouris to gedi as here 
apperis . ¶Q nd theys aꝛmys ar calde aꝛmps en 
graplpt pit af teꝛ ch long Way of ſiluet and Sa 
ble. ¶ ud it ſhalt be fayd of him that berith thes 
amps ĩ laten thus. PO oꝛtat asma ꝓtita ſecun 
dum longum ĩgradata de aꝛgento et igro. Gal 
Lice fic ¶ Il port dagent mgraylee et Sable p 
ter du long. Blnalice fic Ed e berith Syluet and Sable in 
graplpt ptt after the long Cap. 

ere noſß it halk be helt of a zmys mstié and ittaſit 

He thud maner of Biſe ar found armps paꝛtit of J. oz 
lotus g itra ſit as here. of the Nich it is to be ſayd: ar 
afore of quaztent amps ixraſit. ¶ nd he chat 
keris theys azmys: mus m this Byfe as folobys 
fiꝛſt m latyn thus. Doꝛtat aꝛma ptita ſecundũ 
longum itraſa de aꝛgentd et rubio . Gallic fic . 
¶ Il port ptee du long dagen et de glblez race 
ANnglice fic. ¶ He berith aꝛmys paꝛtit on 
length of Siluez and gobbles trraſit 

Off camps ptit ix long Rap and inueckxt now J Witt ſpebe 

fo dp founth manes of Pyſe: aꝛmys pastit a boꝛne af 

ter the longe Rap of. j. colouris nueckyt as here agers 
End thers amps be calde mueckpt fox che colo 
us be put oon in to an ochiꝛ on winde Pyſe 
nd theys armps diffeꝛ moch fro thaꝛmys next 
beyng afore irraſit. Mheꝛfore it ſhalt be fapd of 
hym the Rich eas theys azmps chus as it ſhalt 
folow firft m latyn thus Tpſe poatat arma 
gartita ſecundum longum de coloribus albo et rubio mucctis 
Gallice fic. Il post paztet Weare du long daꝛgent et de 
golblez nglice fic E berith paztit nmeckpt on lengthe 
of Silues and gobles . 



Off aꝛmęs mati€ on che long Rape indem yl bei it is ſhelbxd 

Otheli an othiz manez of paziyt armps ther is the Pi 
he 16 calde Ap fyfthe mance partyt after tp long Bap 
of · N. colou ris and theys aꝛmys ar called partptt 

indentptt foꝛ thys mufe that. y. diüſe cololbris 

az put to gethit: chat is to fop Lyre and blac 

ar put to aod aft the man of mẽ nis lethe as it 

is fayd afore m che quaztent armps indentyt. 

Aud chezfore pe ſhalt fap of hem the Lich beris 

theps armps in thpa Byfe. fiꝛſt in latyn thus. Poꝛtat az 
ma postin ſecindum longum de argentd et nigro mdentuta. 
Gallic ſic. LI post pate endente du long dazgent g ſable 
Et anglia ſie. ¶̃ He kath azmps ptit indentit on 

of Sylueꝛ and Sable. 

Off azmps mrtyt aft th long Bap clotbdp oꝛ nebulatyd - 

che ſept man of Wyſe ther te azmps boꝛne partpt afk 
ch long Bap nebu latyt as here it chalt be phelbpd in is 
ſcochon. N nd theys aꝛmys be cal de mnebulatyd 
foz.4 cololbus a put to gedre by che manere of 
clobdps - T ̃hyꝛfore che poſ ſeſſoꝛ of che ys azmps be 
vs in thys Byſe as it ſhatt be ſapd fiꝛſt ? Llatyn 
Gus . P oꝛtat azma ca ꝛtita ſecundum longuny 
de araené et aſorio mnebulata . Et qallic ſic 
¶ Al pit ptie du Long mraent q daſoꝛ mne 
Anglice fic . ¶ He bens aꝛmęs mstpet on length of Sil⸗ 
uez and afute mnebulatrt - - 

Off armye piyt Nate of Sylue: and golbles this ſtochon is 

Ore oueꝛ afk Hops aꝛmps aforeſapd pit cher be bo: i¢ 

aꝛmys pazlyt aftet the Longe Ny. and they be Vatted as 
here in this ſtochon it apperith . and theys amis - 
ar calde Batter : ſoꝛ. j. ololbus as incariet oon 
m to an other by the manet of Water trobulde We 
hend . nd ye ſhalt fap of him that beris theis 
aꝛmys m thys Wyſe as fololbys: fiaſt n latyn. 
CL Poꝛtat arma ptpta wndofa ſecundum lonafi 
de azgento et mbio. Gallic ſic. CYL pore ptice du long 
daꝛgent et de golblez onde. El anglic fic. CC He kath 
asmype paatyt th long Bop of Spluer and qotbles Nalte ri 

A Cob here J begynne & fpelae of azmpe pastpt ouezlbaat: 

Nes nobb fololbys fo ſe of azmys ptpt ouerbaxt . the 
, Bich oeꝛtan paztiqon oncsbast is made as monp Wyſe 
as is the ptpaon on length. that is to fap on th plapn Kap 
ouerWast . ingraplyt. iraſit. mueckyt. mdentit. innebula: 

tit. and Vatten WGerfor of cheys certapn 
ſhaſt be ſhelbyd bp fignps and firſt J teapne Mi 
at plapn aꝛmps oubat as ince it phatl be che 

yd. nd it chalt be (apo of bpm chat berithe 

theps atmy m thys Pyſe fiiſt in latyn thus. 

CL Portat arma mrt eptranſ ũ ſo plana de au 

ro g aſono . El gallic fic . ¶ Il port ptie tranſũſie doꝛ g 
doſoꝛ: Blnallee fic. Exe berith golde and aſure pit ouhart 
CL Rnath pe that here is no dolbte of chat fir ſe cule : that ie 
& fap that a man ſhalt beqyn at the poynt of the hele to blaſe 
foꝛ ieee is as mpch coloure of gol de at of aſube 

¶C Off aꝛmys irroſit ou bart noth hebe sf halk be ſhewpt. 

On of a nothiz maner of pratpaon of coloutis in amis 

oübaꝛte I Vit ſpeke . nd it is calde irraſit as here it 
ſhalt appere m this frockion . of the Wich it is & 
be fapd chat the gentytt man the Vich beris cheys 
armps beris m this maner as folobis . fiꝛſt m 
latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat arma paꝛtita eptranſuſo 
irraſa de aurd et rubio Et gallice fie. ¶ J. 
port partie tranſuezſe iaraſe doz et golblez. 
Qnalice ſie. C He berich aꝛmys partpt oueꝛ bart irraſpt 
of golde and goldles 

Mob of aꝛmys paꝛtyt oulbaꝛtt pe hak aue an evemple 

mpe ther be alfo ĩdentyd oulbaꝛt andpartypt . nd 

chey be calde mdentyd fos thepre alotbas as is fap? afore 
at put on m to an othr: bi the manet of menms 
tethe . Ind ut phat be ſayd of him that beng 
theys aꝛmys m thys Lyfe fitſt m latyn thus 
Doꝛtat arma ptita eptranſuſo ĩ dentata de auto 
et aſorio as afore is cehezſit. Et gallice fic . 
LTI port plier de traue ts doꝛ et daſoꝛ endentet 
Binglice fre ¶ He berith armps pipt oulbaꝛte inden ttt 
gol de and afure 
FAL nd & cehezſe moore of ptyt aꝛmys oùſba⁊te it nediſnot fos 
it is veheꝛſpt ſuffieientli in the rules next afore ĩ aꝛmys ptyt on 
lenathe . Theꝛfowe it phatt not be celpsfptt here agapn . quia 
inu tilis ef vepetino mus ad etuſdem . and that is & fap 


It is ay onpfitobulk reheꝛfyng of oon thyng bo deheꝛſe dy ſaame 
a gapn in the next ſentans . Theꝛfore to ſp ele moore of azm: 
pe paste and figure theym: othes of mamplit oꝛ irmfit muce 
ht mdentit nebulatpt and wnantpt : it nedys not. for they 
be taght fuffiaently ĩ che long Ray. ¶ And J beleue it hati 
be had & fynde mony moo a rmys ptpt aft the long ap oꝛ ou 
hart then as reheꝛſit a fore (Neu che lees if any be foie oz ſe⸗ 
ne. in thepm the fame rules phatt be obſeꝛuit: as is cyꝛſit a 
fore . and it is enogh for alt azmys on that maf ed be blaſit 
that anp gentytt man borith ptyt. 

Off camps the Wich az alee cheiff oz an hede J Wilk pheme. 

ſhulde be calde aꝛmys ptyt · ch Rich Satan: 12 2 for p*: 
thet is no ern ptici on of Ay mlonus oz any liclenes of 
dyuiſton of coloutis . Ceztunly in aamps pit it 

is requprit al bay that the ptys of de eolou tit 

be equatt .and that is not trelb m this figure 

for the moore ple by mych is Siluen . Chezfor 

pe fhalt fap of hem that boris cheys aꝛmys che 

fiz(t m Taten . ¶ Hoztat de aꝛgento et caput 

ſcultide a ſorio cũ duabus macul is pforatis de auro. Gallice 
fic. (T Il port mzqant wong cheiff daſoꝛ et deup molettis 
tees m2. Et anglic fie. ¶ He berith Siluer a Chou oz 
a Cheftan of aſuve and 5. molettps pforat of gol de. 

Oe ceꝛtan men Bole: yl cheys aꝛmps after veheꝛſitt 

CE nd pe ſhalt knalb chat ĩ theps aꝛmys fiz rule a fore Bre 
tyn mofé be con ſiderit that is to fap : chat at the Coon it is o 
teapn bo blaſe if khat colotore of the Coon be gyrtteꝛ oꝛ moze c 
ppous caloute m aamys as it isfapdafore N nd more ouet 
it is to be mezkpt that no azmis albe to be alt ptyt azmis bot 
off they be made of. y. colouris onys paztit and no more fozaz; 
mys palit az not callit: noꝛ abe not to be cal de mrtpt aꝛmys 
allt hood they be made of j. colou cis fox thee cololbris not al: 
lonu onys bot dpuerfe tymys as parlyt as here ape ris Mund 
theys aꝛmps be culde palit azmyps for thep be ma 
de bi the man of palis. Ind it ſhalt be fapd of 
bpm that bens cheys azmpsilatpy thus. Joo 
fat aꝛma pa lata de auro etaforio. Gallice fic . 
(Il port pale doꝛ & daſo:. & nglic ſit 

C He berth pale of golde and afure - 

Or aꝛmps palrfonantit nod here it chalt be pbelbpé . 

Alyt aꝛmys of tyme at founde nutt that is to fop 
Matter as hꝛce apperis. Q nd theps be calde polyt as; 
mys cndatpt & the differance of baꝛrit aꝛmys 
contntpe . the Bich azmps baꝛtit may alſo be don 
datyt as after ſhalt be ſhewyt. nd it halt be 
ſaxd of him that bens theys azmps thus m latyn 
oꝛtat aꝛma pa lata ſondata wel n doſa de tubto 
et aꝛ get. Et gallice fic . ¶ Il pit pole 
onder de golblez et carat. Et anglite fic. ¶ He beuth 
paly Mndatyt of golbles and Siluer. 

C Off aꝛmys prli€ croleꝑt and ſhazpe nol J Rift fpeke. 

Ohe and beholde holb monp manes of Nyſe thes palit az 7 
mys be boꝛne dyueꝛſeli . as it is ſhelwyt m chys boke 
and theis azmps nolb ſheldyt here: be calde palit 
cwęt and ſhaꝛpe . form cheys aꝛmys. j. colo 
rie paly az put to gethiꝛ: on m to an othiꝛ cr; 
kaptly and ſhaꝛpe . Theꝛfore it ſha tt te ſapd of bi 
the Bich beris hes amis m thys Nyſe . fiꝛſt ila; 
tyn thus. ¶ Hoꝛtat aꝛma pa lat toatuoſa acu 
ta de mar ct aꝛgentd. Gallice fic. ( Il pot mle mun fete 
de Sable et daꝛgent. nate fic . S5 berith pale crokpt 
and ſhazpe of Sable and Spluez . - f 

Off amps bærit playn sod here ik ſhalt de ſhewyt 

Nes ichys chapyture afore is detezmynyt of palit armis 
: and mn thys chappture nol fololbpna it chatt be deleꝛ⸗ 
mynye of barrit azmys . for che Bich it ſhalt be kno that az; 
mys map bemonp manes of Pyſe barrit. and 
che fis(¢ manez of Pyſe is plapn tazié . ac here 
app eris. N nd ye phatk enol that ter be certay 
aamys barrit plapn . and then pe phatk nott nede 
to ſax ĩ the blafpna of theys amps: ha berith pla 
pne azmps baat . M Sot ĩ alt ochyꝛ diſperyng as; 
mys barrit: ye moſt nedys declare the blaſng of dopm holde 
thos baꝛrit azmps differ from playn . foꝛ ſũ be baꝛrit Be a 
Axon mumppng ora grehonde q odiz berſtis e fũ he bartit q 

polvderil Bich eros croſlettys molettps Sereſentis ſmale briddit 
oz other difference bot as ſor theys playn a rmis afore pe ſhal 
fap m latyn in thys Wpfe. Doꝛtat arma batrata de argentd g ni: 
gro Et gallice fic. ¶ Il port barve datgent et Sale 
Nnglice fic. ¶ He betith barri of Siluet and Sable 

¶ Off barrit arme ondatit nold J Kp cheb as amenth é 

nolb pe fox ctan that armys batrit othit Kile ve barrit @ 
pn datit that is to fap Nateri . as here it apperith . ¶ nd 
they be called bart dondatit for chey be made of. . oolouris me 
tyng (o gedre by the maner of a floyng Walde as 
i¢ 16 opp afore . Aude phatt fap of hom that 
beris theis armpsi this Ryſe. fitſe ĩ latyn thus 
CC Poꝛtat arma ba trata wnints de nigto et albo 
Gallice fic . ¶ Il port ba ru wndee de Sable 
et igen. Q nglice fic. ¶ He beris ba tri on 
datit of Sable and Silues. 

¶ Off armps ba rit and mucckpt pe ſhale haue evemple 
aꝛrit azmps mucckpt aa borne of diueaſe gentiſt men. 
8 as hꝛre is phelbpd . nd tha as called mueckxt for in 
eueri baꝛve . j. colouris aa put mueckpt by th ma 
nes of a wunde Wap as is ſayd afore . nd he p⸗ 
beris this ar mys kus in thys Wyſe. fiꝛſt m ba; 
tyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat azma baꝛzata de coloribus 
zubeo et albo muectis . Et gallice fic . 
5 Il poꝛt baꝛri werte ot gololes et daꝛgent. 
ſiglice ſic He berith boꝛri muet kept of goldles and Sil 
uuez. G begyn Wich golbles for that coloure is the 
fisfe in te ght comet. 

| Off asmpo taspé cwolept and phase as here afk is phetbit. 

eEntill men ther be ceꝛtanli the Bich bere aꝛmis tarnd ero 
kptand phar at here it apperith in theys asmps . and 

hap be called az mys baꝛrit for differanc of as; 
mys the fame man of Pyſe pat: and thap be mf; 
led crolept and harp . foras it is ſayd a fore. j 
lotus az put to gethyꝛ crokytli and ſhaꝛpe 
Chefore it hat be fayd that the loꝛde tze Bich be 
us theys armps barith m this Pyſe. fife i laeyn 

Le portant azma baxrata toatuofa et atutu de nigto et auto . 
Et gallioe ſie ¶ Il port barri cumertes acute de Sable et doꝛ 
Anglice fic. LHe berith basis crokpt and chaspe of Sas 
ble and cole . ; 

Ns it phatk be herby of aumps that as bendly barsye. 

“ter be foꝛſoche ceꝛtan azmys bendli bazrit᷑. and thet be cal 
led bendly bazrit . and ſoꝛ this cauſe they be mala bendly 
baarit. for. j. colouris a2 iunꝑt to getheꝛ m eue 
ap bare bendly. as it is opyn here ĩ theis armif 
And therfore it halt be ſapd of him that bens 
thes. armys: mthis Kyle as fololbis. fiꝛſe m la 
tn thus. ¶ AIpſe poꝛtat arma bendaua de tu⸗ 
bio et auto. Et gallic fic. ¶ Il pot barre i 
beudee de qoteles et tz. Wnaluefic . (L He berth bared 
bendy of Goldles and colts . 

CL Bot neue: (iy lets pe moſt dyllqentli attende in the blafyng 
of ſych aawys : as palpt barrit and bendpt . fox and they ben 
not ſuttelly confaupt a man ſodanly onſlbeꝛyng map lightly in 
thoos aꝛmys be diſſapupt · Foz certanly thas atmys be called 
palyt azmys in the Bic) ar folonde fo many palys of oon cololbre 
as ar of an other. ¶ nd iff the palys of bothe the colo lvris ben 
not equatt thos armps be not palyt 
An diuerſe acmps of gentilt men be folbnde. j. palis of oon 

colobre. and. 1j. of another as here in thers armys folobyng 
it ſhalt be ſhelwed. that is to ſay ther be. ij. pa 

lys of gotoles and. j. of golde for of de colo ore 

of verde apperith. in. partes in tle ſhelde and bot 

5j al lone of the cololbre of golde Ther fore the gẽ 

tilt man that berith theis azmps : kus ĩ this Riſe 

e chus ye ſhalt fap of him. fizfém latyn chus 

Doꝛtat duos plos auveos in mo mbeo. Et gallic fic « 

¶ Al pot de gowllez et deup pales dos · Et analic fic. © 

Re berich gobolps and. J plus of gold. 

Nere ye ſhalt dillgentlp meꝛke amps baxrit and lets band. 

cololbus in amps palpt barrit ox les barrit of the Rich 
ttplt baeris pe moſt be Bare Bhen thap be folonde 
in azmps . as here it is ſhewyd m theys atmps . 
fos ſych lynes be called lyttiſt bazris to the diffe. 
vance of L ittiſt boꝛrig . ¶ ud it phatt be ſayde that 
the gentilt man the Wich beuth theps azmps bers 
in this thys Ppſe fia ſt m latyn thus as fold 

D: moft alſo dilpaentlp attende to the nombre of both foo 

T Horta onam baztum et duas baru las de albo m campo tu: 

bio. Et qallice fic. ¶ Il port de gobblez wong barvee et daup 
barrelettee duzgent. Et anglice fic. CL He kenth goles on 
barre and. j. litelt batris of Splueꝛ 

Nc J bytt ſpeke of aꝛmys baztid p likelt barris florichyt 

Eholde hor the forfapd letitt barris ar othyꝛldyle ma de 

flo uchyngli g than the be ale floriſhyt as here ĩ thys 
Frochon · End thop be caldefloriſhit: for they be made bi xe ma 
nox of a flobre deluce. ¶ nd pe ſha tt fap of him 
that is foſſeſſoꝛ of theys aꝛmps ĩ thys wiſe as fo 
lowys · ſuſt m latyn thus. Doꝛtat onam bar 
ram et duas barulag floums albas in ſcuto ſiue 
mimp blodio . Galtice fic. TI prt daſoꝛ ong 
barrie et teup barrelettes flotit daagent. Mn . 
alice fic · Nc berith aſure oon bat and. j. litilt batris lori 
ſhet of Splues . 

N J infenr to fpcke of bendys in armyps as kere. 

dpueꝛſe aꝛmps of cestan noble gentil men as hebe nolb ite 
{Hatt tephedope . nd pe mooſt knalve that it gee 
is malt a bende the wich begynnps at te right coz |S 
nex ox tho hoꝛne of the ſhelde: and diſtendith co y⸗ 
lefte fire of the fame ſheelde: to the di fferans of fiſ 
ſures ox of litelt feaups of che Rich it ſhalt be ſpo 
Lipn of Ger . Nnd of hm that has cheys azmpe pe | 
(hut fap thus as felowys . fixft mlatyn . ¶ Poꝛtat wneam 


O thes itz boꝛne in aꝛmps a bende as is ſounde i 

bendam de tubio in campo du e. Gallite fie . T Il pat. 

doz Cong bende de gwlez. nglice fie. ¶ He ti) golde 8 
a bende of gowles 

Off liel. endys in annyg nobb here is an exempull. 

ab pe hob afore ik is ſapd tha certan littplt baꝛris at 

boꝛne t aꝛmys mony tymys. On the fame ma neꝛ of Bife 
ax borne littiſt bendys as here it ſhalt be phetopt . ¶ nd they be 
cole bendyllys to the differans of gele bendys 
as it is opgn . nd of hym that betis theps 69 
it chalk be fapd . fiꝛſt in latyn as here folo ys 
WP oꝛiat vnam bendam e duas bendulas de auro 
i campo blodeo . Et gallic fic. Tl pot daſo: 
eng bend) el deup bendelettis doꝛ. Nuglice fic . 
e berith aſure a bende and. j. bendils of golde. Nnd thes 
bendpls az othiꝛ lie floriſhyt as is ſhelbxt in the figure a fore 
in baꝛtis . nd in diüſe aꝛmps thep be ſounde that they be 
chenpk. and ſum be polbderit bith molettis . and fur) Nich odit 
dyfferans the Rich nedps not to be figurit here 

¶ Off amps palit and bendet nolb here it phalf be fielopee 

OS beſt maner of lopſe ceztanlp of beꝛyng of dyuͤſe az 
mys in oon ſheꝛl de is in theys bendys bering foz a man 
that has a patrimonꝑ left by his fa dyꝛ . and o⸗ 
ther certan londys bp his modyꝛ cumyng to him 
to the Dich londys of his moderis ar appropuzt 
armps of olde tpme foꝛ it map bap chat theys 
aꝛmys coom to hit by the Bap and diſtent of hir 
progenpturis . then map the hapre and hym Lift 

kere (ly booſt cms of his ſudyꝛ in ye hoott cheelde. N nd i ſeche 

tn bende be may kere his moderis ams as lee in dy cochon afer. 

appecis. ¶ nd it ſhalt be fayd of him chat keris cheys amps in 

latyn chus. P oitat arma plat de a: gent & tubio eum wn 

vii de 105 5 Poe EI pont pale orsqent of de gol 
et pong bende de ſabult. Nnglice fic . e ku 

Sylue: and goldles Wich a fice fabutt 100 7 

nd dchyꝛwple dſpche a bend ther is found. ijj. moleetye 
a magaſes of golde 

Off ams bend fuſillpt hre nots J Bik evempuſt 

man ſtramqe from theps . and hro J Pyſt cheld to xo w a 
bende fe Nich is qa lde a binde fuſilul: as hore ap; enen 
petich in this ſtochen. ¶ nd it is calde ſuſullit fox 
it is ma de alt of fuſillis of the Bech certan füſülis 
more ſhaſt befpokpn aftbaꝛd. Hol be che Nich 
has theps aꝛmys kus in latyn thus. Wr ontat 
nam on ſuſil latum d auto in crinpo aſorio 
BGallice fic. El wat duſoꝛ cong bender fuſiller dor. 
Anglic fic . ¶ L Be berich afucs a bande fuſillit of golde. 

. oft then be fon dt in aꝛmys other certhn bendys bo ſũ 

CL nd ches bend mon tymꝑs is bose Beth ſerungrris and 
fyecalli m Suꝛgon. 

Kere nodb it ſhalt te ſpokpyn of dprre ſe boꝛduris d aan 

duretz manp and dpuͤſe az founde ĩ asmps and ar bor: 
of many nobult mene of the Wich ſum be playn. fum t 
graplit. ſum talewht. ſum playn polbderit. fum chkerit. ſum 
gobonettyt. ſum mueckyt. of the Wiche it chalk be ſpokkyn etipche 
oon aftee oꝛdiz · ¶ nd fiꝛſt of playne boꝛduris I Piſt focke as 
here ik aqperis . ¶ nd the boꝛdure is alee playne 
Phe it is made playn of oon cololbre alooy. as 
kere in thys ſcochon · ¶ nd ii ſhalt be ſapde of hym 
that is poſ ſeſſoꝛ of theys aꝛmys fiꝛſt m latyn 9 
¶ Poꝛtzt tres wfas tubias in ampo argenteo 
cum on boꝛdura de · cubio. Et gallic fic . 
930 port daꝛgent krois vo ſis de goulez el tong boꝛ dure du go 
Et anglic fic ¶ He bach Siluez. ij. wſis of golb⸗ 
les and a boꝛduve of qolbles . 

Offaꝛuys bosdurit and ingraplit nol have fololbys emple 

(Reps Vith a boꝛdure ingraylit other White ar borne of 
citan nobult men as here nolb is ſhelbit m chys ſochon . 
And [yelp a boꝛdure is ole a boꝛduve ingraplit 

fos the dolo w of hym is put gre by gre in to ch X * 

felde of tha imys as it is opyn here. ¶ nd the poſ 
feffor of theys aꝛmys boris ĩ latyn tong thus as 
folo boys. ¶ PProtat ama de auro fymbriata fi; 
ue boꝛdu rata de nigro ngraduta cum tubus maar’ 
ie peꝛforatis de nigw . Balli ſie. ¶ Il port doꝛ fois mul; 
lettis pꝛꝛforateꝛ de Sable wna boꝛduree mample: de Sable 
N nglioe ſic. ¶ He berich gol de. tj. molettis piaforatit of Sa 
bulk and a bo dure maraplit of Sabult. 

b of armys torte rnd kalentik J Wilk phelb pemple . 

Her is borne marmps a cestan boꝛdure kalentit as lere. 
nd it is not neceſſari kere to eopres the cololbre of the ca 
tentis oꝛ beſantis : fox Chap be euet of golde 
nd ib ſhalt be fapd of him that beris thes aꝛmis 
in thys wyſe fiꝛſt in latyn thus. ¶ ghortnt w. 
num ſignum oxpunte de rubis in campo alto boꝛdu 
ratum cum rubio talentatim. Gallice fie . 
x! port da ꝛgent wna thueron de golbles boꝛdu⸗ f 
dee de gowlez falentee . Et angle fic . Be berith flues a 
Cheueron of qolbles boꝛdurit Bich 9 . 8 ; 

CL Off aꝛmęs boꝛdurit ung. j. Cheuerons of filuetec . 

(Nez (tone pe that certan tympt er boꝛdiiee is bon in as 

mys polwderit dyueꝛſe Laps other ple Werth molettis With 
mofie o With littylt croſſis oꝛ Vith beſantis oꝛ ode4 dyuͤſe. N nd 
it is calde a boꝛdure polbdetik When any thyng is ĩ 
that boꝛdure : of What ſum eü ſigne it be. as it 
is ſayd a fore . and thepe ſignys as tofis moletif 
and ocher a2 not countit for clan nombut: fos pe 
nombut of that pod dezyng excedis ch nombut of 
ip End then pe boꝛdute is elde powderit at here. 
And pe chalk fap chat the pof ſeſ ſos of theys aum xs beris in this 
Pyſe as folotips . fiſe in latyn thus. ¶ . Porta’ num fru; 


tum de cubio cum duobus ſignis capitalibus d alto & ona for 
dura pului ſota cum talentis. Et gallic fic. Il pat d 
colvlez deup Chruerons agent et ong boꝛdure da golblez ib 
dꝛer telentee . ¶ nglie fic. Ne berich goldles h Chuetons 
of Splueꝛ and a boꝛduve ſolbderik wich kfantis . 

C Wit che is an other manes boꝛdure that is alee Chpekeꝛt. 

E haue pit an other boꝛdure in azmps tin Nich is taldꝛ a 
bordum choikkent . ¶ nd it is alta chekkerit boꝛ dure 
for hit is made of. j. colobris by the manes of a Chackeꝛ as 
leer it apperie . Bind it ſhalt be ſayd of hym the Nich kus the 
ps azinps in this Pyſe as folobys . fiꝛſt m la 
tpn thus . o ꝛtat nam cricem rubiam pla⸗ 
nam 1 ampo aigenteo cum (ona bordum ſtac cata 
wma et ar g mt. Et galliœ ſic. ITI port 
daꝛgent (ong crops plapn de gowles bordurer cx 
he de Sable et migent . Ef anglie fic. 
e lurith Silueꝛ o cs plagn of golbles a borduce chekke⸗ 
af wich Sabult ¢ Siluer. 

Off boꝛduris gobona tit nod here is an v empult. 

law ye more ott that pif bp ſide tbeys arms the wich 

8 pause ſpdho of afore i boꝛdutis: the: is an other bor: 

chat is mle a boꝛdure gobonatit . as here it phatt be ſhewyt ĩ 
ches feooehon neyt folopng . ¶ ud hit is cal de gobonatyt foz 

bit is ma de of z. oolourie quadwili topnpe.p! us 
to fop of blacke @ Nhite . g of hym that beris 
tlyys aꝛmys pe (half ſey m latyn thus as folopts 
Pa t d aꝛgento o duas bentas de nig cf 
una boꝛdura de mgw et albo gobonata. Et gal 
lice fic. ¶ Il pet duꝛgent deux bender et tong 
boꝛ dure de fable et ngen Ing; fic. ¶ He beuth (flues 
9 bindys of Sable Pich a boꝛdure gobonatit of Sable gfilues 

¶ nd thys fame borduce nace that nobult payne: th duke 
of Glouce[tp: brothps & chat nobuſt Kerokee Rpng henri the 
fifth : th Wid) wpalt duke bare in his aꝛmys the hoolt azmpa of 
Afraunce and of Englond quaatly Hitch a boꝛ dure gobonatit of 
Siluer and fable as is ſhelbyt in diůſe plaas . nd to blaſe 
theys asmps it nedis not & be rehezſit. for it is ſuffiſciently 
taght aſode m diuerfe placis. 

CL Féen of bor duris had in aꝛmys of clolbris inueekpl. 

Hen be pit boꝛduris ĩ a:mys of ij.coloDo/ 

vig muechyt . as here in thys figure appe 
ue. and hit is calde a boꝛdute inueckpt for hit 
is made of .y.clobus & gedyz mucckept nd 
xe ſhaſt fap of bym tip Wich berith theys armps 
m latyn thus Wortat azma qua tiata de rubio 
ef aud tu in na boꝛdura de ag et rig ſimul muects . 
Et galllæ ſic. Cl port quaateler de golbles et dor ouefq 


ung boꝛdute wer r do: gent et d ſable.  Ainalie fic 
¶ He berich qua ꝛcly qotbleg and gold Birth a boꝛdure muele 
apt of ſilueꝛ and fable . 

pretendyng theym eypte and pſe m chys ſeiens as fre: 

allp ii is e kene a old tyme of theꝛle of Marche Reed 
tboy ſhul de be cal de boꝛdu tis oꝛ not. as kere ĩ thys 
figure. N nd cerfan men fap pt men not puttyng 
a mezueles differans of bloſ ng fop : that the fos 
fapd Zale of marche the Biche Bos calde (Koger 
(Mortememe: Pn that he leupd tare a ꝛmys im la 
tyn in chys Vpſe eo fap ¶ Poꝛtauit arma pla 
ta taꝛrata et contraconata de aſotio auto aim no fimplia ue 
de aq. Gall ice fic. ¶ CI l pit mle bartee girone daſoꝛ ſ 
dor et ſongʒ eſcu ſimple daꝛ gent. N ngliœ ſic. ¶ De birich pa 
ly barti on trau conptł᷑ of afure ¢ golde Bith a ſiple chelde of filit. 

. i ches boꝛduris ther is o grebe differ ns emog men 

Cr» this oppnpon afore deberſit m tp blafpna pleſpt ma: 
np a man the Bich m no man of Whiſe map be ti. {For if thes 
Gaimps as it is ſayd a fore Tat contrari onadt · chen the labift 
come? o7 th cone of thaꝛmys that is to fap the lalbyſt popnt of 
che (helm map neu be of oon colo bœ as œttanlę it is oſ afue . 

pes th ips thpnaps afore rehuſit m theys aꝛmis il is con 
2 malt armps contrau anptalt te ompe of Bhat fum eu co 
lolode cha amps te made th mete to gedyt conally in the middis 
of the ſhelde . as in Ge next gute of the ſhelde oppulp it chalt 

be phelbpd Birr fore as it apenth to my cefon fulies then shal 
be blaſit on this Bpfe : evcppit tip artes auto nit that th for 
fopd Eale of (Marck tenth thus n latpn. JOoitauit arma 
barvata & mput kuti palatum g angu latum de aſotio @aum cum 
quo dam ſcuto ſimplia d argent. Et gallio ſie. LI port 
bozter ef ong Chieff miler ainecte mnfos g dos et ona eſtu fimple 
tarqent. Ctanalic fic. ¶ De betith tun anda Cheeff pa 
le angulatt of afure and gal de Wich a (pmple ſheld of Sua. 

Off ormnys contra ri conpt hete J Bill informe pow 

ber be pit for footh diueꝛſe noble men the Bich wre aꝛmyt 
ntrart anpt . as here in thys ſcochon apetith. M nd 
theys aꝛmys be calde mntma conpt for this mufe . 
ſoꝛ att eh colouris of theps azmps mee ta to aedis 
at oon mone. chat is to fap at t myddyſt ppntt 
of che chelde only. {Foz eup body triangulit is 
moore of lengthe then of bret and naamly conꝑt 
ot pz. Chezfore the oppnpon of thos men che Bp 
che fapd that the a ꝛmys afore ccheꝛſit: chat is eo Witte of cher; 
les asmps of Mache War palpt baztit and contœti onęt᷑ is to 
be cepocupt . fox fo mpd) chat te conxs of ehe foꝛſapd azmps 

aceorde not lin Bich of neceffite ſhulde acoꝛde eff dp foꝛſopd opp 
nyon Ver tiw · nd of hym that berig theps aꝛmys pe phat 
fap mlatpyn. PQ ortat aria contragonata de blodio et albo 
Et gallic fic. L pot girone daſoꝝ el mrgent . Qnglicꝭ fic. 
JER e berich antrat conpt of aſure and filues. 

Off pilit aꝛmys nolb here it ſhall be phetbpt - 

Oꝛ as mych as it is ſpolyn afore of aꝛmys: in the Rich 

th coloboris mete to gedy in ih myddiſt poynt con 
Mold folotopth of certan aamps in che Bid) tj. ps: 
lis mete to gꝛdpꝛ in oon mone. as hete in thys fi: 
gute. nd it halk be ſapd of bpm the Biche be; 
us theys amps m latyn in ths Vyſe. 
CL Poꝛtat tres pilas nigras in amp aue 
Sallice fic . L I pot dos trois piles de fable . 
Et anglice fic. ¶ He berith gold. ij. pilis of fable 

C Off bullis in asmpe here not it halk be ſdewyt. 

ueꝛ che les pe moſt confpops a differnet theys blafpn 
Caps of cheys armys afore: and theps that aim af et 
ben pe blaſe cheym in latpn Gong . for other Dhile thys teꝛme 
pila 7 latpn is tale fos to be a 5 tpmbre to be put (onder the 
prlor of a bꝛyge: ox to ſyche a like Berke as ĩ thexempult afos 
And odp: While this terme pla is take fos & cextan dounde ĩſtru 
met & play We: de Wich ĩſtramẽt Pups othes Nhile to dhe hande 

and then it is caldeĩ laty pila manualis as here 
Bind oches Phile it is an mſtrument fos the Foote 
and then it is calde in latyn pila pedalitz a fote bal 
Theꝛſoꝛ ti ſhall be (apd of hym that keris thes at 
mps m latpn Poꝛtat tes pilas aꝛgenteas 
mamp rubio. Et galli ſic. ¶ Il pot de 
golblez tpois pelett it daz gent. Et anglic fic. ¶ He berith 
Golbles 1h ballis of Silueꝛ. 

Latanli pe moſt me atze hati this figure of ballis a ma 

map foon er. MWeꝛrfore ſhoꝛtly it is to be knabb chat ſich 
ballis map haue aff cololbris bot the color of golde foꝛ a ther 
be of gol dyn colouris: they ſhulde be calde talents oz beſantis the 
iche be eu of golden colo dre 

Off boꝛtellys oz litilt Tals in cumys. 

Hen be alfo tortellic pt be litibt Cale 
O0 Bich be grettit then ballys g tharmpe 
be feulp ma de as here it is op. & ud he that be 
vis heps aꝛmys beris in this Upfe fiꝛſt ĩ latyn. 
CL Hortat tos tozte l las rubiae ĩ ampo auceo. 
Sallice fie. ¶ Alport wz et trois toꝛteuly de 
gowlez . Et analice fic . ¶ He berith golde g. ij. Caleys of 

olbles g 
5 ore oueꝛ meake : that as Wele ballys in aꝛmys as kali 
Qn beſantis alt Nax at holt volonde figuris & not pforat 

Off fontans or Bellis here Y wilk fpeke. 

ot the les the: be can nobult men the Dich beet ficlp rounde fi 
guris: te Bich figuris as alte fontanps oꝛ Kellis as here ap 

gris’. che Bich ſontans eůmore moſt be of Bhp 

cololbre for ihe thyng the Rich they repreſent 

AFox they ceprefent eumore the toloſbre of the Wa 

ter of a Belt the Rich is white ¶ nd of bpm y⸗ 

beris thes a ꝛmys pe moſt fap in Latpn thus 

Noꝛdat ces fontes ĩ mo au reo. Gallice fic 

TI port doꝛ et trois fonteyns . ¶ uglice fre. ¶ He berith 
of golde and 1j. Wellis. 

Ott ꝛynqgys (he Nich be other wounde inſtrumentis J Hitt fpeke 
te cheis rolonde figuris a fore reheꝛfpt 
the: be ctan figutis te Nich be pforatit as 

be cyngys: as here apperis . Q d it ſhalt be (apd 

of bpm that beris theis azmps ĩ latyn cho. 2 

tat tres anulos aureotz ĩ campo maw . Gallice 

fre TI port de fable et trois anulettis wz. Gln 
glice fic. Ice berith Sabutt and. ij spnapsof gold 
¶ Off trac tys in asmps . 

Now il is fapd of boꝛduris ĩ azmps . nol it folo wich to 

ſe of tractis oꝛ lynys . and fiaſt of a ſymple frat. and 
thep be calde trac tis for as mych as the felde remap 
nyng of chaꝛmys as Nele With d as Bith owte. 
an othes lyne is dralbyn of an othe: colobbre as 
here : (o the man of a ſhelde. ¶ d it ſhalt be fapdy 
of hym that beris thes aꝛmps ĩ latyn D oꝛtat 
ont tcac tũ fiplicem planam auteũ ĩ cm afore 

Balter fic. ¶ Il port mfos tong trace plan dos. A nglice fee 

¶ He berich aſure a plapn tract of golde 

O ffa tract mataplpt con booth te ſydys here is an evemple. 
tractor a lyne othit Bhile is mgtaylyt on the pa 
A tes as here mthys ſxgure appenth . Bind then it chalt 

be fapd of bpm that betis thepe azmps i thps Bp 
fe fiꝛſt m latyn hus · ¶ Hoꝛtat wnum tract ñ 

ptraque poꝛte igta datum d aupo ĩ amp rubio 
Et galliœ fic. ¶ Il port de golbleʒ wng trace 
ingtaple de cheſtim cofte vz . ¶ nglice fie - 
Ne berith golbles wyth a tract macaplpe on bo 
och the fidys of gold 

CL Off a tiact dolbbult and floriſhpk it phat be ſhewyt 

oO tract is other ple atbbull as in Gazmpe of the 
Reng of Boottelone . as here in this ſcochon apperis · ¢ 
the foꝛfapd Ryng of Scottelond beris ĩ thys Bp 

fe fiꝛſt n latyn thus. Noꝛtat dupl im ttac 
tum cum floribus glodioli onttapoſ itis et ono 
leone tapaq de rubio in campo auredo. Et galli 
eeftc. ITI pot doꝛ pong dolbble trace floretee 
countree et tong leon rampant de gobbles Qin: 
alicefic. ¶ He berith cole a dolvble trace floriſhyl antrari 
and a Lyon tampyng of golbles 

Off tractis taplatit and quatriplalit othyꝛwple 

Ifo of cheys armys afore veheꝛſit J fꝑnde more dpuerf ite 
fox ther be certan nobull mm the wich bere theys tractis 
triplatit as here in thys fygure . and um bere hit 

quatriplatit as is founde i dꝛũſe aamis. N nd pe Hr 
ſhalt fap of him that beris cheys azmps triplatit 
i latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat tractum tripliqatũ dæ al 
toi amp aumo. Gallice fic . Tl pot doꝛ ong 

trate triple daꝛq ent. & nglice fre. ¶ Hebe: 
rity golde a trace kuplatit of Sriucs . 

Off a tenet ſpmpult of j. nlotbris and mueckpt an epemple 

©" be other nobult men the Bich bere a ſimpult trat of. 3 
colors mucckpt as keee not it halt be ſhelbyt in thys 
ſtochn . ¶ nd the poſſef ſos of theys aꝛmys boris 
in this Byfeas folodis fiaſt m latyn. Qoꝛtat 
ouum trac tum fimplicem de colo ribus aſorio az; 
gerteo inuectis in ſtuto aureo. Et gallice fic . 

(Il port wz ong trace ſimple werte daſoz ef 

dazgent N nglice fie. ¶ the tenth golde and 
a kract fpmple mueckpt of afure and Srlues 

H flex tractis no it chalk be ſpoleyn of fyfſuris oꝛ ſtaupys. 

fore theys fyffuris it is fpokpn of bendys: and theiz dif 7 

ferans . Mold it ſhalt be ſpoleyn of fyſſuris . the Vych ẽ 
tan fyſ ſuris oz ſtauꝑs begynne in the lefte hoꝛne of the ſhelde: & 
ar drabne to the right paꝛte of the ſhelde teneeth to the diffe ran 
ce of bendys the loych begynne in the right boꝛne of the ſhel de d 
az dralbne & the lefte ſide of the ſhelde beneeth . and thys Kap 
moſt the fpffuce be dralbne as hebe apperis ĩ thys _ 
ſygure. nd pe chalk ondiꝛſtonde that theis fiſ 
ſuris diffea as mony Ways as the foꝛſapd bendys 
dyffeꝛpt . bot it nedys not to be reheꝛſpt for it is 
plapn ſhewyt afore. Chez be fyfſuris oz ſtauys 
playn . ngwadyt. ueckyt. and fuſyllatit. as 
J ſoꝑd afdte m the place of bendps . nd theys ſtaups baſtar⸗ 
dps az Bont to bere or namli thay ſhulde bere thaym. nd 
then thys fyſſuw is could a ftaffe - gt french it is ald a baſton 

Got oommynli it is calde a fiſſure for as mpd that he cleups 
bis faderis arms m. ij partes for that ba ſtaꝛd is cloupn and 
deupdpt from the patrimony of his fades . nd ſo ſych a taftard 
is fozbedyn ko tere the hoolt azmys of his fader for the teuerantz 
of his blow . bot his faderis a:mys he may ete Brith ſpch a ſta 
ſfe as is ſaxd afore: m ſiqne and finatt dec laracon of his baf 
tardy and) bo the differance of proput and naturalt pre of 
his fade. ¶ nd hen pe haue anp ſych a plapn fiffure oz a 
ſta ffe ĩ aꝛmys oꝛ ingraplit mueckyt oꝛ fuſillatit: of that ſome 
ftaffe pe ſha lt fap as a fore is vehesſit in dp chapitute of bendye 
moore plapnli . nd che baſtaꝛde the dich herith theps aꝛmys 
poſſeſſis in latyn on thys maneꝛ as nol here foloſbys 

N oꝛtat onam fiffuram ſiue bacilum auceum icmp aſorio. 
Oalluce fic . Tl port uſoꝛ et wong fees da. ¶ gli fic 

¶ He tenth afure and a fiffure o a ſta ſſe of golde 

Nod hebe J begynne bo ſpeke of aꝛmys hedyd as il aperis 

Hen be cerfan nobult men fhe Wich bre a: mis hedit as here 
©; agpenith . nd pe moſt knalb that theis aꝛmps be cal 
led hedyl: Ehen the bpe parte of che ſhelde thal is 
to fap the hede is ma de of on coloude oꝛ of moo then 
of on. ¢ that pazte ptendps not & the myddis 
of the ſchelde as aboon is ſhelbxt by the ſhelde 
And knibe pe that m the hedit aꝛmps is a good 
man of deꝛyng of dpufe aꝛmps as by fortune ſũ 
noble man tas mony londis and geete loꝛdſhippys by his mo: 
dps for che Bych londys of his moderis he mtendps & bete the 
aamęs of his modps . and ſo he map do fos it ww rightwys 

Gol he that diſcendys of a nobult fadps oꝛ of a gentiſt man 
by the Bpch he had any ſimple patrimonp . then ſpch a nobulk 
man: and he Milk : map tere the boolk aꝛmys of his moodyꝛ in 
the lathps parte of his ſhelde . and m ſych an bee as J ſayd 
a fore he map and he Pilt bere the ool aꝛmys of his fadyꝛ 
And it att be fapd of hem that beris theys aꝛmys i thys Bp 
ſe fiꝛſt m latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat onum ſiqnum capitale de ni 
gro m campo auteo cum no capite rubio et tribus talentis ĩ eo 
wm . Et gallice fic . LI port dos dong cheueron de Sabull 
et ong Cheeff de qolblez et krois beſantis en la meſ mes 
Analice fie. ¶ T He berith golde a cheueron of Sabult Re 
a Cheeff of gobbles and. ih. beſantis He: in. 

¶ nd cher be certan nobulk pſones the wich beer in the chel 
de afore reheꝛſit of golde as is ſapd a fore a Cheue ron of Sa⸗ 
butt oꝛ of ſum odyꝛ colo bre and. ij. rev roofis oꝛ Thyte oꝛ fun 
othe: ſygnys as croſſis creſſantis bri ddys oꝛ flobus and a che 
eff ſum of Sa bult ſum of other cololbre with ehe ſigne of molel 
tis oꝛ oder tokpnynch) the Bich need not to be voher ſit. nd chen 
phatk euerich oon of cheym be blaſit m his nombuꝛ like ae the 
felde and the fiqnes dequire: as by fortune ſum men bere thus 
to fap . He berith Sabutk a Cheueron of golde. ih rede woſ ys 
of golbles a Cheeff of aſuve Bith. ij. molettys peꝛforatit of Wert 
and thus of alt othe: differanſ ps. 

Off camps polit Rich oon querstes of an othes eoloure « 

Extanly ther be ſum nobult men the wych bere in ther as 
(Ne con quastes of an other cololbes dyffeꝛyng from che 

cploure oꝛ the alotbrs of the ſhelde as here. in lle 
Wich aꝛmis it is to be ſapd that the nobult man the 
Bich beris theym tenth in this Nyſe fiꝛ ſt in latyn. 
P oꝛtat arma pa lata de aſerio g auw cum ona 
qu ate ria eremetian . Et gallic fic . ( port 
pole daſoꝛ et dos ng quart deꝛmyn . Et anglice 
fic « e berich palp afor and golde With on quaat of E imyn 

¶ Arnd it is & be notit that pe moſt haue a reſpebkyt & th co 
lo wre of that pale the Rich ſhulde aſtendee & the right hoꝛne of the 
ſhelde iff that quarter her not thes . andi that cololwre pe mofé 
eu moore begyn to blaſe dhoos azmps like as ihe quaꝛt Mere not 

ther as afoꝛ is rehꝛſit. 
TL ob of aꝛmys chelckerit here pe ſhalt ſaue an pemple 

it apperich in thys figure folobpng and they be cal de az; 
erit Shen they at made of. j. colouris to 

the maner of a chekket · nd theys aꝛmys veſax⸗ 
ue many differentz as in hdys oꝛ quaꝛteris ĩ ba 
ris and bendis and other bples i Cheuerons of xe 
Bich tt ſhalt be fpokpn a noon foloyng . nd of | 
bpm che Rich poſſeſſis theps aꝛmps ye ſhalt fap in 8 
latyn thus Ge aꝛma ſcakkata di aſetio et auto. Et 

Noc oueꝛ offer Bhpue Be ſe amps cheliketit as here noſd 

gallice fic . prt Kathe daſoꝛ et dz  Ginglic fic. 
¶ the wath Cirtekes of afure and gol 


Off Chenerone th Bich ĩ mall ar ale cowpuls of ſpa iris 

E tone fotheli in aꝛmys certan ſignys te Bich ar calde 

Chuerons in french. nd they be ale m latyn Sig na 
capitolia wel tigna . and in engliſh a colbpull of ſpatris as here 
is ſheboyd ĩ theys ſignes: the Rich ſignes by lik 
lenes fiꝛſt War boꝛne of axzpentanes and make: 
tis of holoſes . for an holyſe is net ma de p fite tyll 
thos ſpa tris be put a pon hit: by the manes of an 
ede. and. · ſyche ſpatris oꝛ cguerons tonpt & 
gedyꝛ male a mpitatt ſygne . pe is to ſoy a cold 
pull of fpaztis . and other While. . ſych be boꝛne ĩ aꝛmps and 
ochyꝛ Phile iy. odps Whrle. mi. as it is wnalbpn . nd of him 
that beris theys aꝛmys afore pe ſhalt fap thus as foloſbps fiꝛſt 
i late. ¶ Poꝛtat de rubio et duo ſigna capi talia de auw eit 
tribus talentis . Et gallic ſie. ¶ Al port de golbz et dux 
Cheuẽrons doꝛ et twis talent. N nglie ſie. CH He berith 
goſples and. j. Chuerons of golde Wich ij beſantis. 

Off a Chu ꝛton oꝛ afpane cpitat engwoplꝑt hee ie ſhebyt 

Au a Cheueton is othiꝛ Birle engmplxt as tree and ther 
it is to be fapd of hym the Bich bens theys aꝛmye m la 
tyn m chys yſe . ¶ Moꝛtat num ſignum aps 
tale mgradatum de albo m ampo aſoreo. Et gal 
lice fic, ¶ Al pot qſoꝛ ong Cheue ron daꝛgent 
maraplee . N nglio fie. ¶ Ho berith afure 
and a Chueton of Spluss engwplpt᷑ · 

¶ Off dpucs(e and meꝛuelus Cheucoons pit J Blk ſpeke 

Ode oueꝛ pit ĩ cheys ſignys of Cheuerons other Ghile is 

folbnde a dolbte m the blaſyng of thepm. len thei be ma 
de of dyueꝛſe mlolbus tranſmutit as here in this 
ſcochon apperich. ¶ nd of hym the Pych beris thee 
aamps pe ſhalt fop m latyn. ¶ Poꝛtut aꝛma 
qua ate tiata de maw @ aꝛgento arm Ono ſigno ca 
pitali de dickis coloribus tranfmutatis. Ballice 
ſie T port quartertee de ſable g dagen g ong 
Cbeueron chaungee lung de loultre. A nglic ſie. ¶ He te: 
rich quarterly Sable and Silues Pitch a Chueron of 65 ſaxd 
cololbris tranſmuuit. 

Off Cheueuewons diffeꝛyng on the longo Ny: 

To theys ſignes or Chyuwoens be differrt after the long 

Way m aꝛmps as here m this figure agperith . ¶ nd then 
of bpm the Rich beris theps azmps pe ſhalt fap m 
lati. ¶ Poꝛta t aꝛma poʒtita ſeclidſi lõgſ de co: 
loubus ativeo g rubeo cum no ſigno qapitoli de 
dietis colo abus tranſmutatis. Gallio ſic 
T | post paztie du long de doꝛ g golblez ong chp ; 
tern chaunge lung de laultre. & nglie fie . 
¶ He beuth party afé the Longe Map of. j colouris golde and 
goules Beth a Chnuoron of the ſapd eololbtis tranfmute . 

K Off dowtis emong heꝛtoddis ĩ blaſꝑng Heps aꝛmys ſuyng 

Mong othps dow tis: a bolbte the blaſpng of thazmis here 
Abbengrs nold next J haue hade lramdops pretendyng 


theym felfe wert canyng in bloſ yng of aꝛmys mes: 
ueluſli to dreeme m the blaſpng of theys amps. 
md ſum holde oon oppnpon and ſum an othyt. 
neuet the les it is no ante neede to dolote m the 
blaſyng of theym as to oonyng ma. Thefore 
of bpm pe beris thes asmps pe phatk ſap ĩ latyn 
rat duas pies capitis cuti de rubio g tciam ptem de albo ad 
modum fram capitalis et tres wfas de coloribus tranſmutatis. 
Et qallice fic. ¶ Il poꝛt lez deup pties du chief de qodles et le 
troiſune daꝛgent pies en manere du cheueroß et trois roſes lung 
de laultre. A nglice ſic. Ne berith. j paatis of the heew of the 
ſhelde golbles andthe chride pte Siluce by the maner of a che: 
ueron and. ij voſes of the fame colobus tranfmute . 

Off ars fuſꝑllit in engliſh fpendxllis node J Bilt pete. 

erbeten gentylmem and nobuls the Bich beede in they 

azmys fuſellis: of the nombut of the Wich : my loꝛde of 
GlauceRtur pt nobutt prince wncle to Apng bene the ſedt Tas - 
FHoꝛ he had in his aꝛmps. in fuſdllis of gowles by de man of a 
bar in a felde of flues che Pich etan aꝛmys this 
nobult duke bare by the reſon of cestan londis be⸗ 
longyng to the mounte . Got pe ſhalt fap of hym 
that beris theys arms i this ſcochon in latyn 69 
¶ Hoꝛtat d rubio et tees fuſulos de aꝛqento 
Etgalliq fic . T I port de golvleʒ et twis fuſulez 
uzgent. Anglice ſie. ¶ He berich gowles and. ii fuſules 
of Siluer. ¶ nd otheꝛlohle Heps . in fuſules ox . tj be Lorne 
by the manet of a paale . 

It is to be notit chat Ph. ij ſufules oꝛ. . at boꝛne o mos fo 
tis nombur of. ip the Bich nombus sf thes excede: fap euermoꝛa 
that thos aꝛmps be poſdderit With fuſüllis oz other Chpnays andy 
noon othps Bpfe . ¶ End fo generalli pe moſt tnatb that iff 
anꝑ Hpng be boꝛne in aꝛmys oues ih nombuꝛ of ip then thoos 
aꝛmęs M dot ſum cuss hex be thap az plot. 

O ff oon fuſyft borne in asmps bere J Ritt evenpull. 

Or Chile con fuſyft is boꝛne allon in camps as habe i 
thys figure it apperith. in Wich 1 haue bead ceꝛtan 
heꝛroddis colbte m theyꝛ oppnponps . (Met the les 
it is clan that pe ſhalt fap of hym the Bich beris 
theys aꝛmys Vith owe dolbte ĩ latpn thus as fos 
lobis o ꝛtat de cubio cum tono fuſulo de auto 
Et gallice ſic TI post de golvlez dong fufiit coz 
& nglice fic. ¶ He berith gowle and a fuſilt 
of gold 

Off ay fuſptt of opueꝛſe colobtis nol here J Bilk ſpetue. 

Lſo cheys fufpllis ſum tyme as boꝛme of dyueꝛſe cololbtis 
) s eee m thys figure it is ſhebbyd. Mot it is a moore 
doldte how theys aꝛmys ſhulde be blaſit then thar: 
mys afore . bot ye phatt fap ĩ latn of bpm the Lx 
che us thes aꝛmys mn this yſe. Poꝛtat arma 
partite ep tranſueꝛſo d alto et Mam cum (ono fuſu 
lo ex eiſ dem colo ribus tranſmutatus. Et gal lic 
fic . TI wrt paztie de traueꝛs dagmt et fable of 
peng füllt d meſmes colouꝛe lung de laultre . Et angliæ fie 


He beriſh camps portid oute: sf of Siluet g fable Bith a 
fuſptt of tee ſaam cololbris tranſmutit. 

Off fuſellis by che manes of a bende here J Bulk (iat fap . 

Orr ouer ſych fuſpllis az borne m azmys by the maneꝛ 

of a bende . as here nolb apperith N nd then ye ſhalt fap. 

of bpm the Bich peſſeſſis theys armgs m this Nyſe 
fiz(t in latpn thus. CC Portat nam bendam 
iſillatam de aur in campo rubeo. Et gallice fic 
{ poꝛt de golbleꝛ (ong bende fufptt or. Et 
analice fic. ¶ He beuch goldles and a bende 

fuſellit of geler. 
¶ off akbar fuſpllit in amps free is an oemple 

Zio ther be borne in armys kheys fuſ pllys in a bas füſpllit 

as here it apperith. nd then it is to be fapd of hm the 
Bich hach theps aꝛmys in latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛ⸗ ö 
tat de rubio cum ona baꝛra fuſillata de aꝛcento 
Ballice fic. ¶ Il port & gobvleʒ wong baꝛte fu⸗ 
ſulee daꝛgent. Et anglice fics ¶ He berith 
gobbles and a bar fuſyllyt of Siluet. nd ſum 
men fap that tle forfapd aꝛmys began of Beueris : 
foꝛ as mych as Reucris fe fich fuſillgs made of ſponnyn Wott 

nabe pe ye differans br étbip ffuſillis Maſculis g Loſxnch 

Ob here pe ſhalt knalb the differans be tlbix fuſillis maf 
1. Calpe and loſengys. Mh: fore it is to be knat that 

fuſyl lis at cues more long alſo fuſpllis aꝛ ſtrattyꝛ ouea dat in 
the baly then at OM aſcules. nd OMaſcules as larger ott Bart 
in the balp: and ſhoꝛtet m length chen be fuſplles. as here i this 
ſcochon it apperich . ¶ nd it phat be fapd of hym 
that poſ ſeſſis theys aꝛmys m chia Nyſe · fizftila 
tpn. oꝛtat & bio g (ep maſcu las d aum . 
Et gallic ſic. LI port d gobbles et vi. maces 
les d:: Et angliee ſie. Q de kuth golbles 
and feo maſcules of golde 

= theys maſtules other Bhilear pforatit as I (apd ofom 
m the chapstuce of th cros maſcu latit 

Off an othps maneꝛ of maſcules pit here J Bitt ſpebe i 

Iſo other Bhile ar borne aꝛmys ma ſculatit as free now 

m this figure folowyng is ſhe yt. N nd pe ſhalt on 
deꝛſtande chat thos aꝛmys be calde maſtu latit m 
che Bich che foꝛſayd maſcules begyn moſt plentupf 
ly m che right angle of the ſhelde. and at endid 
en Bare the lefte pte . the Bich ceꝛtan aꝛmys mup 
deed at palit. g at deupdit ĩ & ij. polys pf thee be 
ſub tile conſopupt . Bind of bpm that beris theps 
aꝛmps it ſhalt be fap ĩ thre pie fiꝛſt m latyn. ortet az, 
ma maſcu lata de a ꝛ c g aſo tio. Et galliq fic Tt met 
daꝛqent et daſoꝛ makule . Et analie fic . C. berith 
of Silues and aſure maſculatit. 

f wi 

Off leſengys bi and Bhat mance of Nyſe they he made. 

fo Lofpnape no manet of Bpfe be ma de bot d arms ben 

dit. nex thep map not be made bp thee ſel fe. and they b 
ma de u tt Way as chꝛys be made bendik. ¶ nd pe 
ſhalt haue the mooft werep differans by twix the 
forfapd maſculatit armps and bendid m the pret 
ris of the forfapd amps. ¶ nd ye moſt take thys 
for a gen eraſt enfoꝛmacion and inſt ruccion thatt 
certanli loſpync) eümore ſtande wpaght: that is 
to fap that ty hoyſt poynt or the heght: e afcendis to tuen oz to 
a mampe red. fo chat ehe hepſt pynt extendys (ottialy to thy he 
ed of the ſhelde . and of te oueꝛ wat coꝛneris oon elendis wt; 
cerlp to th right ſide. and that other coꝛnet eptendys to the lef 
te ute of the ſhelde. and the lawiſt paꝛte eotendps & tle labbifé 
parle of the ſhelde dyametralik as it is opyn m the ſheld next a 
fore . Bnd fo Wich oldte doldte Ke haue the differans of che foꝛ 
ſapd franes . that is to Rete of ¶MMaſcules and Lofpnaes . 
(Mota alſo the forfapd fuſpllis neuer be fount: pforatt ner lo: 
ſengys afore fayd be new ꝓfora tit. 

Do of a ſigne ĩ aꝛmis pt is calde a Saltori a mañ̃ of a ews 

Her is an other maner of ſigne m azmps : by dpuͤſe 
obult me bome: tle Dich is calde a Salto . and it 
is Mate by the man of a eros of Gapntandeh 
es here now it apperith. ¶ nd thys cros is lic: 
leynt after ceꝛtan men to an mſtrument made m 
dyueꝛſe parkps the ich is of a grote maqyuptude 
oz lazgenes : to de compariſon of chys fiqne . 
And it is Belt know of nobult gentelmen andy 

huntteris that fpch faltatories az ormnt in monp mikye g pla 
as to take Wilde beeſtys de Wich onps theiz enteꝛyng: by dat 
mſtrumente map nek goo a gayn. Mes fore m alte tyme thes 
ſignys Pere geuyn to rich men. andy otherlopfe ale auaris 
Olpgonps oꝛ kepꝛris ie Rich men fuffit not theu treſures i Bhat 
maneꝛ of LEpfe chen be getyn: co paſſe from cheym. ndof 
bpm the Rich poſſeſſis theys aꝛmys pr ſha li fap in latpy . Do 
tat de aſo tio et num ſaltato num de auw. Et gallice fu . 
JL pat fos (ong ſaultiew do:. Et anglia ſic. ¶ He 
tanith afuce and a Saltorp oꝛ a faſwtri of geld 

Off aampe ſabd trie engradit here J Witt eoemphtt . 

Old bed pe moſt kna that thys asmps Sabbtee be o 
KT ther Bhrle engradit as here in thys fiquee nol appetith 
End chey they be adm ſalbtre engrodit as it ie 
fayd afore in monp placis . as of the eros inqradit 
of bazris and bendys . Qlnd of hym chat boris 
theys aꝛmps pe ſhalt fap in laten . N oꝛtat o: 
num ſaltutorium mgratatum de auto m amp a? 
forio . Et gallic fic . T l port mfoz one fouls 
Get doꝛ ample . Et anglice fic . ¶ He berith aſure and 
a eros ſaſvtre of golde engradit 

Off manp croſſis ſabtre borne in amy ingradpt an epemple 

Ter Bhile ther be borne monp croffis ſalbtre ĩ aæmys en; 
Jcadit in oon (helt . other Ghile. . other Phile. in. as 


here And of bpm chal berig theys camps thus 

it ſhatt be ſoyd in lotyn. TZ Hoꝛtat (nam ba: 
ram planam et ria faltatorta maramta de auw i 
campo tubo . Et gallic fic Gl pot de gol: 
lez ong borre plapn et trois ſaultiezs enqreileʒ doꝛ 
Et anglice fic. berich goldles oon bar playn 
and ij. ſalotve croffis engradyt of golde. 

Off Cobnpe m aꝛmys borne by the manet of a mle. 

T is diligentl to be ma ꝛkyt that Then Re fap ſich a lox 

de berich in ſych fpanps . Bol theys. in. ſignes ar tos 

ne in aꝛwys Re fap not alt Wap . “For other Phile theys 1. 
ſignps ar put in a ſhelde by the mauer of a pale. nd then ther 
be alde ſignes palit. as here ĩ thys fiquee it ap; 
pirith . &nd of bpm that tas theys azmps pe 
ſhalt fap m latpn . tat ti). coronas de quro 
palatas m campo aſo rio. Et gallice fie . TI 
poꝛt daſoꝛ et trois corones doꝛ pales. ¶ nglic fic 
Ke berith afuce and 1j cronpe of golde malic. 

Off cwolbnys maꝛmys boane baarit here J Pitt mforme pol 

Ob theys . ih. ſignes othzt Nhile be tor; 

ne batrit here no apperith m thys figure. 
And then of hun that beris theys aꝛmys pe ſhat Sm 
fay m latpn . a Hortat tres coronas auras ĩ 
campo aforio. Ct gallicefrc . ay port mfoz 
et et trois cones batteʒ :. Efanaglic fic . 
C DHe rath aſude gin ewunps of golde barvitt . 

Off. ij Coonpe torne in the Corneris of ty ſhelde. 

. theys · ij eronys be borne ĩ the moſt mmpn Wap 
im te coꝛneris of the phele as here in thys ſcochon il ap 
gerith . ¶ nd then pe moſt thus fap that ches. 1 
fianes be borne m the coꝛneris of the ſhel de. foz 
that is the moſt comune g the mooft famuſt manes 
of bezyng of ches in ſignes oꝛ ani maner ſigneſ 
T heꝛſoce pe ſhalt fap chat ſych a loꝛde beuth ila 
tyn in hyo Bife as here folow ys. CC qhonrtat 
de aforro et fees ornas auveas · non expremendo loca. Et 
gallice fic. ¶ Il ort dnſoꝛ e᷑ twois cownes do:. Et angli 
ce (te. ¶ He berith aſure and. ij crownys of golde. 

off fiſhes boꝛne in aꝛmps in dyüſe Bole here is a dectrine 

ne bb dolble pif is founde m camps . for as mych as thes 
Ros a ceꝛtan man that heght ꝙeltus de tupibus m tyme 
paſſit the biſſhop of Wyncheſteꝛ: re Bich baaꝛ i his azmys ij 
Roch ys af teꝛ bys awne naam im Rich aꝛmys it is doldtt. 
Biethes it is enogh to fap in the blaſyng of chem: that he babe 
ſych ii fiche allone . as here in thys ſcochon. 

And ceꝛtantp J thpntenap . fos Ge ale goyng 

a fore . Bot it is thus to be ſapd: of the fapay 

etui m latyn. CL Poꝛtauit tres huiuſ modi 

pifces aꝛqnteos natuntes in campo nig. Et 

gallice ſic ¶ Il pot d Sable et trois Ro 

chz napan& duꝛgent. Et anglice fre. ¶ He berith Sable 
and iy Goch ſwymmyng of Siluer. 

¶ Rind chen to chaꝛmys of Gal fride lucy as 
bete noth apperis ĩ this figure nd pe moſt fap yt 
he bare thus in latyn. Teal tres lucios 
aureos in camp rubeo . Et galliq fic. ¶ J. 
pozt d qotbles et trots lucez m2. N uglice fic . 
He berith gowles and ii lucee of golde. 
the Nich ceꝛtan blaf png Kerth olwte dec laracion here is enogh . 
for Ap ſapd fiſhes ar in thare poput placis ae I ſapd in che 
rule afore 

Dot Pyat ſhalt be ſayd of dps man then: the 
Wich beris. J. bazbellis kuenyng thepz backs to 

gerer as here apporis . Ye mo ſt fap in latyn thy 
¶ Poꝛtat duos baꝛbil los aureos adinuĩcem é 
ga Wezbentes in ſeuto aforio puluerifato cũ cruci 
bus crutia tis figitiuis de auro. Et gallice fic . 

Tl poze cafor mu dzee dez crops crocelez fiches, et Nux bar? 
bulg doꝛs an doꝛs m2. Et anglice fic. ¶ He berith aſure 
pov derit Bith croſſis croflettys ppeche and . J. beabellis of golde 
backe to backe 3 8 

Of amps fe Mich az ealde frectig here now J Bplt fpeke ; 

the Neame of Englonde baar in his armpe a frecte. 

ich ceꝛtan frectis i mony armys of dyueꝛſe gentilt men at 
founde . olheꝛ While ree de other Bhile golde. and other Phyle 
bloc oreatobule ſimple andy odeꝛldhile dolwble othez hile tuputt 

e nobult baton that is é fap the loꝛde albdeley of 

and offer Phile ik is mulleplict ou alt the ſheld 
a s here it apperich. and pe moſt ondiꝛſtandeon 
gree differans by ftp amps bendit and thers 
azmys the ich be made Bich the foꝛſayd frettys 
Bheꝛfore ik is to be ma ꝛkyt that m bendyt aꝛmys 
the colouris contenpt equallp ar dpupdit . Got i 
thes frectis the felde al dai abydye tooth as here. and this ſoꝛ 
ſapd Corte audeleg berie thus m latyn . qq- Portal azma ftec 
lata de auto n oxmpo rubeo . Et gal lice ſic. LI po de go 

les tong frecte doz. Nnglice fic. (T De beath gowles and 
a frecte of golde. 

Off aꝛmxs haupng beeſtis folpertyna oz rampyng. 

Eeſtis in thaꝛmys of dyueꝛſe nobult ar borne rampyng 
G here ĩ thys figure fololbyng amenth . of He Bich the 
bod afore haue made no mencion. nd of 
bpm that is poſ ſeſſoꝛ of theys azmps pe chall 
(api latpn . apo de rubto g num leo; 
nem de aꝛgeneo : Et gallice fic. (JAl port 
de gobolez jong Leon ſaliantz da gent. Et an: 
glice fic · ¶ He berith golvles g a lion ram; 
peng of filuer. ¶ nd hy is calde a Lion mmppne fox ches cau, 
ſe. for as mych as the right foote aſcendyth to tie right hoꝛne 
of tle ſhelde . and che lefte foote deſtendych in to the foote of the 
ſhelde as apperith ĩ the figude . ¶ nd this fame man is obferupé 
m alt beeftis ſaupng. n. ferte . chat is to ſaꝑ m liongs leopaz 
dis beens doggis Pich other like & them . 

off azmps basrit and of ſabellis boꝛne m ame. 

Juſt note Nett thazmys of the fadp2 as he : 

re. andy then dp differancis as il ſhalt 
be ſhelbyt. for ceꝛtun ther be dyüſe nobult men e 
Bich tere labellis m thepꝛ azmps as it phatt ke 
chelopt i figure aftet. foz the Wich il is to be tena 
we that fych labellis az not propuꝛli calde ſignes 
m aꝛmys bot opfferanas of ſignes. that Nyyn it is ſo : chat a 
ny nobult man haue monp Left getyn ſonnys: chen pe fiz{t fon 
tie Wich is his ſaderis ayre: ſhalt bere the hoolt 
aꝛmps of his fadyꝛ Vith ſum lyttilt differans ae 
hece . to hom fpecialli is geuyn a moon entre 
ſyng . fox that fiaſt (oH) is in hoope of augmen; 
tacion and enereffyng of his patrimony . E thys 
differans map ke ſum litt iſt molet oꝛ a cros croſ let 
ox (ph a like differans 


¶ Shp (anne brodet chalt bere the holt aꝛmys 
of bis fader With. i. labellis to the differans and 
m to the ſigne that kp is ch chute that bens thof 
ame. CL (Alſo the chrid browe if ther be any 

all bete im . labellis ĩ tokyn that he is the fau ; 
rith: that be rith thos aꝛmis of Whom the fadet is f 
the fizſt. th apre is ch ſecunde. and de ſecunde broder te pe 
thure : that beris thoos aꝛmys. ¶ nd fo fololb; 
ps chat thy chat brows ſhalt bere. ii. Labelliſ 
as here it apperith m thys figure . nd fo foꝛ 
the iff cheꝛ be moo brother ye ſhall encece polbre 
labellps aftet the foꝛme afore relpzfit . 5 

g dk 

¶ And ch funnys of thos fame brether ſhalt bete de Gunz 
labels. ¶ And i qſe that che ſecunde brochez the Wich tench 
1j. labeles aue. j ſonnpe ceꝛtanly theldeꝛ foon of thos . J. the 
Bich is ha pre to his fadpꝛ ſhalt here te hoolt az: 
ms of his fade: Pitch alſo manp latelys as 
his fadyꝛ did. Bitch a liteylt differans as hate it 
appe eich in thys ſcochon. ¶ nd bps ſecunde i 
brodp2 phatk bere the holt azmps of bps fadpz 
Beth the fame lalellis as his fa dyꝛ baare ande 
no moo With a boꝛdure as here m thys figure next folobyna 
it ſhalt be ſhewot. and as it is vehꝛꝛſit in te ca 
piture of woꝛduris. 

¶Andiff cher be the chride bꝛodyꝛ then he hall 
beere bps ſa de ris azmys Wirth tp fame label lis 

and a boꝛdure of an other colotbre to the differanf . 
of bys brothpꝛ as it chalk be ſhelbxt ĩ ches ſcochon next fupna 

CM nd che chyldpꝛ of choos men phatl bere 
cheyꝛ dyfferans not in theyꝛ faderis azmps, bor 
in boꝛduris and dpupfionps dpufe . 

T nd like as the chyldeꝛ of che ſecunde bio 

der bezyng ij. labellis a: dyuydpt and dyfferit : bp thepe ſig 
nps and thepz boꝛduris. So the chyldez of the chride brodez be 
ng. ij. labellis: beve che fame azmps that thepe fade: did g 
alſo monp labellis . Ind they a2 dyfferit by cheyꝛ ſignys and 
chepꝛ boꝛduxris as afore is reheꝛſit᷑: and dpuͤſe othpꝛ. as oder 
While a. Lyon raunpyng oon faꝛtè reed an othdꝛ blakke . 

1 be 

Ord ceztenly of alt che ſignys te Bich at founde ĩ ormpa 

as of flolbuis leups and other meꝛuellys tokenys J an 
not dec bare here: theꝛ be fo monp . Bot ye ſhaſt knaw general 
Lp that for alt thaꝛmys the Mich lyghtly any man has ſeen ĩ his 
days: pe haue rules ſuffictent as J be leue . to dyſcerne and bla 
ſe any of theym: and it be fo that ꝑe be not in polbre mynde to 
paſtp oz to f loyfte m che dyſteꝛnyng . (Met pe may not ouezyn 
ſwyftly the foꝛſayd cules . bot dyligently haue cheym in poldee 
mynde. and be not to fut of conſartis. For he that Witt hunt 
j baris ĩ oon olbre : 02 oon While oon . an other While an other 
ligbtly be Lofpe both . Theꝛfore take heede to the rules Iff fo be 
that lhey be not a generalt doctrine: pet ſhalt thai profecte for 
ches ſciens acetlp ; | 

Merke pe Pele theps que ſtionps here old folodoprer . 

Ot nod bo a queſtion Y Wi proeede. and that is thys 

Mhechyz chaꝛmꝑs of the grauntyng of a pꝛynce ox of o: 
cheĩ doꝛdps as better oꝛ of ſych dignpte: as azmps of a maniſ 
proput auctorite take . Vhen that it is leefult to eueri nobult 
man to take to hym aꝛmys at his pleſure Tor the Wich queſti; 
on it is to be knaw chat. j. manez of Pyſe We aue azmys 

Che fiz mance of Nyſe Re haue olbee alkne azmis te Wi 
Fences of obbce fudpsoz of olbre moodps oꝛ of olbre predp/ 
ceſeſſoris . the Kpch manes of tezpng is comune and famus in 
tig Bpch J Bil not ſtonde long · for that manes is beſt pupt 

¶ Tk ſecunde maner Be taue aꝛmys by olbee menittps ag 
qwerep plapnlp it axperith by the addicion of thaꝛmys of Fraiice 
to tharmys of Englonde getpn by that mooft nobult man pꝛyn 
ce CoWard the fiaſt getyn fone of Ayng Collard the thride pt 
tyme Ayng of Englond after the cakyng of Ryng Johñ of 
Frumo i th batett of Peyteꝛs . Che Bich ceꝛtan addicion Kos 
lefult and rightwyfli don . and on the ſaame manez of Nhyſe 
myght a poore aꝛchet aue take a pꝛync oꝛ ſum nobult lore . ¢ 
fo thazmpe of that pꝛyſoneꝛ : by hem ſo take right wifly he map 
put to hym and @bis pus. 

¶ On ch thaw mane: of Phiſe he haue aꝛzmys the Bich Ke 
teeve by che graunteng of a pꝛxnce oꝛ of ſum othe: loꝛdys 

¶ Gro pe moſe tenalb that thoos azmpe the Bpch Re haue of 

fe gralvnlyng of a pꝛynd oꝛ of a Lorde cefapue no queſtion Bhp 
that he berich thos ſame . for Shi the pꝛynce Bolt not: that ſich 
a queſtion be aſkyt. Tobi he gaue to anp man fch an aꝛmye as 
it is plapn in the lathe of nature and Ciuptt . Foz that fame 
that pleſes thez pꝛynce has the ſerength of lalbe . bot if any ma 
bare thas azmps afore . for that thyng the Bich is myne Bith 
a righilbys tilytt With owte deſezuyng map not be lake frome . 
mex the pꝛynce map not do hit rixhtropflp . 

¶ CH faurich manez of Thife Be aue thos asmpe the Rich 
the take on olbre alone your auctotite . agin theys days opyn⸗ 
ly Be fe. hobo many pore men by Hap: grace fauoude laboure 
or wfezupne : aꝛĩ made nobuls Sum by theyꝛ prudens. SH 
bi Alex mãhod. ſũ bi thes ſtꝛength . ſũ bi ther conĩig . ffi bi od ütuys 

Andof theys men mony by cheyr albne aubotite uu take at’ 
mps to ke borne to theym and to thet hapris of Nhoom it nedys 
not here eo wheeze pe namys . (Met the bees azmps that be fo tabyn 
chep ma lefullp and frely beet. O Bot pit they be not of fo qrele 
dignyte and autorite as theos azmps Ae Wich az grauntpt dup 
bp dap by che autorite of a prpnice oz of a loꝛde. Yet a⁊mys bi 
a mannpys propur aucto rite take: if an otheꝛ man haue not bot 
ne theym afore : be of ſtrength enogh. 

¶ nd it is c opynyon of moni men chat an heꝛrod of azmif 
map qyue aꝛmys. Got fap if any ſych aꝛmys be boꝛne by a 
np heꝛwod apupn that thoos aꝛmys be of no more auctoti te then 
cos aꝛmps fhe Bich be take by a mannps albne auchriee . 

C Gepliae . 

¶ Heco in chys boke afore at ambenpt che bolexs of haukpna 
and huntpyng Vith othe: pleſuris dpuerfe as in the boke amens 
and alſo of Cootaꝛmu tis a nobuſt Berke . ¶ nd here nolb en 
dyth che tole of blaſyng of a ꝛmys tranſ latyt and compytyt to 
qedp2 at Sepnt albons che pere from th mea znadon of olbce 
baw Jhũ Criſt. M. CCCC. lere wr. 

¶ Hic finis diu ſo x geñoſis wale ptiliſi we ĩcatibz meebe 

J Sanetus albantes: 


Fat 4 

die 1 





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